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GDT: Sabres at Predators 12/3/11 8:00PM


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I missed the game last night due to a banquet I had to attend... some dbag there kept announcing game updates effectively ruining my DVR'ing :wallbash:


There is an interesting dynamic going on with this team right now, in that the call-ups and rookies seem to be more effective than the core players that started the year. The younger players are grittier and give a solid effort much more consistently, along with new players like Ehrhoff and Regher playing solid on the back end. It seems this team is changing on their own despite the non-chalant play of the "starters". Kassian and Adam looked really good together today, and McNabb continues to impress me with his physicality.


Miller came back and showed what he is capable of. I maintain that if we are going anywhere this season, it is on Miller.


It is a big change... Hopefully, everyone will settle in and I can polish some of the rough edges.


I know. I was pretty dissapointed to wake up this morning and have the board unavailable to me... Looks good though :thumbsup:

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You had 9 hours and 44 minutes to think something up and this is all you came up with? At least now you can go to bed. :yawn:


I guess your still pissed that Miller stole the show and the game last night, sorry I will check with you next time before I post, LMAO

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Erhoff has been playing well all season. Any perceived early shakiness was merely adjustment to the new system.


Except for the boneheaded giveaways he seems prone to. Last night he had another fine example of this. Giveaways happen all the time in a game but Erhoffs always seem to come when he's pinching and no ones back.

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Any particular reason why you come and post on the board once a month and then question a regular contributor GDT poster about how he formats his post ? Got nothing to share about the game ?


So now you are tracking how many times I post per month? Wow, that is sad - and I now bow at the altar of a "regular contributor GDT poster" - that is truly an exalted status.


I enjoyed last night's game immensely for several reasons: the bounceback from the Detroit debacle, Miller's focus, feistiness, and performance, the Sabres' pack mentality covering for each other, the sweet Kassian goal, the apparent chemistry shown by the Kassian/Adam/Leino line, etc. etc. So yes, I do have something to share about the game.


Sorry I hit such a raw nerve - your style is annoying to me but I would agree a bit of a trivial question to ask.

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Person to your left is wearing a third jeresy? Two seats over from you right wearing a home blue, and there's a lady inbetween on the right?


That drunk in the third jersey and Sabres hat was me! Game was a heck of a good time. I can now understand why fans in other arena (e.g. Carolina) hate Sabres fans so much... we were loud, obnoxious and rowdy (and very drunk) throughout. The two sections behind the benches seemed to be mostly Sabres fans and I kind of felt sorry for the few families that were sitting between all of us!


There were heck of a lot of Sabres fans in the arena... I'd estimate that about 20% were Sabres fans.

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Regarding the Tootoo incident, I've seem him run goalies multiple times before. He likes to cut hard to the net with the puck and then act like he can't/couldn't avoid a collision with the goaltender. But, he knew exactly what he was doing. He's got a history of this sort of thing and his teammates certainly weren't in any rush to defend him on the play.

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League looking at Tootoo hit; no formal hearing set.




The NHL is looking at Jordin Tootoo's collision with Sabres goalie Ryan Miller, but the league has not yet decided whether to conduct a formal disciplinary hearing with the Nashville forward, The News has learned.

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So now you are tracking how many times I post per month? Wow, that is sad - and I now bow at the altar of a "regular contributor GDT poster" - that is truly an exalted status.


I enjoyed last night's game immensely for several reasons: the bounceback from the Detroit debacle, Miller's focus, feistiness, and performance, the Sabres' pack mentality covering for each other, the sweet Kassian goal, the apparent chemistry shown by the Kassian/Adam/Leino line, etc. etc. So yes, I do have something to share about the game.


Sorry I hit such a raw nerve - your style is annoying to me but I would agree a bit of a trivial question to ask.


Dude, who pissed in your Cheerios?

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So now you are tracking how many times I post per month? Wow, that is sad - and I now bow at the altar of a "regular contributor GDT poster" - that is truly an exalted status.


I enjoyed last night's game immensely for several reasons: the bounceback from the Detroit debacle, Miller's focus, feistiness, and performance, the Sabres' pack mentality covering for each other, the sweet Kassian goal, the apparent chemistry shown by the Kassian/Adam/Leino line, etc. etc. So yes, I do have something to share about the game.


Sorry I hit such a raw nerve - your style is annoying to me but I would agree a bit of a trivial question to ask.



You know what I'm going to change it just for you, not really, if it bugs you just don't read my post. Your right, it may have hit a nerve, but I really get tired of explaining why I do it (which I have done a number of times) and I'm seriously not going to change something I've been doing for 9 - 10 years, even if it does bother a few people. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm a pretty strong willed person that always doesn't conform with what others may think is right or wrong especially something so minor and if I did offend you I'm sorry.

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You know what I'm going to change it just for you, not really, if it bugs you just don't read my post. Your right, it may have hit a nerve, but I really get tired of explaining why I do it (which I have done a number of times) and I'm seriously not going to change something I've been doing for 9 - 10 years, even if it does bother a few people. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm a pretty strong willed person that always doesn't conform with what others may think is right or wrong especially something so minor and if I did offend you I'm sorry.


You apparently did not read the PM I sent to you in which I apologized, or if you did, you are choosing to overlook it.


No, I guess I did not see your explanation as to your writing style, and, quite frankly, I don't care to know and would not ask you to explain it to me. Nothing you write on this Board is "right or wrong" and I was not "offended" by anything you wrote.


I thought my PM to you would have put this to bed and I am done with it. What was a trivial, nitpicky observation on my part should have never gotten this far. I will never comment on anyone's writing style on this Board ever again, because it is irrelevant and inappropriate.

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yea buddy.

So, any word on Goose's injury? My guess hearing upper body and seeing when he skated off... he broke/fractured/screwed up his right hand. IMO.


League looking at Tootoo hit; no formal hearing set.





The NHL is looking at Jordin Tootoo's collision with Sabres goalie Ryan Miller, but the league has not yet decided whether to conduct a formal disciplinary hearing with the Nashville forward, The News has learned.


I think at this point Shanny has to do something or we are gonna go from crisis to catastrophe. If he doesn't and it happens a 3rd time than what? If nothing happens now after all the bullsh!t and considering its MILLER again, it will be open season on goalies.




As for the game:

Welcome back Tyler Ennis. Your speed, hands, shot, and all around slickness have been missed. Keep it up.


Sekera skated the best I have seen him yesterday. He still is not tough enough in the zone. Speaking of tough, Ehrhoff apperently finally got his nuts through customs... took long enough. MAG sucks (dead horse srry). McNabb is a animal and the more I see the more i like. Finley is a little slow but he seems to be worth a slot on the Amecks and maybe someday he could make it on the Sabres.


Kassian is learning quickly and his raw strength and size is creating room for him and his teammates.


The bad:

Our veterans (they have been here for 7 years they are freaking vets!!!!!) need to do something. They are really sad and weak. IDK if Ruff is coaching the fight out of them or what but this board has me thinkng...

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You apparently did not read the PM I sent to you in which I apologized, or if you did, you are choosing to overlook it.


No, I guess I did not see your explanation as to your writing style, and, quite frankly, I don't care to know and would not ask you to explain it to me. Nothing you write on this Board is "right or wrong" and I was not "offended" by anything you wrote.


I thought my PM to you would have put this to bed and I am done with it. What was a trivial, nitpicky observation on my part should have never gotten this far. I will never comment on anyone's writing style on this Board ever again, because it is irrelevant and inappropriate.


There are not enough commas in this post. Also, every 4th "e" should be an "i".


Carry on.

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The bad:

Our veterans (they have been here for 7 years they are freaking vets!!!!!) need to do something. They are really sad and weak. IDK if Ruff is coaching the fight out of them or what but this board has me thinkng...



Lindy needs to try more line combinations.Maybe he could randomly rotate each man after every shift. :rolleyes: Better yet , maybe they should sign a couple of midgets to skate on the Vanek line, so that he gets no offensive zone time every game.


The problem with this team is the fact there are not enough play small guys on it, yet


Things will get better.


How about an Adam, Vanek, Kassian line..

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I went back and I've been looking at the hit. It appears that Ehrhoff tries to steer Tootoo away from Miller with a hook, yet tootoo still drives the net, ripping ehrhoffs glove and stick off/out of his hand. I think it was pretty dirty. Great response by the team. I think Tootoo should not be whining about being punched by 4 people after running the goalie.


Overall the Sabres played a decent physical game. I liked the penalty Ehrhoff took late in the game in front of the net.


Ennis' hands think/move faster than the rest of him sometimes, being the reason he doesn't shoot when he should.

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Got back from a week-long cruise today and am catching up on everything I hold near and dear.


Can't believe Tootoo did that but I'm glad everyone beat the hell out of him. Better be suspended.


At least we won the game, but I gather we were horrendous against Detroit?


We need to hit a holiday stride.

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You apparently did not read the PM I sent to you in which I apologized, or if you did, you are choosing to overlook it.


No, I guess I did not see your explanation as to your writing style, and, quite frankly, I don't care to know and would not ask you to explain it to me. Nothing you write on this Board is "right or wrong" and I was not "offended" by anything you wrote.


I thought my PM to you would have put this to bed and I am done with it. What was a trivial, nitpicky observation on my part should have never gotten this far. I will never comment on anyone's writing style on this Board ever again, because it is irrelevant and inappropriate.



I am sorry I didn't see your message and have sent you one in return and again I also apologize for taking it where it should of never gone. Go SABRES

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There are not enough commas in this post. Also, every 4th "e" should be an "i".


Carry on.


Okay, I'll try it:



You apparently, did not read, the PM I sint to you, in which I apologized, or if you did, you are choosing, to overlook it.


No, I guiss I did not see your explanation, as to your writing style, and, quiti frankly, I don't care, to know, and would not ask you to, explain it to me. Nothing, you writi, on this Board is "right or wrong", and, I was not, "offended", by anything, you wroti.


I thought, my PM to you, would have put this to bid, and, I am done, with it. What was a trivial, nitpicky, observation on my part, should have never gottin this far. I will never, comment on anyoni's writing style on this Board, ever again, bicause, it is irrelevant, and, inappropriati.


How'd I do?


Damn I messed up...

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Okay, I'll try it:



You apparently, did not read, the PM I sint to you, in which I apologized, or if you did, you are choosing, to overlook it.


No, I guiss I did not see your explanation, as to your writing style, and, quiti frankly, I don't care, to know, and would not ask you to, explain it to me. Nothing, you writi, on this Board is "right or wrong", and, I was not, "offended", by anything, you wroti.


I thought, my PM to you, would have put this to bid, and, I am done, with it. What was a trivial, nitpicky, observation on my part, should have never gottin this far. I will never, comment on anyoni's writing style on this Board, ever again, bicause, it is irrelevant, and, inappropriati.


How'd I do?


Damn I messed up...


That got me thinking. I could easily write a little application .. a translator if you will... that takes properly formatted posts, converts them to this new grammar, and then posts them. Hmmmmm.

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