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Ovechkin pursuit of Gretzky career goal record


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What does everybody think of Ovechkin’s pursuit of Gretzky’s career goals record?

It’s probably inevitable but I’m actually rooting against him.  Gretzky was one of a kind and I’d rather see his records stand.  I didn’t get to see a lot of his games but when I did, he usually put on a show.  The NHL didn’t have as much national coverage back in the 80’s and 90’s so I didn’t get to see as much of him as I would’ve liked.

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42 minutes ago, Buffalonill said:

If people don't get why ovechkin is cozy with putin its pretty ridiculous

Anyone here would do the same thing so their family isn't tortured

I know what you are saying but I still prefer Gretzky.

We are having a Russian kid stay with us for the summer. His hockey season is over but his visa is good for a while and he doesn’t want to go back.

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11 minutes ago, French Collection said:

I know what you are saying but I still prefer Gretzky.

We are having a Russian kid stay with us for the summer. His hockey season is over but his visa is good for a while and he doesn’t want to go back.

Ov is a fun drunk half of these players are just robots and have zero personality.

Lets be honest the technology that they have in the sticks now I wouldn't be surprised if someone broke OVs record after .

Gretzky will always be the goat

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Noone thought Gretzky’s records could be broken.  I wanna see this one broken.  There is little that is more entertaining generally than a good record chase.  I’m not sure Ovie has 2 more good seasons in him to get it done.  His skating is rapidly leaving him.  But I’ll watch and hope just for the entertainment value.

Regarding the next player to break it, don’t underestimate Matthews.  That guy is a goal scoring machine.  If he keeps it up into his mid 30s he’ll be right there.

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Wayne Gretzky has 61 NHL records, I 100% would like to see this broken. I really like Ovechkins personality and just because he's Russian does not taint it for me at all but that's just my opinion although I think he breaks it with or without our consent.

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I hope Ovechkin gets the record for several reasons: 1) It's always fun to watch sports records fall, it shows progress and advancement (and drugs!); 2) it'll upset people, too, which is also fun; and 3) Gretzky has more assists than anyone else has career points. His ego and other records will be fine.*

*Unless there are massive NFL-style-offense-only rule changes.

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I was kinda hoping he got it, but if he has to hold his team hostage to do it, as he seemed to be earlier in the year, it just cheapens the whole thing so it sorta tarnishes it. But he’s been picking it up of late 

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40 minutes ago, Thorny said:

I was kinda hoping he got it, but if he has to hold his team hostage to do it, as he seemed to be earlier in the year, it just cheapens the whole thing so it sorta tarnishes it. But he’s been picking it up of late 

He's definitely fading - but he still leads his team in goals and is a monster on the power play. The two years at 9.5M for a winger approaching 40 is probably more of a concern.  But what he hurts them on the cap, he probably makes up for in tickets and merchandise etc.  

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16 minutes ago, Drag0nDan said:

He's definitely fading - but he still leads his team in goals and is a monster on the power play. The two years at 9.5M for a winger approaching 40 is probably more of a concern.  But what he hurts them on the cap, he probably makes up for in tickets and merchandise etc.  

I’d kill to be a team with a terrible prospect pool full of washed up has beens (not saying OVI is that)

at least we’d “have been”

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3 minutes ago, Thorny said:

I’d kill to be a team with a terrible prospect pool full of washed up has beens (not saying OVI is that)

at least we’d “have been”

Right - if you aren't going to compete for a cup... at least ovechkin gives you somewhat of a reason to go.  

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Like Weave said: nobody ever thought Wayne's records would be broken. Its not really fair to compare players of different generations, where the rules & regulations were different, not to mention everything else. But perhaps a good question is whose goal totals are more impressive? Is Wayne's or Ovi's more impressive? Who had the harder path? I'd say Ovi probably had the higher degree of difficulty, getting to these totals. Either way, 2 greats of the game. Akin to the Jordan/Lebron debate.

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Ovi definitely had the higher degree of difficulty. Wayne would probably not put up those numbers in today's NHL even going back to the 2000s. The goalies are amazing today vs back in the 70s and 80s.

One Gretzky stat that won't be broken is his Assists. 1,962 A and 2,857 Points! (not including playoffs). Now that's incredible!

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