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New Jersey Devils @ Buffalo Sabres, 7PM ET, 1/30/2018


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Probably not, that's why I said "ceiling."


It was a bad hit, but KO protected himself pretty well- got an arm up.  I think we're a little over-protective considering last year's problems?

It bothers me that there's (and by no means am I calling you out, the NHL itself clearly agrees with you) a belief that a hit should always be judged on the outcome/injury as opposed to the actual conduct of the player delivering the hit. That same exact play could have ended in serious injury. It didn't this time. But as long as players face no real consequences for the many dirty as plays that don't happen to injure anybody, guys will keep getting injured because those dirty hits keep coming.

Actually, when you can slide guys like this into the top 6 AND THE CHEMISTRY WORKS, it prbably means you're able to slide somebody else down to a 3rd line & you might actually have 3 lines.

Having Hecht on Briere's line allowed Danny to not even pretend to play defense a lot of the time & allowed the RAV line chemistry to work against easier opponents. Flip Vanek & Hecht & both those lines probably step back significantly.

This is a good point.

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Actually, when you can slide guys like this into the top 6 AND THE CHEMISTRY WORKS, it prbably means you're able to slide somebody else down to a 3rd line & you might actually have 3 lines.


Having Hecht on Briere's line allowed Danny to not even pretend to play defense a lot of the time & allowed the RAV line chemistry to work against easier opponents. Flip Vanek & Hecht & both those lines probably step back significantly.


And actually I would say it was working fine when the Sabres were in their winning streak.  Wilson was doing yeoman's work that set up his linemates (Reino in particular).

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Yep. 4 days off and they look like a completely different team. Yet some people tried to argue that momentum was going to carry over 6 months.

But it’s not about momentum. It’s about the team revealing itself to be competitive. Whether through individual player growth, or chemistry.


Actually, when you can slide guys like this into the top 6 AND THE CHEMISTRY WORKS, it prbably means you're able to slide somebody else down to a 3rd line & you might actually have 3 lines.

Having Hecht on Briere's line allowed Danny to not even pretend to play defense a lot of the time & allowed the RAV line chemistry to work against easier opponents. Flip Vanek & Hecht & both those lines probably step back significantly.

If Wilson is in the top 6, we won’t be a playoff team. Ever.


- - -


The Sabres are worse at home. The records bares that out. I wonder why that is?

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The Sabres are worse at home. The records bares that out. I wonder why that is?


IMO, it's a ilttle to cozy of any atmosphere for the players.    They have quite the setup courtesy of Terry and Kim.    They're like spoiled children who refuse to work hard.

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IMO, it's a ilttle to cozy of any atmosphere for the players. They have quite the setup courtesy of Terry and Kim. They're like spoiled children who refuse to work hard.

I'd put them in the visitors locker room. Tell them until their home record is .500 the away team gets your locker room because this isn't your building.
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But it’s not about momentum. It’s about the team revealing itself to be competitive. Whether through individual player growth, or chemistry.



If Wilson is in the top 6, we won’t be a playoff team. Ever.


- - -


The Sabres are worse at home. The records bares that out. I wonder why that is?

I think it's probably pressure. When things aren't going well you just want to be anywhere but on home ice. They go on the road and the pressure comes off.

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I'd discontinue the rope line. Coming onto the ice for every period they have to see the fans up close. The hope is it motivates them to want to win for Buffalo. But it just as easily could add to the pressure of pleasing the folks. What if someone wants to get in someone's face and tell him to get the off his and get his head in the game ? You're not going to do that in front of grandparents with toddlers.

Also Doug Allen.

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I'd discontinue the rope line. Coming onto the ice for every period they have to see the fans up close. The hope is it motivates them to want to win for Buffalo. But it just as easily could add to the pressure of pleasing the folks. What if someone wants to get in someone's face and tell him to get the ###### off his ###### ###### and get his ###### head in the ###### game ######? You're not going to do that in front of grandparents with toddlers.

Also Doug Allen.

I've thought this same thing.



I still think it's wings, though.

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I'd discontinue the rope line. Coming onto the ice for every period they have to see the fans up close. The hope is it motivates them to want to win for Buffalo. But it just as easily could add to the pressure of pleasing the folks. What if someone wants to get in someone's face and tell him to get the ###### off his ###### ###### and get his ###### head in the ###### game ######? You're not going to do that in front of grandparents with toddlers.

Also Doug Allen.

Should that happen, Russ f###ing Brandon will have the m####r f###er buried at one of the public schools Larry Quinn now oversees. Did somebody say "shiv the mofo?" D*mn straight.


And don't even think about dissin' Dougie. Russ won't even let you get to a school. You'll be sleeping under the blue ice & orange lines, bi##ch.

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No suspension for Hall


New Jersey’s Taylor Hall fined $5,000, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for boarding Buffalo’s Kyle Okposo.


I didn't like the fact that none of the other Sabres on the ice did anything about the hit.   They all just kind of skated over, took a look and didn't even bat an eyelash at Hall.    If this was a tight knit team, that wouldn't happen.

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The idea that Kane, pretty much the only player who gave a crap when the season could be saved and produced a-plenty, deserves to be on the third line, that that's his place or something, is weird.


I figured you meant something like this and I am glad.  Didn't expect any other explanation and I believe you totally.


That said, I have to say that your choice of wording to describe a black man's situation was extremely poor.  Judging by Smell's reaction I believe that I am not the only one that found it bad with the horrific imagery that the word you used conjured up, at least for me.  D4rk's word (stapled) was much better.


I just finished reading one of the best book that I have ever read.  I highly recommend 'The Book of Negroes' by Lawrence Hill (I believe it was published in the US with the title 'Someone Knows My Name').  Historical fiction that is believed to be a very accurate account of what it was like to be living as a slave in the mid to late 1700s.  Including an absolutely shameful account of the Black Loyalists lives here in Nova Scotia.

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Pleased to see Kane stapled to the 3rd line.

Shackled, even.


I hope you are not saying something that I hope you are not saying.

The idea that Kane, pretty much the only player who gave a crap when the season could be saved and produced a-plenty, deserves to be on the third line, that that's his place or something, is weird.

I figured you meant something like this and I am glad.  Didn't expect any other explanation and I believe you totally.


That said, I have to say that your choice of wording to describe a black man's situation was extremely poor.  Judging by Smell's reaction I believe that I am not the only one that found it bad with the horrific imagery that the word you used conjured up, at least for me.  D4rk's word (stapled) was much better.


I'd been curious about the post as well, as my response indicated.


I'm not sure what "shackled" added to "stapled" relative to the issue you wanted to highlight, but I certainly take you at your word. I also agree with what NS offers above -- some words in some contexts are loaded with connotation.

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Or.... maybe no one on the ice saw it has a particularly bad hit.  Kyle popped right back up, the penalty was called. I'd be interested in hearing Kyle's take on the hit.

Who are we, the Buffalo Helen Kellers?

I figured you meant something like this and I am glad.  Didn't expect any other explanation and I believe you totally.


That said, I have to say that your choice of wording to describe a black man's situation was extremely poor.  Judging by Smell's reaction I believe that I am not the only one that found it bad with the horrific imagery that the word you used conjured up, at least for me.  D4rk's word (stapled) was much better.


I just finished reading one of the best book that I have ever read.  I highly recommend 'The Book of Negroes' by Lawrence Hill (I believe it was published in the US with the title 'Someone Knows My Name').  Historical fiction that is believed to be a very accurate account of what it was like to be living as a slave in the mid to late 1700s.  Including an absolutely shameful account of the Black Loyalists lives here in Nova Scotia.

Yes, I did not cover myself in glory there. I had a momentary sense of indignation about the way Kane was demoted but also many fans' support of it and criticism of him in general. He may have brought much of his problems on himself, but I don't doubt that he's had it rough as a black man in a white sport. My word choice was an exaggeration that went too far. There is no equivalence between the way Kane has been treated while earning millions of dollars and slavery in the U.S. south. Honestly, NS you are one of the few posters here I feel bad about disappointing. Smell? Meh.

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No worries, PA.  And I am no angel, so don't worry about disappointing me.  I just need to speak my mind sometimes.  Perhaps my life experiences have made me a bit more sensitive than many others.


Slavery was / is a scourge on this planet that was not limited to the US South.  I find it to be the height of hypocrisy that the Founding Fathers of your great (?) country enshrined in the Constitution that all men where created equal while many / most / all (?) were enslavers.

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Aha, a mid-season loss to a team in the playoff hunt, and voila! You are completely vindicated!


Not at all. I'm completely vindicated by the fact that momentum doesn't carry over a 6 month offseason, especially when you have to factor in all the changes that happen from season to season. New coaches, new schemes, roster turnover, and all of that time off make it impossible.


People want to see wins and I don't blame them. Wins are more entertaining to watch and it's fun to see the team you root for to win games. To justify that the wins are needed to build momentum for the next season is complete hogwash though.


I want to see wins too, just not useless wins on the back end of a crummy season. They are out of the playoff race so there's much less pressure. I'd rather see them win when the games matter. Some heroic run to 9th/10th doesn't erase the fact that they were a complete bottom feeder through the first 45 games or so.

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Yes, I did not cover myself in glory there. I had a momentary sense of indignation about the way Kane was demoted but also many fans' support of it and criticism of him in general. He may have brought much of his problems on himself, but I don't doubt that he's had it rough as a black man in a white sport. My word choice was an exaggeration that went too far. There is no equivalence between the way Kane has been treated while earning millions of dollars and slavery in the U.S. south. Honestly, NS you are one of the few posters here I feel bad about disappointing. Smell? Meh.




Edited by That Aud Smell
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