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McDavid breaks collarbone. Out "Long Term"


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Hate to say it, but I'm in between PA and you guys.... I hate to see an injury in general. It sucks a little bit, but just because it's McJesus it seems like it's being taken much further.


If that was a grinder that we didn't know about then most wouldn't be saying "aw poor baby", and yes the argument can be made that because he is supposed to be the "next great one" it matters more..... But that shouldn't.


Hell maybe an injury will spark him after sitting so long, learn from mistakes, maybe we created a monster.


It's Jacker's time plain and simple and I care more about what a player on my team is/is not doing, rather than an unfortunate injury in Edmonton


You had me till ... Jacker.  :censored:  Hate that name.

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I don't agree with that. If Eichel's game improves because McDavid isn't playing and racking up points then he isn't the player I want leading this organization for the next 15 years. I want Eichel seeing what McDavid is doing in Edmonton and raise his game because of it.


That is the whimp way out. The best thing Eichel can do is worry about himself. He is not McDavid and never will be. That isn't a knock on Eichel - they are just different players. If he worries about getting into a personal points race with McDavid odds are he will loose every year - unless McDavid gets hurt and nobody should truly want that.

Not what I meant. Jacks game will improve and he has 6 weeks to close the gap.
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Milan Lucic?

we hope he never scores again, we wish him a short career because we don't like his style, we hope he loses every fight he's in. We don't hope he becomes paralyzed, brain addled with unchecked syphillis, financially ruined, with an exit like boogaard.


In the end it is the game that makes me happy. The wins are fleeting. Even cups I suspect are fleeting....but I wouldn't know.

But I have that sense from those that have won them.

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Nope. It's hockey. Which I love more than the Sabres.




Hockey first, Sabres second, NHL third


we hope he never scores again, we wish him a short career because we don't like his style, we hope he loses every fight he's in. We don't hope he becomes paralyzed, brain addled with unchecked syphillis, financially ruined, with an exit like boogaard.


A little bit of checked syphillis might be alright

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I stand with PA.

You're either with me or against me. I welcome you into the fold.

So that justifies wishing ill will on another human being?  What kind of twisted thinking gets you to this point?

No connection. It was a side comment. It does bug me when people say so and so seems like a nice guy. A friend's mother thinks Lundqvist seems like such a nice guy. Why? Because he's good looking? But I digress. It's sports, man. We wish ill will on the enemy all the time, unless you live in some fantasy world where you cheer a fight but of course don't want the other guy to bleed. Puh-please.

Hate to say it, but I'm in between PA and you guys.... I hate to see an injury in general. It sucks a little bit, but just because it's McJesus it seems like it's being taken much further.


If that was a grinder that we didn't know about then most wouldn't be saying "aw poor baby", and yes the argument can be made that because he is supposed to be the "next great one" it matters more..... But that shouldn't.


Hell maybe an injury will spark him after sitting so long, learn from mistakes, maybe we created a monster.


It's Jacker's time plain and simple and I care more about what a player on my team is/is not doing, rather than an unfortunate injury in Edmonton

Thank you. This is spoken more like a fan who follows a team in the freakin' NHL than some generic fan of the sport who wishes he had a team to be passionate about. Times have changed. The Sabres are about to be in the conversation again, gents. Balls at the ready (and take scenic shots if you are so inclined). Jesus, do we need a woman to come in here and tell us to sack up? I bet bio is playing the McDavid injury on a loop as we type.

Even Woody is with me, halfway! Come on men, over the hills with the swords of a thousand -- OK, two and a half -- men!

I've previously remarked on the role this sort of rigidity plays in your view on things. It yields a particularly unpleasant expression in this connection.


This isn't a harsh business. This isn't war. This is a pastime that I enjoy.

So you're admitting that you'd be pleased if McDavid was injured on the eve of a series with the Sabres, or during said series? What kind of monster are you? But you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror because a few years previous you were heartbroken that he got hurt?


I'd rather be rigid than flaccid!


#manup #stanleyfever #boneslikekindling #milkitdoesabodygood

Edited by pASabreFan
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Did you really just say that?  REALLY?  You've got to be kidding me.  That's the most distasteful thing I can imagine someone saying about this situation.  No class at all.

I don't get this. Is being happy someone has a non-life, non-career threatening injury really all that morally reprehensible? I'm not floored or revolted that he thinks that



That sucks.


This gives jack an opportunity to worry about his game and improve without a McDavid hanging over him

This was my first though at well.


That, and Edmonton. Really, just screw that entire franchise, their GM, every player in that core, and their HC. Hell, screw their fans too. 



Hate to say it, but I'm in between PA and you guys.... I hate to see an injury in general. It sucks a little bit, but just because it's McJesus it seems like it's being taken much further.


If that was a grinder that we didn't know about then most wouldn't be saying "aw poor baby", and yes the argument can be made that because he is supposed to be the "next great one" it matters more..... But that shouldn't.


Hell maybe an injury will spark him after sitting so long, learn from mistakes, maybe we created a monster.


It's Jacker's time plain and simple and I care more about what a player on my team is/is not doing, rather than an unfortunate injury in Edmonton

Count me in with Wyldnwoody here, I'm between PA and everyone. McDavid is great for hockey, and fun to watch, but it's annoying as hell hearing about him everyday and TSN just juggling his balls, just as annoying as it is hearing about Sid. 

Connor McDavid expected to have surgery to repair fractured clavicle.

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I too am split, sick McJesus fawning, glad not career threatening, but if I had too choose between him or Cindy in his prime would rather them off the ice. Did I scream bloody murder when Lucic hit Miller, of course. Did I cheer during Bills hey day when one of the other team went down and they played "Another One Bites the Dust"... you betcha. Guess I have to live with my own hypocracy because my priorities after all these years with no goal is Sabres first, then hockey...

Though I have no personal ill will towards McDavid only hockey ill will.


Let's try to make the playoffs first, then maybe win a series, then maybe win a Cup.

Then we can start to talk about "our dynasty."


Edited by North Buffalo
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If he's their 1C in a SCF against the Sabres, and there's a question over whether he's well enough to go, I will of course not be rooting for him to take the ice. But I won't be cheering for him not to take the ice. I'll be excited about my team and ready to cheer them on against whoever the other team puts out there.

So you're admitting that you'd be pleased if McDavid was injured on the eve of a series with the Sabres, or during said series? What kind of monster are you? 


No. That is not what I said. Anyway, what's at issue here is the difference between (1) a big picture and (2) matters immediately at hand. They're different. It's nuanced. There's ambiguity in there. Shades of grey.


I would not expect you to understand or acknowledge the same.


Which brings us to:


I'd rather be rigid than flaccid!


Nice turn of phrase. 


Of course, the rigidity to which I am referring is the sort of manichean tendency of, say, the religious right (or even the humourless left). Such people encounter an endlessly complicated and ambiguous world, and they manage to see everything with perfect clarity. Balls and strikes. Black and white.


I find that sort of world view uninteresting and intellectually dim.

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I'll admit, I was shocked that PA of all people would have posted something as cold as this:


Good. Hopefully it's just the beginning of a string of injuries that significantly shortens his career.



IMO, it is one thing to celebrate a player whose injury prevents them from facing your team.  It's another to wish ill will on someone you don't know.  I'll admit to that sort of ill will towards Milan Lucic.  But he has done things to deserve that sort of emotion.  Call me a hypocrite.  I'll admit it.  And justify it.  This?  This is wishing ill will just because he is there.  I'm honestly surprised it came from PA.  Never struck me as the Machiavellian type.


I do dig the passion though, PA.



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On my phone so hard to quote properly but as far as rigidity v. flaccid... You left out the violent moderates... a small minority but still around:)

How does not wanting McDavid to be hurt have anything even remotely to do with the Sabres or wanting them to win?

McDavid is being seen as the main competition to Yeichel.

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On my phone so hard to quote properly but as far as rigidity v. flaccid... You left out the violent moderates... a small minority but still around:)


But getting more common as the populace of this board ages.......

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