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GDT: Bruins at Sabres 2/8/12 7:30PM


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This is the team we saw in Germany.


Things I liked:


Leino played a determined game. The chippier it got, even when he was a target after the spraying incident, the more he seemed to enjoy it.


Ennis is what Afenigenov would have been, if Maxim had never given up on a play. I can't remember how many times he stick handled into closets, got the puck stripped off his stick, then recovered the puck.


The defensive clears started with Miller. Typically I cringe when Millier handles the puck, but last night he always passed it to a Sabre and didn't blindly ring it around the boards. I think the positional play of the defensemen (and forwards who came back to help) was much better than I've seen in a long time.


I mentioned Ennis already, but in general, there was no give up on the puck. Usually I gauge the team's hustle on how many times they beat the opposition to the puck. Last night was far beyond that; it didn't matter whether a Sabre got there first; if Bruin got the puck, he was harried until he gave it up. That was very impressive. The stick checks were awesome, too.


The breakout passes were much crisper than they've been for a long time. But even more impressive was when there wasn't a good breakout, the Sabres would just chip it in the air to the Boston blue line to get out of trouble, without icing it. They did that a bunch of times last night.


Defense cycled well in the offensive zone. It was especially evident on the power play. Would have been nice to see some PP goals, but they did everything you could ask a team to do and ran up against some amazing/lucky goal tending.


Good to see Pommers & Staff bury some goalmouth opportunities.


Everything clicked, but it wasn't just that the Sabres got lucky; they worked hard to earn their opportunities.

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I know it had absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of the game, but it sure was nice to see a different look when they showed the bench last night.


Why are people so quick to dismiss the possible effect of Patrick behind the bench. Never have I wanted Lindy gone but one would have to be dense not to at least wonder if his absence played a role in the biggest win of the season (by A LOT)

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Why are people so quick to dismiss the possible affect of Patrick behind the bench. Never have I wanted Lindy gone but one would have to be dense not to at least wonder if his absence played a role in the biggest win of the season (by A LOT)


Nah. It's because Vanek isn't playing.

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Why are people so quick to dismiss the possible affect of Patrick behind the bench. Never have I wanted Lindy gone but one would have to be dense not to at least wonder if his absence played a role in the biggest win of the season (by A LOT)


I don't think anyone is completely discounting that, i think what people are discounting is the absolutely absurd notion that the Patrick effect can somehow be quantified and proved by scientific method on a sample size of 1.

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I don't think anyone is completely discounting that, i think what people are discounting is the absolutely absurd notion that the Patrick effect can somehow be quantified and proved by scientific method on a sample size of 1.


No where has that specific argument been made by anyone curious about the James Patrick Effect. If anything that straw dog was created by those eager to knock down said curiosity as fast as possible.

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Why are people so quick to dismiss the possible affect of Patrick behind the bench. Never have I wanted Lindy gone but one would have to be dense not to at least wonder if his absence played a role in the biggest win of the season (by A LOT)

To give another angle at this interesting Patrick/Ruff discussion I see the issue not that Ruff is an inherently bad coach, he is actually a good coach, but that professional athletes are not willing/able/receptive to listening to the same message from the same guy for 15+ years. IMO there is a reason that there are not really any other NHL coaches that have been with the same team for that long. Players get comfortable with the message. Pro athletes have a high level of competitiveness - it's what got them to the big show in the first place - and they need to have new/different challenges each year. When you have the same coach for so long you lose that challenge of adapting to new systems or overcoming adversity. There are certainly other factors, but the change to Patrick for this one game is certainly a challenge that for whatever reason sparked the team to play an inspired game.

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I know it had absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of the game, but it sure was nice to see a different look when they showed the bench last night.

Why are people so quick to dismiss the possible effect of Patrick behind the bench. Never have I wanted Lindy gone but one would have to be dense not to at least wonder if his absence played a role in the biggest win of the season (by A LOT)

I have wanted Lindy gone, but I only added the bolded so that it didn't seem like a Lindy bashing post, because it wasn't. It had nothing to do with Lindy or Patrick. I just wanted to say that it was nice to see something different.

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Does anyone really think that Lucic or any of the other Bruins will face ANY sort of supplementary discipline for their actions at the end of the game? I'd love to see them get in trouble for that cheap sh!t, but I really don't see it happening given the precedent that has already been set :censored:

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No where has that specific argument been made by anyone curious about the James Patrick Effect. If anything that straw dog was created by those eager to knock down said curiosity as fast as possible.


So what you're saying then is that it is nothing more than an interesting observation and that no real conclusions can be drawn from it?

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Does anyone really think that Lucic or any of the other Bruins will face ANY sort of supplementary discipline for their actions at the end of the game? I'd love to see them get in trouble for that cheap sh!t, but I really don't see it happening given the precedent that has already been set :censored:


I'd be absolutely shocked if he even got a phone call saying not to do it in the future, let alone a real hearing and suspension. My expectations for league action are so low that I don't expect meaningful suspensions unless somebody goes Marty McSorely or Todd Bertuzzi on a guy. And I don't even care to be honest, because the Sabres took care of business last night. I'm STILL in a good mood about it! Between that game and the Super Bowl, this is a great anti-Boston week!

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Does anyone really think that Lucic or any of the other Bruins will face ANY sort of supplementary discipline for their actions at the end of the game? I'd love to see them get in trouble for that cheap sh!t, but I really don't see it happening given the precedent that has already been set :censored:


Nothing will happen. I don't think any of it will even be reviewed.

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I'd be absolutely shocked if he even got a phone call saying not to do it in the future, let alone a real hearing and suspension. My expectations for league action are so low that I don't expect meaningful suspensions unless somebody goes Marty McSorely or Todd Bertuzzi on a guy. And I don't even care to be honest, because the Sabres took care of business last night. I'm STILL in a good mood about it! Between that game and the Super Bowl, this is a great anti-Boston week!


true story on all parts.

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Nothing will happen. I don't think any of it will even be reviewed.



And I don't think any of it needed to be reviewed.


I'll mention something that absolutely does need to stop. Was it Seidenberg that "adjusted" Gerbe's visor after the whistle? That ###### with everyone trying to humiliate Gerbe all the time needs to stop. I'd like to see unsportsmanlike conduct penalties for them. Although I'd prefer that Gerbe start taking things into his own hands, either ala Donald Audette and learn to use a discretionary butt end to these nitwits, or he needs to start dropping the gloves with the Marchands of the league (smaller rat-types) so that he sends the message that he won't tolerate the crap.

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And I don't think any of it needed to be reviewed.


I'll mention something that absolutely does need to stop. Was it Seidenberg that "adjusted" Gerbe's visor after the whistle? That ###### with everyone trying to humiliate Gerbe all the time needs to stop. I'd like to see unsportsmanlike conduct penalties for them. Although I'd prefer that Gerbe start taking things into his own hands, either ala Donald Audette and learn to use a discretionary butt end to these nitwits, or he needs to start dropping the gloves with the Marchands of the league (smaller rat-types) so that he sends the message that he won't tolerate the crap.


I'd like to see him carve some up like a Haloween jack-o-lantern.

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And I don't think any of it needed to be reviewed.


I'll mention something that absolutely does need to stop. Was it Seidenberg that "adjusted" Gerbe's visor after the whistle? That ###### with everyone trying to humiliate Gerbe all the time needs to stop. I'd like to see unsportsmanlike conduct penalties for them. Although I'd prefer that Gerbe start taking things into his own hands, either ala Donald Audette and learn to use a discretionary butt end to these nitwits, or he needs to start dropping the gloves with the Marchands of the league (smaller rat-types) so that he sends the message that he won't tolerate the crap.


I totally missed that incident, but generally agree. It all started (the obvious ones) with Carcillo patting him on the head last year, and I've just noticed it more now.

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And I don't think any of it needed to be reviewed.


I'll mention something that absolutely does need to stop. Was it Seidenberg that "adjusted" Gerbe's visor after the whistle? That ###### with everyone trying to humiliate Gerbe all the time needs to stop. I'd like to see unsportsmanlike conduct penalties for them. Although I'd prefer that Gerbe start taking things into his own hands, either ala Donald Audette and learn to use a discretionary butt end to these nitwits, or he needs to start dropping the gloves with the Marchands of the league (smaller rat-types) so that he sends the message that he won't tolerate the crap.


My vote goes to Audette-ing guys. When I see it happen to Gerbe it's about the only time I wish we had a dedicated goon to just send after players.

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They had a chance tonight to eliminate all those Lucic replays. No doubt in my mind they were playing for the national audience. And they did a damned fine job of showing the national audience that they weren't going to accept the soft label. Now they need to be consistent with it. ...


Excellent point. Perhaps some demons have been excorsized? We'll see. Redemption can be a powerful thing.



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This team didn't just start to play better hockey with the game last night. Last night they played a team that gave up once they fell behind with their backup goalie and had a goal disallowed. They have been playing much better since the AS break and since players have returned from injury. The only thing losing out might do is create more anger for fans, and POSSIBLY force TP to re-evaluate Darcy and Lindys jobs with the team. If going on a hot streak makes Regier believe that Roy and Stafford need to stay and he should do nothing at the deadline but a couple small tweaks to the roster, then it should be even more apparent that he needs to be removed from his job. Right now I could see them hanging on to Stafford, his play looks like its getting a little bit better playing on a line with Ennis and Gerbe, but Roy has shown little signs of life all year and is in desperate need of a change of scenery. I don't see either being moved to collect and stock pile draft picks. If they aren't moved in exchange for players, I can see them being moved for picks that can be flipped in other deals for roster ready players. I have said it before, the team doesn't need to be blown up, just some deadweight needs to be moved and replaced on this roster, and a new GM

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So what you're saying then is that it is nothing more than an interesting observation and that no real conclusions can be drawn from it?


Pretty much. It's worthy of consideration, in my opinion, that they played an inspired game when Ruff was not behind the bench. I can't see how it's not. Among all of the other circumstances the team has faced this season, like injuries, slumps, the Lucic Hit©, this is one circumstance that we simply haven't seen with this line-up; and the results ARE compelling.


But that's about as far as it can reasonably go. I would need to see a much longer period than one game to come to any real conclusions other than blatant speculation, but we probably won't get that opportunity. If Jeep is calling the shots on the bench a few more games, and the inspired play continues, only to drop off when Ruff returns, then I think it'd be extremely foolish not to consider it a possibility that Ruff drags the team down.


And that is all it is.


I have not settled on a position for Ruff; some times I would like to see him coach this team to a Cup, some times I think he can't coach this team to a Cup. A storybook narrative would be awesome - former Sabres captain, turned Sabres coach, an adopted home-town boy whose family now has deep roots in the area, suffers a tumultuous Sabres history only to end up bringing Buffalo its first Stanley Cup. But, but...do I want to sacrifice a Cup here in my lifetime to include Ruff at the end of that narrative? I don't think so, and that's a shame.


But that's about all I have ever said about Ruff, if you were to consolidate and summarize my comments on him over the past few seasons.


This business about quantifying Jeep's skill as a coach versus Ruff is a straw-man created by those who don't want others to even consider it. I did not, nor deluca or dark, say Jeep is superior - that language was introduce by Blue, I believe, in his attempt to knock down the possibility there was SOME influence (assuming Blue is a he - sorry if you're not). There were several exaggerations of the original point by those opposed to it. The point stands and for as many arguments as one can bring against it, I can (and others, I'm sure) argue for it being valid to some degree.

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Does anyone really think that Lucic or any of the other Bruins will face ANY sort of supplementary discipline for their actions at the end of the game? I'd love to see them get in trouble for that cheap sh!t, but I really don't see it happening given the precedent that has already been set :censored:

Not a chance, Saw the game on TSN2 here in Canada, and one fo the guys on the show afterwards was going on more about the Sabres and the stuff they did compared to the Bruins, like Kaletas elbow to Chara that made him fall back into Thomas (that made Chara come right back and run at Kaleta and get a penalty) and how the goal was perfectly fine that Boston scored and it never should have been called back cause there wasn't enough interference
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ON the

] And I don't think any of it needed to be reviewed. I'll mention something that absolutely does need to stop. Was it Seidenberg that "adjusted" Gerbe's visor after the whistle? That ###### with everyone trying to humiliate Gerbe all the time needs to stop. I'd like to see unsportsmanlike conduct penalties for them. Although I'd prefer that Gerbe start taking things into his own hands, either ala Donald Audette and learn to use a discretionary butt end to these nitwits, or he needs to start dropping the gloves with the Marchands of the league (smaller rat-types) so that he sends the message that he won't tolerate the crap.


On the other hand, have you ever seen anything other than a smile on Gerbe's face when this stuff is going on? It's part of his game; he's trying to goad the other team into a bad penalty, but he doesn't let it get under his skin when they don't. And most of the stuff he does is subtle, and done before the other guy starts "adjusting his visor" and stuff.

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