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The even randomer thread


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Another girlfriend?


Maybe another boyfriend?

Actually just started seeing a new girl, hence why I'm not on here as much


Those posts were great though :lol:


Btw I will take that milksteak. Or just all of the cheese you have

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NS, I know that we lose you at sundown tomorrow.  Please enjoy your month off.  We'll look forward to your return in late June.  Please have a wonderful Eid at the end of your observation of Ramadan.


Thank you, my friend.


How are things?  You recently posted some distressing news of some tests.  I hope they went / go well.

NS, I know that we lose you at sundown tomorrow.  Please enjoy your month off.  We'll look forward to your return in late June.  Please have a wonderful Eid at the end of your observation of Ramadan.



I just read your post in the Complaint Thread.


Will keep you and your beloved in all my extra Ramadan prayers.

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Is that seriously what happened?  I was away for most of the long weekend.

I and a few others made some sex jokes, another poster commented on the double standard about politics and how sex jokes are apparently not offensive but politics are, the posts were all deleted, I commented on that, and the thread disappeared 

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I and a few others made some sex jokes, another poster commented on the double standard about politics and how sex jokes are apparently not offensive but politics are, the posts were all deleted, I commented on that, and the thread disappeared 


Ok so it's not the intended content of the thread that was the problem.  I'll start a new one.

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I and a few others made some sex jokes, another poster commented on the double standard about politics and how sex jokes are apparently not offensive but politics are, the posts were all deleted, I commented on that, and the thread disappeared 


I missed it all, but I bet I can guess who went off on that little rant.  Dude's been crusading lately.

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I and a few others made some sex jokes, another poster commented on the double standard about politics and how sex jokes are apparently not offensive but politics are, the posts were all deleted, I commented on that, and the thread disappeared

Thomas Riddle, tried to warn ppl

I missed it all, but I bet I can guess who went off on that little rant. Dude's been crusading lately.

Indiana Jones?
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I've lived in this house for 15 years now.  We are about 250' from the end of a long straight north-south road.  No curves.  No hills.  Just straight.  And 30 mph speed limit.


Tonight a parked car was hit in front of our house.  This was the 6th parked car to be hit in front of our house in the 15 years we've lived there.  If you include our car getting hit in our driveway, it is the 7th.  I'm not sure why all of the accidents on this street seem to happen in front of our house.  We've had 2 drunk drivers hit cars, 1 stone sober guy fell asleep at the wheel.  A kid lose control in a snow storm.  And this is the 3rd elderly driver to hit a car in front of our house.


I knew what it was as soon as I heard it.  the sound of a car crash is very distinctive.


Oh, and if you are visiting, park in front of the neighbors house.  Seems much safer there.

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