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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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It's a fine day to beat Miami!

I wouldn't be surprised if Philbin is canned tomorrow. The Dolphins looked like they didn't want to be there.

Those 2 announcers were terrible.

Otherwise, not much to dislike in that performance.

Percy Harvin and Charles Clay both look like excellent pickups.

Really hope that Philbin makes it to London and the team gets excited and plays well there despite their disdain for Joe. Would hate to see the Fishies possibly get a good coach. They've gone through just about as many duds as the Bills had between Phillips and Ryan. Not ready to see them get off the carousel just yet.

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Really hope that Philbin makes it to London and the team gets excited and plays well there despite their disdain for Joe. Would hate to see the Fishies possibly get a good coach. They've gone through just about as many duds as the Bills had between Phillips and Ryan. Not ready to see them get off the carousel just yet.



Yesterday had all the earmarks of a "we hate out coach" game.

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One key injury could change that.   :flirt:


I think through three weeks:






Still undecided about KC.  Beat GB in GB tonight and I think they are in the conversation.


I'm sure other teams say the same thing about the Bills, but I simply have no faith in, nor will I bet on, any team with the likes of Andy Dalton or Alex Smith at QB. 

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I'm glad the Bills are winning. I really am. I am struggling to find something negative to say, but I've got something. I had the radio broadcast on for a bit and the advertising was just ridiculous. Everything is sponsored, the timeout, the defensive coverage, the hit. I counted about three sponsorships a minute in the five minutes I listened. Number one, it's annoying, but almost comically so. Number 2, I wonder how much bang for the buck the advertiser is getting. The message gets lost when there are so many competing advertisers. Number 3, if Russ Brandon has this in mind for the Sabres, I will not be happy. Thankfully, hockey does not lend itself to that many insertions, unless they want to go with, "Eichel the shawwww-aawwwwwwt brought to you by Duffy's Tavern on Elmwood, take a shhhhawwww-awwwwwwt after the game."

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As a Virginia Tech alum, that Tyrod will be the starter doesn't surprise me one bit. Tyrod and Mike Vick were the best QBs I ever watched at Tech, and Vick had a much better supporting cast to work with. I was in the stands at LSU when they pulled the redshirt off of Tyrod and from snap #1 of his college career you could see he had the "it" factor that many QBs lack. Winningest QB in school history and he always had a knack for making the big play at crucial times of the game. Playoffs or bust this season!



(The VT chat boards are blowing up with Tyrod talk, of course)



I was the first to come out in support of TT in this thread. One poster went so far as to call it a 'social experiment'. I'm delighted. He looks like he did indeed learn the deep game from Flacco.



Those of us with Virginia Tech season tickets knew what Tyrod was long before he was "discovered" by Bills fans.  What we've seen over three games is what he has been since high school.  Throw out the stats (which are great, of course).  The kid wins ballgames.  That is all that matters.

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I really like moving the extra point back this year.  Puts some drama in the games.

If I'm McCoy, I hear footsteps..


The dyslexics score 41-14


I don't like the extra point change.  I prefer to kick an extra point from the same yard marker as the 2-point attempt.  Having different yard lines takes fakes out of the picture.


As for McCoy, he's still not 100%.  He gives the Bills a nice option/changeup to Williams but I think Williams isn't as effective if McCoy isn't in the lineup.  I wouldn't write McCoy off until he's healed.  On the other hand, I really think Fred Jackson would be every bit as effective (but I understand not wanting on to trust an older vet with the load without knowing how Williams would pan out).

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I don't like the extra point change.  I prefer to kick an extra point from the same yard marker as the 2-point attempt.  Having different yard lines takes fakes out of the picture.


As for McCoy, he's still not 100%.  He gives the Bills a nice option/changeup to Williams but I think Williams isn't as effective if McCoy isn't in the lineup.  I wouldn't write McCoy off until he's healed.  On the other hand, I really think Fred Jackson would be every bit as effective (but I understand not wanting on to trust an older vet with the load without knowing how Williams would pan out).

Fake extra point 2-point conversions never happen, and I would think that having an extra ~15 yards of field to work with would actually make fakes easier to design.

Edited by qwksndmonster
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He didn't handle the pressure against the Pats well at all, and seems to fall back in the pocket rather than climb it.


I think it may work out well for the Bills that Taylor struggled against the Pats.  There were a ton of teachable moments in that game, and so far he looks like the kind of QB that can be coached and learn from mistakes.

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Just glanced at the schedule.  Wowza is the end of our season easy:



@ Eagles

@ Redskins




In fact, if I had to break our opponents into categories I'd say 


Better than us:



As good as us:




Every other team is not very good.


Allowing two clunkers against bad teams and losses to the Pats, Chiefs, and Bengals we're still a 10 win team.  I expect us to finish the season with 11 or 12 so long as injuries/Tyrod's mental health doesn't derail us.



I've never experienced this feeling as a football fan before.  Our team is... good.

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I'm glad the Bills are winning. I really am. I am struggling to find something negative to say, but I've got something. I had the radio broadcast on for a bit and the advertising was just ridiculous. Everything is sponsored, the timeout, the defensive coverage, the hit. I counted about three sponsorships a minute in the five minutes I listened. Number one, it's annoying, but almost comically so. Number 2, I wonder how much bang for the buck the advertiser is getting. The message gets lost when there are so many competing advertisers. Number 3, if Russ Brandon has this in mind for the Sabres, I will not be happy. Thankfully, hockey does not lend itself to that many insertions, unless they want to go with, "Eichel the shawwww-aawwwwwwt brought to you by Duffy's Tavern on Elmwood, take a shhhhawwww-awwwwwwt after the game."


That's par for the course on a radio broadcast, and certainly nothing new.  When I listen to the Texas Rangers on radio it's like that too.  I'm in the "comically so" camp.  To me it takes me back to much older days before TV advertising got so sophisticated.  The cheesy/hokey ads just make me smile.

I would think that having an extra ~15 yards of field to work with would actually make fakes easier to design.


Okay, let's see if anyone does it.

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Getting by the Giants and reaching a 3-1 record is going to say A LOT about this team and our run to the Wild Card. Can't wait to make the trip to Nashville for Oktoberfest and Bills game....oh man


I live in Germantown/Salemtown where the festival is taking place.  Hit me up.  A few other SabreSpacers will be in town for the weekend as well.



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I'm glad the Bills are winning. I really am. I am struggling to find something negative to say, but I've got something. I had the radio broadcast on for a bit and the advertising was just ridiculous. Everything is sponsored, the timeout, the defensive coverage, the hit. I counted about three sponsorships a minute in the five minutes I listened. Number one, it's annoying, but almost comically so. Number 2, I wonder how much bang for the buck the advertiser is getting. The message gets lost when there are so many competing advertisers. Number 3, if Russ Brandon has this in mind for the Sabres, I will not be happy. Thankfully, hockey does not lend itself to that many insertions, unless they want to go with, "Eichel the shawwww-aawwwwwwt brought to you by Duffy's Tavern on Elmwood, take a shhhhawwww-awwwwwwt after the game."

You mean like the Carrubba Collision or the two lawyers asking trivia questions or Between the Glass sponsered by _____ or the ____ Goal Cam or the ....?

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Okay you got me. I was just trying to sabotage your statement and twist your meaning. :angel:


The real point is that the purist in me hates rule changes.





(Still not a fan of the designated hitter rule)


Ugh,the pitcher is an instant out! Chicks did the long ball.

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