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Merry Christmas from the cold Sweden

MODO Hockey

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Hey bud, merry christmas :)


It stay fresh for atleast 3-4 days sealed up in a box. But should always be eaten warmed up, and dont warm it up in microwave, much more crispy if you heat it up in ur oven. Icecream is supernice to it, add a littlebit of rasberryjam to it aswell and always drink cold milk to it


Aw man, you've got my mouth watering. I got the ingredients today and might do it tonight. If not, tomorrow afternoon. That sounds excellent, I'm a sucker for raspberries.


Merry Christmas to you! Thanks for the reply, hope you have a great one!

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What's that?


I never order / buy anything online ... ultra paranoid that someone will actually get me, or at least my identity.


Use the phone. :P


Just had this discussion with a group of friends.


A friend of mine had fraudulent charges on a new visa card before he received it. How can this happen? Your identity is most likely stolen from thieves hacking into servers that are owned by sticks and bricks retail. You can google Target or Lowes for the latest hacks. 


The discussion from the fraud center about his visa card led him to believe that internet use with internet merchants is no more or less likely to result in your identity being stolen. 


The worst in when they hack government and health care institutions. They got it all (your info) and primitive firewalls.

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You can order it online for delivery.

Send me an address ... I'll express mail you lingonberry if you promise baking photos!


I just want a reason to go back to IKEA. My checkout person was Astrid ... talk about Norse mythology ...

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Dag nab it!!


Our crows, jays at al ate all our elderberries.


Are they really fit for human consumption?



Oh hell yes. My momma used to make elderberry pie. Wait... did you mean the crows?


Oh hell yes times 2!


Very labor intensive. Best to cut the whole bunch off the bush, then separate the berries in the sink. 


Mrs Racer will make some jam, and her friend will make  pies. They exchange.


It's a win-win for the husbands.

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