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OT: Explosions at the Boston Marathon


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Only if you think the two Chechens were upset about US tax policy, or if you just group all bad people as "right wing."


No. If true, then they were radical right wing Muslims. And the same way I know that the views of a radical right wing republican are not the views of every American, I know that the viewpoint of a radical right wing Muslim is not the same viewpoint that all Muslims have. I'm not a fan of extremism of any flavor.

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I am specifically referring to the deportation rumor. I think a lot of people want it to have something to do with this Saudi kid, but I think he may be one of the worst wrong place wrong time situations ever. I imagine, if someone from the adminstration was meeting with the Saudis, it was to clear the air after authorities basically accused a kid who just got blown up of being a terrorist based solely on the language his passport was written in. As for your quasi implications of at best a cover up or at worst a false flag attack, I don't have time for such little faith in Humanity and America, I have a family to raise and a life to live.


I'm saying they probably had an idea there was a legit threat. Just say it. Everyone is so PC, we didn't even get a valid description of these guys, just some fuzzy video. Now one of our biggest cities is on lockdown.

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No. If true, then they were radical right wing Muslims. And the same way I know that the views of a radical right wing republican are not the views of every American, I know that the viewpoint of a radical right wing Muslim is not the same viewpoint that all Muslims have. I'm not a fan of extremism of any flavor.

There's no such thing as a "radical right wing Muslim." There's "radical Muslim" -- advocating or committing violence in the belief that Islam should be the basis of government -- which doesn't have a corollary in US politics. In this country, "right wing" is just a smear used against conservatives ("the right") to group them with crazy people. The media was in a tizzy the last couple weeks saying a "radical right wing" group of Neo-Nazis had killed a DA and his wife in Texas. Well, the Nazis were socialists (basically the opposite of conservatives) but who cares? Just call them "right wing" until it sticks. Predictably, this story also turned out to be total BS.


Here's how you know all the "radical right wing" stuff is BS: No one on CNN has ever fretted about a "radical left wing" anything.


The pattern the last few years: When something bad happens, immediately infer that it's the "radical right wing" or the "tea party".....and worry about what really happened later.


It happened in Arizona and it happened again last summer in Aurora (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/20/brian-ross-tea-party-colorado-shooting_n_1689471.html) and we can add this one to the list too. This is journalism now.

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I'm sorry I have not seen anyone say jack ###### about this having anything to do with the "right"


the only person who has even brought this up is you... so you are in fact making it out to be the left going after the right even though no one has said anything... CNN is the opposite to Fox News, which is why I watch neither.

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There's no such thing as a "radical right wing Muslim." There's "radical Muslim" -- advocating or committing violence in the belief that Islam should be the basis of government -- which doesn't have a corollary in US politics. In this country, "right wing" is just a smear used against conservatives ("the right") to group them with crazy people. The media was in a tizzy the last couple weeks saying a "radical right wing" group of Neo-Nazis had killed a DA and his wife in Texas. Well, the Nazis were socialists (basically the opposite of conservatives) but who cares? Just call them "right wing" until it sticks. Predictably, this story also turned out to be total BS.


Here's how you know all the "radical right wing" stuff is BS: No one on CNN has ever fretted about a "radical left wing" anything.


The pattern the last few years: When something bad happens, immediately infer that it's the "radical right wing" or the "tea party".....and worry about what really happened later.


It happened in Arizona and it happened again last summer in Aurora (http://www.huffingto..._n_1689471.html) and we can add this one to the list too. This is journalism now.


Not sure where this is going, but a few corrections:


Religious fundamentalism and fanaticism are associated with right wing politics, whether Christian or Muslim. If you want to change that, then divorce the conservative platform from religious fundamentalism. I'd be thrilled if that happened. It would give me more choices.


Nazis were not socialists. Yes, I know what the name of the party was. Hitler infiltrated that party and changed it from the inside; it was not socialist in any way once he got in there. It developed from a far-right nationalist movement.


There was plenty of news about radical left wingers when they were pointlessly occupying everything a couple of years ago. They were not violent, for the most part.


I didn't know that ABC had erred with the Aurora disaster last summer; thanks for pointing that out. But I haven't heard anything blamed on radical right wingers lately--not Sandy Hook, not Rep. Giffords, not Boston, none of it. Maybe I'm out of touch, but I consult a pretty wide variety of news sources daily.


I'm sorry I have not seen anyone say jack ###### about this having anything to do with the "right"


the only person who has even brought this up is you... so you are in fact making it out to be the left going after the right even though no one has said anything... CNN is the opposite to Fox News, which is why I watch neither.


That's kind of what I'm seeing.


MSNBC is the opposite of Fox News, though.

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Yes that is right it is officially MSNBC, but CNN has been leaning more and more left over the years.


Not really. I don't see it as having any leanings. It's kind of become the USA Today of television. It's just ... there. The only real problem is that occasionally it tries to scoop everyone else, and it usually ###### up completely when it does so.

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So, a couple of brothers from Kazakhstan who came to America as teens/pre-teens because thier parents wanted to live the American dream. Were they MIT students or was it just a coincidence they were there?


Anyone else watching the aunt right now on CNN?


so the lawyer aunt in Canada was the one that called the FBI tip line? Fascinating...

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I'm sorry I have not seen anyone say jack ###### about this having anything to do with the "right"


the only person who has even brought this up is you... so you are in fact making it out to be the left going after the right even though no one has said anything... CNN is the opposite to Fox News, which is why I watch neither.


It was all over the place Monday.....they were trying to link this to tax day, etc......and given the seeming administration focus on gun control.....it would have been perfect.


Now we have 1 million+ people on lockdown because thousands of law enforcement have no idea where 1, 19 year old kid is. People being told to not answer the door for anyone except clearly identified law enforcement.......you think someone would feel safer with a gun now, or a rolling pin?


These guys did this with a few hundred dollars and a trip to Cooks Know How and TruValue......and even after cops had them cornered while knowing they just killed one of their own, somehow a 19 year old kid slipped away. Should that give the public confidence? And just to rub it in, an entire Texas town got wiped out with fertilizer.....just in case we are getting ready to want to ban other things...


Bad people who want to do bad will do bad. By limiting the good guys and even demonizing them......you invite even more chaos. If this drill isn't an example as to why it is up to the individual to secure their own.....I don't know what is.

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Not sure where this is going, but a few corrections:


Religious fundamentalism and fanaticism are associated with right wing politics, whether Christian or Muslim. If you want to change that, then divorce the conservative platform from religious fundamentalism. I'd be thrilled if that happened. It would give me more choices.

Religious people tend to be conservative but it's silly to imagine that there's any type of theocratic movement on the level of what's going on on the other side of the world.


Nazis were not socialists. Yes, I know what the name of the party was. Hitler infiltrated that party and changed it from the inside; it was not socialist in any way once he got in there. It developed from a far-right nationalist movement.

The Nazis were fascists which, again, seems like the exact opposite of a "small government" movement but somehow they are both considered "right wing" or "far right." How odd. Not surprising though. I've been called a fascist for telling people I'm a libertarian who wants less government. At what point are people going to admit that these "far right" categories don't make any sense?


There was plenty of news about radical left wingers when they were pointlessly occupying everything a couple of years ago. They were not violent, for the most part.

Oh, you mean "the 99%"? I never heard a news outlet call them a "radical left wing" movement but I did hear many of them parrot the "99%" label that (erroneously) implied they represent 99% of us. The Occupy movement received a ton of positive press for as long as they could maintain that charade.


I didn't know that ABC had erred with the Aurora disaster last summer; thanks for pointing that out. But I haven't heard anything blamed on radical right wingers lately--not Sandy Hook, not Rep. Giffords, not Boston, none of it. Maybe I'm out of touch, but I consult a pretty wide variety of news sources daily.

Rep. Giffords was Sarah Palin's Fault: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sarah-palins-crosshairs-ad-focus-gabrielle-giffords-debate/story?id=12576437#.UXGEq7-R_ww


The speculation was that the guy who flew a small plane into the Austin, TX IRS building was an anti-government "tea party" type except that his suicide note was pro-communist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Austin_suicide_attack


And on Monday all I heard over and over (Wolf Blitzer, Luke Russert, and plenty of the guests on the TV news) was that it was "Tax Day." Apparently this speculation is important based on their 0% rate of being right about this stuff in recent years.


I can understand people not noticing the pattern if they aren't the ones being smeared.

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It was all over the place Monday.....they were trying to link this to tax day, etc......and given the seeming administration focus on gun control.....it would have been perfect.


Now we have 1 million+ people on lockdown because thousands of law enforcement have no idea where 1, 19 year old kid is. People being told to not answer the door for anyone except clearly identified law enforcement.......you think someone would feel safer with a gun now, or a rolling pin?


These guys did this with a few hundred dollars and a trip to Cooks Know How and TruValue......and even after cops had them cornered while knowing they just killed one of their own, somehow a 19 year old kid slipped away. Should that give the public confidence? And just to rub it in, an entire Texas town got wiped out with fertilizer.....just in case we are getting ready to want to ban other things...


Bad people who want to do bad will do bad. By limiting the good guys and even demonizing them......you invite even more chaos. If this drill isn't an example as to why it is up to the individual to secure their own.....I don't know what is.


This drill is an example of the public protecting itself through their combined efforts, which in the country, means our governments. Our government, which is in fact us, our neighbors, our friends, is doing an outstanding job protecting us.


Our government, through terrible oversight, underbudgeted enforcement agencies, and in the state that is the CAPITAL of do what you want and defend yourself with your gun, allowed a situation where an explosive factory was 300 yards from 2 schools and a nursing home. Far more people are dead there.


Strong government saved lives in Boston, lazy small government killed dozens in West, Texas.

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Thread, meet toilet. Toilet, meet thread.


Honestly surprised it took this long.


Get it back on track then. Sharder is holed in with no food. Some of us have people we care about with blackhawks overhead and agents on their curbs who are scared sh!tless.


Where should the conversation go?


Tell me



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Religious people tend to be conservative but it's silly to imagine that there's any type of theocratic movement on the level of what's going on on the other side of the world.



The Nazis were fascists which, again, seems like the exact opposite of a "small government" movement but somehow they are both considered "right wing" or "far right." How odd. Not surprising though. I've been called a fascist for telling people I'm a libertarian who wants less government. At what point are people going to admit that these "far right" categories don't make any sense?



Oh, you mean "the 99%"? I never heard a news outlet call them a "radical left wing" movement but I did hear many of them parrot the "99%" label that (erroneously) implied they represent 99% of us. The Occupy movement received a ton of positive press for as long as they could maintain that charade.



Rep. Giffords was Sarah Palin's Fault: http://abcnews.go.co...37#.UXGEq7-R_ww


The speculation was that the guy who flew a small plane into the Austin, TX IRS building was an anti-government "tea party" type except that his suicide note was pro-communist: http://en.wikipedia...._suicide_attack


And on Monday all I heard over and over (Wolf Blitzer, Luke Russert, and plenty of the guests on the TV news) was that it was "Tax Day." Apparently this speculation is important based on their 0% rate of being right about this stuff in recent years.


I can understand people not noticing the pattern if they aren't the ones being smeared.


In the interest of not threadjacking (as implicitly requested by a few others above), I will not address the above other than to very simply register my disagreement.


Back to the Boston stuff...

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This is an amazing story: Jeff Bauman




"Just before 3 p.m. on April 15, Bauman was waiting among the crowd for his girlfriend to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. A man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt looked at Jeff, 27, and dropped a bag at his feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, said in an interview.

Two and a half minutes later, the bag exploded, tearing Jeff’s legs apart. A picture of him in a wheelchair, bloodied and ashen, was broadcast around the world as he was rushed to Boston Medical Center. He lost both legs below the knee.

“He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” Chris Bauman said yesterday in an interview."

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Get it back on track then. Sharder is holed in with no food. Some of us have people we care about with blackhawks overhead and agents on their curbs who are scared sh!tless.


Where should the conversation go?


Tell me




At this point I hope it continues down the current path until the alien conspiracy theorists pop up and claim this is the first step of the invasion.

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Now we have 1 million+ people on lockdown because thousands of law enforcement have no idea where 1, 19 year old kid is. People being told to not answer the door for anyone except clearly identified law enforcement.......you think someone would feel safer with a gun now, or a rolling pin?

There should be universal background checks on firearms. Sales should be tracked. Inventories checked and bad gun dealers prosecuted. That has absolutely nothing to do with 99% of gun owners but I would guess the lack of those cause 99% of the problems. It should not be easier for me to buy a gun than it is to buy a car.




Back to the subject at hand. I find it interesting how long this has taken. I am surprised they havent gotten this guy.

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This is a pretty strong show of force to the world. You wonder if overkill is part of a strategy to deter any ideas of further attacks. Of course it could also serve to show you can get a pretty good bang for your buck. Couple of crude bombs, put a major American city in lockdown. What happened to "live your lives." I've had this weird thought there's much more to this story than meets the eye, not to go all GoDD here. Some threat of bio/chemical/dirty bomb?

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This is a pretty strong show of force to the world. You wonder if overkill is part of a strategy to deter any ideas of further attacks. Of course it could also serve to show you can get a pretty good bang for your buck. Couple of crude bombs, put a major American city in lockdown. What happened to "live your lives." I've had this weird thought there's much more to this story than meets the eye, not to go all GoDD here. Some threat of bio/chemical/dirty bomb?


$80 of equipment and a 19 year old kid has closed an entire city.


Imagine if we ever really did have a threat like you pontificate?

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