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GDT: Buffalo vs. Philadelphia (2/16/2012, 7:00pm)


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start selling tomorrow. of this lineup tonight, there is only 4 guys i keep. myers, regehr, vanek and kassian. everyone else can go including ruff and regier

what's the point? who's going to be in charge of traing them? darcy?


the first person they should get rid of is regier...then let a new gm decide who stays. i don't trust darcy to make any decisions. what a catastrophic waste of money he was responsible for this year.

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Wow, you know, picking the Sabres and Penguins game this Sunday back in July as part of my mini-pack sounded like a great idea at the time. We should be rolling by then with everyone getting use to playing with each other, Crosby will be back. Wow, if I could go back in time....

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Yeah, much rather have mcnabb or foligno, kassian hasnt really shown me anything...


I kind of want Philly to score several more goals... make us look as bad as we are


Wasn't it the Sabres who spanked Philly back in 2007 which resulted in a coaching change and several personal moves? They haven't looked back since. Let's hope this is a reversal five years later.

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Wow, you know, picking the Sabres and Penguins game this Sunday back in July as part of my mini-pack sounded like a great idea at the time. We should be rolling by then with everyone getting use to playing with each other, Crosby will be back. Wow, if I could go back in time....


Any chance you're sitting close enough to the boxes to toss eggs in Darcy's direction?

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he's a 20 year old kid that was in juniors last year for christ sake. what do you want from him right now

Not saying that he should be tearing it up, but in terms of prospects to keep and build a team around, he isnt that high on my list. I'm not too sure on his potential, but besides a fight or two that toughness label i hear about isn't there. I certainly wouldn't mind keeping him, but he isn't that valuable to me. The list should be something like Myers, Vanek or Pommer, McNabb.

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There's just no place on this team for a 50 goal scorer.


If you're referring to Nash, he's not a 50 goal scorer. And with the current condition of this team, I think the last thing we want is another long-term, expensive contract for questionable performance.


I agree. I want Kassian to be a part of the new and improved sabres. I'm sick of soft players.


I feel like this has been beaten to death, but although Kassian isn't soft, he isn't the guy most fans want him to be (at least not yet).

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Everybody hating on this team for so long SHOULD be happy right now. Changes WILL be made but you are going to have to wait until July and the off-season. It sucks, the season is over and this whole year has been troubling. Finally, patience will be a virtue because even the dumbest hockey people in the league know these players have to be shipped....

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