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How do you feel about Sabres charging for NHL Draft?


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If that $30 is enough to keep you out, I'm happy, you're probably not someone I want sitting next to me.


Also: This comment is going to make it impossible for me going forward not to read another four-letter name when I see your  four-letter screen name.



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Yeah. Not a good look.




This old trope again? Every situation warrants its own analysis. A lot of people on this board - from different parts of the "spectrum," if you will - are calling bullspit on this.




FFS, man.




Abso frickin lutely.


I blame Gibby.




So, PA got sort of a rough ride when Gibby said the franchise LOVES fans of the NHL from southern Ontario. That emoji above is well-placed. This scenario has an aroma to it.




Maybe. But that is going to be so market dependent in the years to come.


I think Taro's theory makes more sense: Russ Brandon saw a profit centre (Toronto picking first) and decided to exploit it so as to benefit multiple platforms. Good job, Russ.


Also: I blame Gibby.


Edited by Taro T
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Is this a fair analogy: getting into the draft is like taking a tour of a plant that makes one of your favorite products. "This is how we make the sausage!" Would Hersheys ever charge for a tour of their chocolate plant? (No need to Google it, I already did.)


Where's the dirt poor kid from Scranton who worked in a coal mine and walked to school uphill both ways in all this? Where's the adopted orphan who waitressed in Olean and worked for tips?


Amazing how these people forget.

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Is this a fair analogy: getting into the draft is like taking a tour of a plant that makes one of your favorite products. "This is how we make the sausage!" Would Hersheys ever charge for a tour of their chocolate plant? (No need to Google it, I already did.)


Where's the dirt poor kid from Scranton who worked in a coal mine and walked to school uphill both ways in all this? Where's the adopted orphan who waitressed in Olean and worked for tips?


Amazing how these people forget.


No, because often those plants charge and often those plants give you samples in return for the charge.

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Why is it bush league for a business to make money? Why do you(the collective you, not you specifically) feel entitled?


I don't feel any moral entitlement to a free ticket to the draft.  I also don't think the Sabres are morally wrong for charging admission.


Being the first host city to do so, though, puts the Sabres in an unfavorable light.  They are now the first ones to extract money from the public for something that everyone who came before them gave away for free.


It just feels like they are gouging here -- and for what will end up being a pretty small amount of cash, relatively speaking.


Also, like others have noted, your comment about not wanting to sit with someone that couldn't spring for the ticket was not your finest hour here.



Charge Away. I wanted to go to the draft a few years ago in Philly and couldnt get tickets at all. So if I can pay for a ticket and go I am fine with that.

And to add, I think TPEGS has done enough for Buffalo without having to hear people bitch about charging for a ticket at the draft.


I think he's done a world of good for the city and the fans of the teams too.  I just don't like the vibe of being the first ones to charge for something that has previously been free.

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I think he's done a world of good for the city and the fans of the teams too.  I just don't like the vibe of being the first ones to charge for something that has previously been free.


Wasn't it pointed out Florida did charge $75 for select seats?

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I'm not going to judge anyone specifically on this topic.  I think it's plausible the NHL may have some influence on these decisions.  I have some thoughts that might have gone into the decision.. I don't lend them any merit other than brainstorming.


  • Charging keeps the typical "tail-gater fan" out of the draft.  This potentially leads to a more controlled crowd on TV which translates into a better image for Buffalo.
  • Charging keeps Toronto fans from taking over the arena.
  • Charging brings even more money in from Toronto fans who were going to show up anyway.

I dunno.  Personally, I don't like it.


Recouping the costs to host it?  Then don't host it. 

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Recouping the costs to host it?  Then don't host it. 


Good spit balling.


This is a big part of my thinking: It's a little like hosting a party. You don't charge your guests in order to recoup those costs. Well, at least, you don't if you're a grown-ass person who knows how to host a party.

Edited by That Aud Smell
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I can't imagine this is a test to see if charging tickets for future drafts is feasible.  The Toronto market makes such a test invalid for pretty much all of the rest of the NHL.


I think the fee plays right into the Southern Ontario marketing plan.  Toronto fans will gladly pay money to see a historical draft (for their team), pay for the rooms to stay in, and keep the restaurants and shoppes busy for a few days.


With Harbour Centre comes the overhead of keeping it alive; and charging for tickets is clearly part of that (ongoing) effort.

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Wasn't it pointed out Florida did charge $75 for select seats?

They did. They also, through the marketing geniuses that they are / employee, have their prime seats jacked WAAAAY above what they should be priced as they are "all inclusive" on game days. (Which is why their rink always looks empty on TV; the prime seats don't sell well & they are vigilant in keeping people from "sneaking down" because the seats come w/ free food & beer.)


Don't know for certain, but they probably did that w/ the draft as well. (Would be willing to make a very small wager that that was the case regarding those "select" seats.) So, those that bought were in all likelihood getting all they could eat/ drink for that $75. Buffalo isn't doing that.

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