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Merry Christmas from the cold Sweden

MODO Hockey

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So my workplace cafeteria generally themes out the holiday meals. Tonight, General Tso's Chicken and Beef and Broccoli.

.... They're trolling us, right?

If you work at a Hospital maybe not... sound like the dinner my jewish friends have this time of year and they tend to cover for us Christians.

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If you work at a Hospital maybe not... sound like the dinner my jewish friends have this time of year and they tend to cover for us Christians.


Exactly what I was thinking.

Much heavier than I expected it to be. I was expecting light and fluffy like an American pancake. I topped mine with whipped cream, some sugar and lingonberry. I bet this would be good with ice cream, or for strawberry shortcake.






I think my doctor would just put a bullet in me.

This forum is pretty awesome.


Always, and you're one of the many people who makes it that way.

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Mine didn't go crazy while it was cooking. I was waiting for it to get all psychedelic.




Holy moly, ive been missing out alot of replys, busy christmas days with traveling and living with family.


You almost did it son, i'm proud of you! :D


Tell me in plain text how you did it, and maybe i can find out what went "wrong" with the "landscape".

And how did it taste ? 



First attempt.  Could have used a deeper pan.  Tastes more like egg than pancake..attachicon.gifIMG_0602.JPG

Holy shait!! :D NICE! it looks awesome :worthy: , did it taste as good as it looks?? 

Here goes ..... I think a few attempts will refine ... And self rising may be the way to go ... Delicious ... MODO, my entire family loved your video .... Grateful we are.


Wow, well done Sir, my pleasure!


Did you use white wheatmeal(flour) ?, im just curious because its so brownish, if you compare to wjags picture. The actuall looks doesnt really matter

aslong as the result end up beeing tasty as fuwk. I bow to your comitment !  :worthy:

Much heavier than I expected it to be. I was expecting light and fluffy like an American pancake. I topped mine with whipped cream, some sugar and lingonberry. I bet this would be good with ice cream, or for strawberry shortcake.






It looks nice, but different in colors, im wondering if your wheatmeal(flour) is different from ours? i doubt it though. 

How did it taste? well done! so awesome how you guys put your efforts into making this, much love  :wub:

Excellent post! Enjoyed it very much.


Merry Christmas to you too, Modo!

Thanks bud!! merry christmas to you! :D

MODO.. What happens if I put crushed pineapple in there?  Will it change cooking time or make the moonscape less visible? I would guess I will need to cut back on the sugar

Ehr, haha.. i have never even thought of that to be honest, but hey, why not! :D  :P 

This is the way an chef comes up with the most beautiful and tasteful dishes you know!

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Holy moly, ive been missing out alot of replys, busy christmas days with traveling and living with family.


You almost did it son, i'm proud of you! :D


Tell me in plain text how you did it, and maybe i can find out what went "wrong" with the "landscape".

And how did it taste ? 



Holy shait!! :D NICE! it looks awesome :worthy: , did it taste as good as it looks?? 

Wow, well done Sir, my pleasure!


Did you use white wheatmeal(flour) ?, im just curious because its so brownish, if you compare to wjags picture. The actuall looks doesnt really matter

aslong as the result end up beeing tasty as fuwk. I bow to your comitment !  :worthy:

It looks nice, but different in colors, im wondering if your wheatmeal(flour) is different from ours? i doubt it though. 

How did it taste? well done! so awesome how you guys put your efforts into making this, much love  :wub:

Thanks bud!! merry christmas to you! :D

Ehr, haha.. i have never even thought of that to be honest, but hey, why not! :D  :P 

This is the way an chef comes up with the most beautiful and tasteful dishes you know!


Hey man, thanks again for the recipe. Hope you had a great Christmas. I started off with 6 eggs and 4 cups of whole milk, plus a few splashes. 1 litre=4.2 cups. A healthy does of sugar, a little less salt. If I had to guess maybe a half cup of sugar. Then I dumped in the flour. Maybe 2/5-1/2 of a 2 pound bag. (That's less than it sounds). I just kept adding flour until it had some consistency. Then I baked it for 20 minutes. When  it didn't start rising after 15 minutes I waited an extra 5 minutes. It started to bubble in the middle like it wanted to rise, but it never did. I used organize wheat flour, it appeared to be browner in color than the stuff you used. Maybe I needed just plain white flour. 


I'm guessing I made it too thick. It tastes like a pancake, but the texture is almost like a brownie. I think it came out pretty good, just don't look the same. Even better topped with lingonberry, whipped cream and sugar. I've never tried lingonberry before, great recommendation. 

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