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I will ask you as well.....who in the hockey world is worthy of quoting?


By the way...Jerry Sullivan is not allowed in the Sabres locker room because he is deemed an not a valid hockey journalist. However...GARTH from EKLUND fame IS allowed in the room and reports daily.


Interesting in who the Sabres may deem valuable in their information control.


Who is reliable? Quite a few guys, actually. This is far from a complete list, but I would take this rumor seriously if it came from any of the following:


Eric Duhatschek (Globe & Mail)

James Mirtle (Globe & Mail)

Elliotte Friedman (CBC)

Greg Wyshinski (Puck Daddy)

Darren Dreger (TSN)

Bob McKenzie (TSN) (but not his brother Doug)

Helene Elliott (LA Times)

Stu Hackel (NY Times)


And I know many will disagree, and I don't think it's ever happened yet, but if either Paul Hamilton or Bucky Gleason reported that player X was being shopped around, I would seriously consider the possibility of them being right.


Note that for any of these guys, there is a difference between reporting that "Player X is being shopped" and reporting that "there are rumors that Player X is being shopped." If the former is being reported by any of these guys, I would take it seriously (although there is still a very strong likelihood that it is incorrect). If it's the latter, it's just noise and doesn't mean anything.


As for Jerry Sullivan -- wasn't he banned for essentially behaving like a jerk? I don't think it's quite as Orwellian as you're portraying it.

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Who is reliable? Quite a few guys, actually. This is far from a complete list, but I would take this rumor seriously if it came from any of the following:


Eric Duhatschek (Globe & Mail)

James Mirtle (Globe & Mail)

Elliotte Friedman (CBC)

Greg Wyshinski (Puck Daddy)

Darren Dreger (TSN)

Bob McKenzie (TSN) (but not his brother Doug)

Helene Elliott (LA Times)

Stu Hackel (NY Times)


And I know many will disagree, and I don't think it's ever happened yet, but if either Paul Hamilton or Bucky Gleason reported that player X was being shopped around, I would seriously consider the possibility of them being right.


Note that for any of these guys, there is a difference between reporting that "Player X is being shopped" and reporting that "there are rumors that Player X is being shopped." If the former is being reported by any of these guys, I would take it seriously (although there is still a very strong likelihood that it is incorrect). If it's the latter, it's just noise and doesn't mean anything.


As for Jerry Sullivan -- wasn't he banned for essentially behaving like a jerk? I don't think it's quite as Orwellian as you're portraying it.


I responded to the jerking around Eklund takes, yet the Sabres let his guy in with full access.


Meanwhile the senior guy at the News is banned from the team.


Thanks for the list.

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Isn't Sulllivan the one who stepped on the logo on the new rug last year or something? I think he may have also been the one to get into it with Miller during a postgame last year. (Not that either is a huge deal, but could be why he's "banned".)

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I responded to the jerking around Eklund takes, yet the Sabres let his guy in with full access.


Meanwhile the senior guy at the News is banned from the team.


Thanks for the list.


I could be wrong about Garth/Eklund, but I think both of them simply contribute to the same website -- ie I don't think Garth works for Eklund or is otherwise deserving of being sullied with the Eklund taint (and I know you know all about the taint).

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I could be wrong about Garth/Eklund, but I think both of them simply contribute to the same website -- ie I don't think Garth works for Eklund or is otherwise deserving of being sullied with the Eklund taint (and I know you know all about the taint).


Holy cow....it's Eklund's website. The Sabres let Garth in, his home is Eklund's site. Everyone speaks of Eklund as the devil yet he has his guy in there and Sullivan is banned.


It is what it is.


I know plenty about the taint. It's the tender part of the body that is chafed on about 85% of the Sabres from subtle, viscous trickling that meanders it's way south, overnight, as the boys embrace in their customary spoon.


Isn't Sulllivan the one who stepped on the logo on the new rug last year or something? I think he may have also been the one to get into it with Miller during a postgame last year. (Not that either is a huge deal, but could be why he's "banned".)


Sullivan is a senior guy at the Buffalo News. They ban him because he holds their feet to the fire.


Meanwhile....a guy who posts on a rumormongering site has full access and can be used any way the Sabres would like.


Here is a video linking the two. This is Garth.


Not Suitable For Work. Contains Strong Language.


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Eric Duhatschek (Globe & Mail)

James Mirtle (Globe & Mail)

Elliotte Friedman (CBC)

Greg Wyshinski (Puck Daddy)

Darren Dreger (TSN)

Bob McKenzie (TSN) (but not his brother Doug)

Helene Elliott (LA Times)

Stu Hackel (NY Times)


Solid list. Others, i'd add-

Mike Brophy, Mark Spector, Daren Millard, Nick Kypreos (all Sportsnet) are all great.

Dave Shoalts (Globe and Mail)

Pierre LeBrun (ESPN)

Kevin Allen (USA Today)

Eric Francis (Calgary Sun)

Kevin DuPont (Boston Globe)


These are also some of the best deal breakers, who never post rumors just legit info.


I will ask you as well.....who in the hockey world is worthy of quoting?


By the way...Jerry Sullivan is not allowed in the Sabres locker room because he is deemed an not a valid hockey journalist. However...GARTH from EKLUND fame IS allowed in the room and reports daily.


Interesting in who the Sabres may deem valuable in their information control.


I don't like hockeybuzz because of Eklund. He posts "rumors" which who knows if they are legit or made up. However, i don't mind Garth. He doesn't post rumors. He writes about the team and has inside the locker room access. I think the more availablity the Sabres get the better. I enjoy reading different takes on the Sabres from different people.

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So what you are saying is that they are all hacks and there is not one source out there you find credible?


I'm just asking.....because I don't know what others think on this issue. I would like to know if there is anyone out there who would report possible movement as credible. An opinion on a hit from a home team member 5 years ago isn't really a concern to me when talking about chatter of player movement.


While he usually does not partake in such foolishness, I would be willing to trust Damien Cox at the TO Star. He is a real hockey insider.


For the same reasoning Bob McCown (born in Columbus, OH) host of Prime Time Sports on The Fan radio network, based in Toronto.

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The above writers people listed are not guys that say "Roy looking to go to Pens". They write "The Pens may be interested in Roy". Following certain guys you can tell when they are just throwing something at the wall to generate some web hits and/or sell some papers.


As for Garth, his articles are put through hockeybuzz, but I wouldn't consider him in the same ilk as eck. His writing is straightforward mostly, to the point and he says whether or not it's a fact or rumor.


The fact Sully might be banned from the media room is of no substance to me. TBN has enough guys in there reporting for their paper. Sully writes about football and basketball. He bitch's (filter avoider) about hockey.

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Sullivan is a senior guy at the Buffalo News. They ban him because he holds their feet to the fire.

You should expect nothing less from team Fragile Little Children. If this team can't handle a few questions, how can they be expected to handle a playoff run.


I like Regehr, I thought he was a great signing. If the Sabres are really looking to move Regehr it may be a sign that this franchise is finally being honest about themselves. Regehr has another year left on his contract, the Sabres are not going to suddenly turn into a contender during that time and I wouldn't be inclined to sign Regehr to an extension at 33. If Regehr has value now, moving him would be a good move.

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I'm not convinced Sullivan knows anything about anything. The guy is a perpetual whiner. Just listening to him on the radio makes me want to drive my car into a bridge embankment.


Hamilton had a funny way of putting the Regehr rumor this morning. The Sabres would bring back Satan and Hasek before they trade Regehr.


I'm convinced that Gaustad, Leopold, Roy, are traded. Hamilton brought up a point on burying Boyes in Rochester to free up cap space short term. If someone claims him fine, otherwise he's off the books and finishes in Rochester. I could see that happening. I could also see Sekera going. If someone wants Stafford I am sure they would unload him as well. I don't see anyone taking a flyer on Hecht, assuming he gets back on the ice before the deadline. The rumor mill says the Hawks might be interested in Roy and they are looking for defense. I suppose Leopold and Roy could give them something, not exactly rentals though.


Past that I think it's status quo until the summer.

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Back to the thread topic: that loss on Saturday should serve as a cold splash of reality to anyone that had gotten hypnotized by the recent stretch of good play. This team is still mentally weak. For a team that needs every single GD point it can muster, to come out at home against a lousy team and mail it in for 2 periods is completely unacceptable.


At the deadline: sell, sell, sell.

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I'm selling no matter what happens before the deadline. Gaustad, Leopold and Boyes should all go(Hecht too if he is healthy). Roy & Stafford should either go at the deadlne or in the offseason depending on when the best return can be had(If only one of the two go, Roy is at the top of my hit list).

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It's one thing to say Sell, Sell, Sell, what is the end goal of selling? Right now the Sabres are projected to have $8.183 mil in cap space next off-season. Is there a target amount of cap space you would like to see the Sabres have going into free agency? Dumping UFA's like Boyes, Hecht and Gaustad doesn't alter the number. I will guess many will want Ennis resigned with Kaleta and MAG being allow to sign elsewhere.


There are a lot of variables to consider.


The contracts Leino and Stafford signed make them pretty much unmovable.


With the season Pominville is having and having just giving him the 'C' I doubt the Sabres would even consider it.


Vanek is their only star. I doubt they would consider moving him.


Fan's heads would explode if Myers or Miller would be moved.


That doesn't leave much in movable assets that would really give the Sabres cap relief.


Roy & Regehr at $4 mil each.


Leopold at $3 mil and Sekera at $3.75.


The important part of Sell, Sell, Sell is having assets that other teams want to buy. Looking at the roster and the contracts, the Sabres just don't have much that would create enough cap space.

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1. Hamilton on GR this morning completely dispelled the Regehr rumor, and I do trust him.


2. DeLuca--get Stafford and his $4M contract off the books even if it's a fourth-round pick in return.

I agree, I just don't see a market for a 10-15 goal scorer that lacks dedication and passion to play the game who is also making $12 million over the next three years.

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I agree, I just don't see a market for a 10-15 goal scorer that lacks dedication and passion to play the game who is also making $12 million over the next three years.


Someone will think he can be rehabilitated. Just gotta find that sucker.

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