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GDT: Toronto at Buffalo 9-21-13 at 7PM and Sabres at Leafs Sunday night


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Tropp had clearly lost before the last punch. An experienced thug knows this. Ray et al talk about it enough. Tropp didn't need to go down...period.


I thought the refs could have managed the fight better; Tropp was clearly out matched.


Your right Tropp didn't have to have his head slammed into the ice; I think that's what pissed the guys off.


Tropp maybe be out a long time with post concussion symptom's.


And Kadri saying that they were holding him back or he was going over the boards too. "Lupes did a good job of keeping me on the bench."


And do what? cheapshot him like you did Hedman?


Kadri, really; I get the feeling that he might get a rough ride this season if he keeps it up.

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Scott, "I just said, Phil, I think we're going to have to go here, just to let you know."


Said he was fighting whoever was there. Surprised the coach sent Kessel.


"I don’t know what their coach had in mind. I wasn’t going to try to hurt him. I was just trying to send a message."

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Hodgson on the brawl: "“All five guys were into it and it’s kind of gutless to – I’m not going to say anything actually, but I’m just glad we stuck together,” he said.


Haha! Okay, perhaps the boy has a little more burn to his fire than appears on the outside.

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Well I am done reading tsn for the next little while. The comment section is so idiotic my brain might implode. I like the Bruin fans chiming in calling scott gutless and a goon. This season is getting more and more interesting.


Still favorite repeated laugh comment is that Maclaren and Orr will take care of scott. Pssst hey leafs fans, this team has more than just John Scott on it. Bring it on assclowns.

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This season is getting more and more interesting.


Still favorite repeated laugh comment is that Maclaren and Orr will take care of scott. Pssst hey leafs fans, this team has more than just John Scott on it. Bring it on assclowns.


The Sabres are going to wish they hadn't caved in and let all of those tickets get in the hands of Leaf's fans. Well, in an ideal world, the Sabres would regret it...I doubt they really care. Business is business after all.

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I know he hasn't played 300 NHL games....but I've seen Tropp enough to know the guy is a bit of a chirper and not afraid to do some dirty things. I like him....but trying to act like he was out of his league in fighting is not valid. Barnaby would fight guys that had 6 inches and 50 pounds on him on a regular basis....and he usually lost. He was just nuts enough and dedicated enough to do what he needed to do to be effective in the league. Tropp has similar skillsets but was an tweener AHL/NHL guy even before the injury. He's trying to make an impact on this roster, and prove to himself that he hasn't lost anything. I respect him, and my guess is he may just have done something himself to get the original thing going. Now if the guy purposely drove his head into the ice, that is BS...Kaleta used to do that and slewfoot on the same altercation all the time....which is why it's hard for anyone to show respect to that guy. But considering this was Tropp it happened to and not say a Hodgson or Flynn.....Scott telling Kessel he is going to fight him is way over the line in my opinion. Again.....it was all stupid, except for Ryan Miller. Proud he came out there....and he wasn't shy about throwing bombs. He just didn't connect, and lost his grip on Bernier's sleeve. He did ok though.

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I know he hasn't played 300 NHL games....but I've seen Tropp enough to know the guy is a bit of a chirper and not afraid to do some dirty things. I like him....but trying to act like he was out of his league in fighting is not valid. Barnaby would fight guys that had 6 inches and 50 pounds on him on a regular basis....and he usually lost. He was just nuts enough and dedicated enough to do what he needed to do to be effective in the league. Tropp has similar skillsets but was an tweener AHL/NHL guy even before the injury. He's trying to make an impact on this roster, and prove to himself that he hasn't lost anything. I respect him, and my guess is he may just have done something himself to get the original thing going. Now if the guy purposely drove his head into the ice, that is BS...Kaleta used to do that and slewfoot on the same altercation all the time....which is why it's hard for anyone to show respect to that guy. But considering this was Tropp it happened to and not say a Hodgson or Flynn.....Scott telling Kessel he is going to fight him is way over the line in my opinion. Again.....it was all stupid, except for Ryan Miller. Proud he came out there....and he wasn't shy about throwing bombs. He just didn't connect, and lost his grip on Bernier's sleeve. He did ok though.


Yeah, I'd say he's ok with some dirty things. He essentially committed attempted murder in college.


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I know he hasn't played 300 NHL games....but I've seen Tropp enough to know the guy is a bit of a chirper and not afraid to do some dirty things. I like him....but trying to act like he was out of his league in fighting is not valid. Barnaby would fight guys that had 6 inches and 50 pounds on him on a regular basis....and he usually lost. He was just nuts enough and dedicated enough to do what he needed to do to be effective in the league. Tropp has similar skillsets but was an tweener AHL/NHL guy even before the injury. He's trying to make an impact on this roster, and prove to himself that he hasn't lost anything. I respect him, and my guess is he may just have done something himself to get the original thing going. Now if the guy purposely drove his head into the ice, that is BS...Kaleta used to do that and slewfoot on the same altercation all the time....which is why it's hard for anyone to show respect to that guy. But considering this was Tropp it happened to and not say a Hodgson or Flynn.....Scott telling Kessel he is going to fight him is way over the line in my opinion. Again.....it was all stupid, except for Ryan Miller. Proud he came out there....and he wasn't shy about throwing bombs. He just didn't connect, and lost his grip on Bernier's sleeve. He did ok though.


Miller had his arm caught inside his jersey for part of that fight too. His wife tweeting "my heart" after the fight was gorgeous.

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Rolston is growing on me:


Mike Harrington ‏@BNHarrington 12m

Toronto reporter asked Rolston about Scott-Kessel difference. RR shoots back: "What was the weight class in the one that happened before?"


I like this. Think this is part of the new identity he is consciously trying to create for this team.

Ugly now, but needed and it's going to make us better.

Rolston is growing on me too.


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Rolston is growing on me:


Mike Harrington ‏@BNHarrington 12m

Toronto reporter asked Rolston about Scott-Kessel difference. RR shoots back: "What was the weight class in the one that happened before?"


Good. I hope he got some remarks on Kessel's slashing in there, too.

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The Sabres are going to wish they hadn't caved in and let all of those tickets get in the hands of Leaf's fans. Well, in an ideal world, the Sabres would regret it...I doubt they really care. Business is business after all.


The phony baloney Ted Black likes to boast about how pissed off he was when out of towners invaded the Igloo. These guys don't really care. It's just cha-ching to them.

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Here's my take.

John Scott is not an nhl player and that's that.

I don't believe he was going to actually pummell Kessell but he did warn him. Kessell should've just hugged him and nothing would've happened. Sure it would have been a melee but all those slashes don't happen.

I like that we stuck together.

I like the coach showing his angry side but Scott isn't theguy to do the job. Get an actual player to do that job. I'm sorry but he's just an embarrassment to hockey that he's in the league.

Fine might come to us but no suspensions. Kessell should get regular season games for those vicious, cowardly hacks.


Hope we are a tougher team this year but not with Scott.

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I, for one, would like to welcome the Detroit Red Wings to the shitshow we (will still) call the Northeast Division.


Devane knocks out Tropp, intentionally or unintentionally forearms helmetless Tropp melon into ice.

Rolston keeps Scott on the ice.

Scott intends to send a message, is indiscriminate of opponent.

Carlyle stupidly sends out best players.

Puck drops, as does Scott's gloves.

Kessel goes all Paul Bunyan.

Clarkson jumps the boards, seals his own suspension fate, takes on Scott.

Kessel still chopping wood, where the wood is Scott's leg.

Flynn engages an unchecked Kessel, takes one or two good ones.

Miller goads Bernier, gets hit a few times, mostly because Bernier got his arm out of his pads.

Scott still grabbing with linesmen and Clarkson near Leafs bench, Scott starts to calm down.

Kessel comes out of left field and spears Scott, Scott fires up again for a few moments.

All on ice given either match penalties, fighting majors, or game misconducts.



Anyone know what the non-coincidental penalty minute balance was, in other words, was there a powerplay after this for either team, and if so, for how many minutes?


Clarkson will get the auto-10-gamer. Kessel SHOULD be suspended, because: a) the refs gave him a match penalty for intent to injure; b) video review, which will be used by the league, demonstrates intent to injure, but if he's not, I'm angry but not surprised. Doubtful that any Sabres actions call for any supplemental discipline.

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