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Gee, I sure wish I could start my franchise in NHL 16. Hurry up with the goddamn Eichel update! Get your ###### together EA!


I'm stuck living the life playing D for Calgary, while I wait.

They said it's coming this week (the update with Eichel).

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Not sure if any of y'all have a steam account or have kids who do, but my company just released its first full IP game today! I've been playing builds for months now as we've been working on it, and I can promise you it's a lot of fun. I'm not even a gamer but I've really enjoyed being a part of this endeavor :) 


Check it here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/402120/

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Alright, I am completely unfamiliar w/ the Nintendo 3DS. It's for my kids, but I have no idea what to get and what to stay away from. Any of you play the 3DS? I've always been a console guy. Seems as if many of today's youth prefer handheld gaming. Would appreciate any recommendations/advice very much! 

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Fallout 4 seems to be a must buy/play. Have a question for you guys. Many adventure type games, Oblivion, Skyrim and Dragon Age, have a game of the year edition released roughly 1 year later w/ all dlc included and most bugs worked out. What do you normally do? Go w/ the original and purchase dlc when available or wait for it all to be on one disc? Alright fellas, fire away. Would really like to hear opinions from fellow Sabres fans. 

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Fallout 4 seems to be a must buy/play. Have a question for you guys. Many adventure type games, Oblivion, Skyrim and Dragon Age, have a game of the year edition released roughly 1 year later w/ all dlc included and most bugs worked out. What do you normally do? Go w/ the original and purchase dlc when available or wait for it all to be on one disc? Alright fellas, fire away. Would really like to hear opinions from fellow Sabres fans.

Do you play on PC? User made mods are almost always far superior to the paid DLC that gets released. I buy the original game then mod it. I basically refuse to pay for DLC--it's nothing more than developers milking consumers by releasing unfinished games and gradually finishing them over time.

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Do you play on PC? User made mods are almost always far superior to the paid DLC that gets released. I buy the original game then mod it. I basically refuse to pay for DLC--it's nothing more than developers milking consumers by releasing unfinished games and gradually finishing them over time.


I play games on the PS4 and Wii U. Have a PS3, but she has been retired. And bingo on the developers taking advantage of the consumers. That's why I'm considering waiting a year on Fallout 4. Always prefer to have a complete game. Yet, I can already see myself giving in and picking up Fallout 4 around Christmas. Want to play that game a lot! Very, very tempting. There are other games out or soon to be released that can hold me over though that will need little to no updates. Unfortunately there are not many rpg's, my favorite type of game, but plenty of games in general to keep me satisfied. Current game I'm enjoying is one I unintentionally waited on and that is Destiny Taken King. Has the original game, two expansions and The Taken King. It's a game I've lost track of time when playing. I highly recommend this game to those that have yet to play it. 


Side note, if any of you have a PS4 and enjoy playing online games, send me your gamer tag. It'd be fun to play games w/ fellow Sabres fans. Battle Front 3 looks umm....scary good. And I just noticed an expected, rather costly update to be released Q1 of 2016. $50 for a season pass. Includes many additions, but that may keep me away from Battle Front 3.  :(

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Sadly, Zelda Wii U has been delayed to early 2016. Nintendo has claimed "several new possibilities" as a reason why. Zelda is headed in a new direction for the series. For the first time it will have true open world type gameplay. Something to be excited about it. Recently the annual E3 was held. Gaming companies give previews, updates, plans, etc.... for more than 2015. However, Nintendo's idea is of E3 is to only show games they plan to release in 2015. Not provide any type of info for 2016. They haven't really done this before. Nintendo did provide an early trailer for Zelda Wii U at the 2014 E3, so that's not entirely true. Game I'm looking forward to the most on the Wii U in 2015 is Xenoblade Chronicles X. Have my fingers crossed Zelda Wii U will actually be released early 2016. Hope it's not delayed for the possible launch of the NX system. May run on both consoles. 


Have appreciated your comments on the Wii U.  Have always been a Nintendo fan and have had all the systems up until recently, when I downsized to just the Wii and a seldom used Super Nintendo and a couple old school Game Boys.


Picked up the Wii U a couple months ago since the price has come down and the games can be purchased pretty reasonably if you're patient.  The Wii U is pretty amazing for family gaming.  My wife and I conquered both Mario Bros. U and Luigi U together.  We enjoy playing those and some others with the kids as well.  Kids are into Skylanders and they are going to have quite a Skylanders Christmas this year.  Have gotten some great deals on those.


The most exciting thing is that today is Xenoblade Chronicles X release day and I plan on picking that up tonight.  The previews I've seen look awesome.  Can't wait.


Also, the Wii U actually has a wide variety of "Mature" games I've noticed.  Got a great deal on Assassin's Creed III and IV and will be playing those soon at times when the kids are not around and/or sleeping.  


Excellent system and would recommend to anyone for fun family gaming, but also versatile for playing the "Mature" games as well.

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I was so tempted to pick up Lego Dimensions for my brother and his son last night.  That thing's pricey though.  Ultimately, I decided not to since his son is still a bit young for games.


The addons for video games are getting out of hand, especially for kids games.  There's a new Skylanders game and new figures every 6 months it seems.  Also now have Disney Infinity and characters.  And Amiibos for the Wii U.  The Infinity figures look interesting because they now include Marvel and Star Wars.  I've got the Infinity starter set for my daughter for Christmas on a great deal, but I haven't seen any of the other figures cheap enough for me to buy yet.


My son's two favorite toys are Lego and video games, so I'm sure I'll get the Dimensions someday, but you're right the price is pretty high right now.  Legos are obscenely priced alone as well, so it could take awhile to get in my desired cheap price range.

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The addons for video games are getting out of hand, especially for kids games.  There's a new Skylanders game and new figures every 6 months it seems.  Also now have Disney Infinity and characters.  And Amiibos for the Wii U.  The Infinity figures look interesting because they now include Marvel and Star Wars.  I've got the Infinity starter set for my daughter for Christmas on a great deal, but I haven't seen any of the other figures cheap enough for me to buy yet.


My son's two favorite toys are Lego and video games, so I'm sure I'll get the Dimensions someday, but you're right the price is pretty high right now.  Legos are obscenely priced alone as well, so it could take awhile to get in my desired cheap price range.


At least you get a little toy with these additions now.  The non-kid games have such a ridiculous scam going with selling their downloadable content.  They sell you an incomplete game and then keep raking in cash as they make more portions of it available to you.

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The addons for video games are getting out of hand, especially for kids games.  There's a new Skylanders game and new figures every 6 months it seems.  Also now have Disney Infinity and characters.  And Amiibos for the Wii U.  The Infinity figures look interesting because they now include Marvel and Star Wars.  I've got the Infinity starter set for my daughter for Christmas on a great deal, but I haven't seen any of the other figures cheap enough for me to buy yet.


My son's two favorite toys are Lego and video games, so I'm sure I'll get the Dimensions someday, but you're right the price is pretty high right now.  Legos are obscenely priced alone as well, so it could take awhile to get in my desired cheap price range.

Skylanders, Infinity and Amiibo. Oh my god, those marketing people were BRILLIANT. Toys that hook in to video games? That's just plain crack to children. All my coworkers collect the figures because they're done really really well. Heck, I've considered buying some of them because I love the little statuette- I don't own and never intend to own the games associated. 


Have you seen the little plushie wolly world Yoshi amiibo? Aye. They know their market. Cornered that sh!t. 


At least you get a little toy with these additions now.  The non-kid games have such a ridiculous scam going with selling their downloadable content.  They sell you an incomplete game and then keep raking in cash as they make more portions of it available to you.

Oh my god don't start me. So many gimmicks. Crappy betas, less than perfect add ons.... And if you don't sink tons of money/time into a new console or a really powerful PC, you just get terrible quality graphics. 

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At least you get a little toy with these additions now.  The non-kid games have such a ridiculous scam going with selling their downloadable content.  They sell you an incomplete game and then keep raking in cash as they make more portions of it available to you.


Fun story:  I had an Xbox 360 for about 12 hours once.  The first game I got was one of the Dragon's Age series.  Played for about a half hour and came to 3 different areas I could not access without purchasing said access.  That was it for me.


Nintendo may be a worse system than the others, but I have never run into that problem with them.  At least the Skylanders, Infinity, Amiibos, etc. can be used in several games so your purchase is more worthwhile.


Paying for more content after spending $60 on a game is ######.

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Fun story:  I had an Xbox 360 for about 12 hours once.  The first game I got was one of the Dragon's Age series.  Played for about a half hour and came to 3 different areas I could not access without purchasing said access.  That was it for me.


Nintendo may be a worse system than the others, but I have never run into that problem with them.  At least the Skylanders, Infinity, Amiibos, etc. can be used in several games so your purchase is more worthwhile.


Paying for more content after spending $60 on a game is ######.

It's their version of microtransactions like you find in apps, but more restrictive. Pure evil.


I understand why they exist, but uugghghghhrhghghgh. 

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Skylanders, Infinity and Amiibo. Oh my god, those marketing people were BRILLIANT. Toys that hook in to video games? That's just plain crack to children. All my coworkers collect the figures because they're done really really well. Heck, I've considered buying some of them because I love the little statuette- I don't own and never intend to own the games associated. 


Have you seen the little plushie wolly world Yoshi amiibo? Aye. They know their market. Cornered that sh!t. 


I agree they're like crack, but at least they're more versatile than buying content and collectible to some.  You can also get some pretty good deals on the Skylanders if you're patient (like $2-$3 apiece).


I don't have Yoshi's World yet, but it's on my list to get when I can get a deal.  I'm only buying the one that comes with a plushie though because my daughter loves it already  :blush:

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