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Buffalo Bills 2014


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Especially because I'm a Bills fan.


Okay. Just wondered.


I believe that it takes two years to evaluate and three to make a long-term decision. After two years, if they've played extensively or been given the opportunity to compete the whole time, then you've got a pretty clear picture of what you have. Gives you an idea of the QB's ceiling and what he can/can't do. If your evaluation, like my thoroughly unprofessional one of EJ, is that he quite clearly lacks the needed skills to succeed as an NFL QB and doesn't have a high ceiling then start looking for other options after two. It's okay to let him compete the next season, but if you can upgrade then do it.


If you believe he's got a relatively high ceiling then head into the next season with him squarely in the QB race. If he doesn't start progressing towards that ceiling in training camp and/or games by the end of year three then move on.

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Okay. Just wondered.


I believe that it takes two years to evaluate and three to make a long-term decision. After two years, if they've played extensively or been given the opportunity to compete the whole time, then you've got a pretty clear picture of what you have. Gives you an idea of the QB's ceiling and what he can/can't do. If your evaluation, like my thoroughly unprofessional one of EJ, is that he quite clearly lacks the needed skills to succeed as an NFL QB and doesn't have a high ceiling then start looking for other options after two. It's okay to let him compete the next season, but if you can upgrade then do it.


If you believe he's got a relatively high ceiling then head into the next season with him squarely in the QB race. If he doesn't start progressing towards that ceiling in training camp and/or games by the end of year three then move on.


That's about where I am. I also would draft a QB every year. Even if the Bills had Aaron Rodgers, I would draft a QB every year.

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That's about where I am. I also would draft a QB every year. Even if the Bills had Aaron Rodgers, I would draft a QB every year.


Terry agrees with you (and so do I). Kim said he read a book (likely Parcells') that says you should draft one early until you've got a good one and then keep drafting them after.

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Okay. Just wondered.


I believe that it takes two years to evaluate and three to make a long-term decision. After two years, if they've played extensively or been given the opportunity to compete the whole time, then you've got a pretty clear picture of what you have. Gives you an idea of the QB's ceiling and what he can/can't do. If your evaluation, like my thoroughly unprofessional one of EJ, is that he quite clearly lacks the needed skills to succeed as an NFL QB and doesn't have a high ceiling then start looking for other options after two. It's okay to let him compete the next season, but if you can upgrade then do it.


If you believe he's got a relatively high ceiling then head into the next season with him squarely in the QB race. If he doesn't start progressing towards that ceiling in training camp and/or games by the end of year three then move on.

I hated Geno since college. If Douglas Marrone can thoroughly shut you down each and every game you played against him, you aren't good. His decision making is a joke. He may have all the physical tools but he doesn't have it upstairs.

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I hated Geno since college. If Douglas Marrone can thoroughly shut you down each and every game you played against him, you aren't good. His decision making is a joke. He may have all the physical tools but he doesn't have it upstairs.


I disliked Manuel and Smith equally. I liked Smith until late his final season at WVU, though. I liked Mike Glennon a whole lot (still do). Talked myself into liking Barkley at one point. Tried talking myself into liking Nassib when I thought he was the pick. Failed that one.

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I disliked Manuel and Smith equally. I liked Smith until late his final season at WVU, though. I liked Mike Glennon a whole lot (still do). Talked myself into liking Barkley at one point. Tried talking myself into liking Nassib when I thought he was the pick. Failed that one.


As bad as Manuel has been, I think he is vastly better than smith

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Yea but EJ won't have too many 3+ turnover games at least lol


The way they have been managed has been very different. The Jets have pushed Geno out there and told him to make all the throws and win them games. When EJ was around he was held back and forced to manage. That's because Geno has the ability to make throws that EJ can't, but Geno has head issues when EJ doesn't.


So Ray Rice won his appeal and will be reinstated immediately. That's right, the guy who literally punched a woman hard enough to knock her unconscious then lied about it, is going to be allowed to play football again.


I'm okay with him winning this appeal because they went outside of the rules for the suspension, but I also think it's the NFL's fault for not having a stronger suspension teed up for situations like this. And acting like they didn't have or couldn't get the video was another issue.


I hope Rice never plays again, but the appeal was correctly upheld.

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So Ray Rice won his appeal and will be reinstated immediately. That's right, the guy who literally punched a woman hard enough to knock her unconscious then lied about it, is going to be allowed to play football again.

The NFL screwed the pooch on this one, too many past incidents where repercussions weren't anywhere near what Rice got. They didn't follow due process with him and ###### themselves.

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So Ray Rice won his appeal and will be reinstated immediately. That's right, the guy who literally punched a woman hard enough to knock her unconscious then lied about it, is going to be allowed to play football again.


I think the judge made the right call--Goodell originally acted on full information and completely botched the penalty, and tried to cover himself with the second suspension based on the farce that he never saw the second tape.


That said, no team is going to sign him this year anyway, and I sincerely hope they never do.

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If you want to throw a couple bucks Darryl's way on Thanksgiving, here's the place to do it.




This is a nice way for the City of Good Neighbors to lead by example. If the fans care about the health of their former heroes then so should the NFL.


We must continue to raise awareness for the seriousness of head injuries and the damage they cause in the name of keeping us entertained.


I've been watching this since yesterday. He's up to 63K already. 1400 people gave in the 1 day this has been running. They are going to blow past their 100K target. Pretty darn cool

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I've been watching this since yesterday. He's up to 63K already. 1400 people gave in the 1 day this has been running. They are going to blow past their 100K target. Pretty darn cool


There's a lot of people criticizing because they think giving money to a professional athlete is a waste. But I think it's important for the fans to make the league look bad when it comes to stuff like this. This is the only way the abuse these guys have suffered will be noticed.

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It is.


That's turrible.


Nobody knows. I've been attempting to contact him with no response.


The money goes to him, right? I hope everything's been vetted. And, P.S., the fact he doesn't explain on the page who he is and how the money will get to Daryl is a huge oversight.

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That's turrible.




The money goes to him, right? I hope everything's been vetted. And, P.S., the fact he doesn't explain on the page who he is and how the money will get to Daryl is a huge oversight.


The media has already done interviews with the guy and he's spoken with Janine Talley about it. These crowd funding websites are pretty legit. That money will get to the Talley family.

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