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I'd guess the Unions are on-board, but I'd bet on the insurance companies pushing it. Commercial driving insurance is bound to be more than a normal personal policy (which generally includes language about using your personal vehicle for livery use and "not covered" in the same sentence).

Random aside: anyone know why they are called "livery(s)"? Without looking it up on the googles?

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I'd guess the Unions are on-board, but I'd bet on the insurance companies pushing it. Commercial driving insurance is bound to be more than a normal personal policy (which generally includes language about using your personal vehicle for livery use and "not covered" in the same sentence).


Sure, but do you think Uber drivers in other cities have normal personal insurance?  I'd be shocked if that were the case in NYC -- Uber drivers here have to have taxi licenses & registrations.

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Very nice.  I got skunked on the big water, but enjoyed every minute of it.


Some of it is the challenge.  But for me, most of it is that fishing seems to be the best hard reboot I can get.  My mind turns off all the stressful ###### and I can let the blissful monotony take over for awhile.  No matter how stressful my life is, a few hours on the water and its a clean slate.

Full reboot. Absolutely.


After my friend smashed his shin scrambling across a pretty rough stretch of water, he kept saying,"Well, I didn't catch any fish, but at least I injured my leg." Even he would say that he had a great day.

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Full reboot. Absolutely.


After my friend smashed his shin scrambling across a pretty rough stretch of water, he kept saying,"Well, I didn't catch any fish, but at least I injured my leg." Even he would say that he had a great day.


If it was more than just the two of us I'd start a fishing thread.


I've been jonesing to get back into small water fishing again.  Haven't hit a small stream in maybe 20 years.  I used to fly fish, but I got rid of the equipment some time ago because I wasn't using it.  I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it.  There was a small stretch of Wiscoy creek between the towns of Eagle and Pike that would keep me occupied for an entire afternoon.  I need to get back to that.


I'm gearing up for steelhead this Winter.  Another thing I haven't done in years.  It's the middle of Summer and I've been daydreaming of wading a Lake Ontario tributary in December.


Yes Eleven, there are alot of use that actually wade INTO streams in the dead of Winter to catch trout.  The first time you hook into a 8lb rainbow trout that damned near runs all the line out of your reel and shows you acrobatic leaps that would make Mary Lou Retton proud you understand.

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If it was more than just the two of us I'd start a fishing thread.


I've been jonesing to get back into small water fishing again. Haven't hit a small stream in maybe 20 years. I used to fly fish, but I got rid of the equipment some time ago because I wasn't using it. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it. There was a small stretch of Wiscoy creek between the towns of Eagle and Pike that would keep me occupied for an entire afternoon. I need to get back to that.


I'm gearing up for steelhead this Winter. Another thing I haven't done in years. It's the middle of Summer and I've been daydreaming of wading a Lake Ontario tributary in December.


Yes Eleven, there are alot of use that actually wade INTO streams in the dead of Winter to catch trout. The first time you hook into a 8lb rainbow trout that damned near runs all the line out of your reel and shows you acrobatic leaps that would make Mary Lou Retton proud you understand.

I support a fishing thread. It might not get the most traffic but maybe it would motivate me to get out more often. :lol:

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NHL mic'd up and uncensored; these guys are hilarious. Definitely NSFW. There's 3 parts, here's part 2

I remember watching a Nordiques game in the 80s. The announcer was dropping F bombs left and right. CJOH maybe.

This was a fun clip to watch. I happen to live in a world where that word is used often. It's good to see things as they really happen. I liked Crosby's rant. He reminded me of a dude I've worked for. He would SCREAM "Mother F'er!" downtown right in front of hundreds of people". I miss that dude.

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If it was more than just the two of us I'd start a fishing thread.


I've been jonesing to get back into small water fishing again.  Haven't hit a small stream in maybe 20 years.  I used to fly fish, but I got rid of the equipment some time ago because I wasn't using it.  I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it.  There was a small stretch of Wiscoy creek between the towns of Eagle and Pike that would keep me occupied for an entire afternoon.  I need to get back to that.


I'm gearing up for steelhead this Winter.  Another thing I haven't done in years.  It's the middle of Summer and I've been daydreaming of wading a Lake Ontario tributary in December.


Yes Eleven, there are alot of use that actually wade INTO streams in the dead of Winter to catch trout.  The first time you hook into a 8lb rainbow trout that damned near runs all the line out of your reel and shows you acrobatic leaps that would make Mary Lou Retton proud you understand.

I know where that is. I pass it on the way to my folks cabin that is the inspiration for my avatar.


I've done it and have even caught, well, no, hooked a fish fly fishing. I just don't have the time or the scratch to get any good at it, "I got no mend, Jerry!"

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I need more weekends.

Dude, with your commute, you keep your stuff in the car, see a spot that looks interesting, pull over, catch a couple of fish and reset your Chi, show up 45 minutes late and tell Jo that traffic was really bad,… all good.

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Dude, with your commute, you keep your stuff in the car, see a spot that looks interesting, pull over, catch a couple of fish and reset your Chi, show up 45 minutes late and tell Jo that traffic was really bad,… all good.




Two rods, a net, and 5 trays of hardware never leave the back of my vehicle.  You never know when you might need the reboot.


And my commute is the Thruway.   :P

I need more weekends.


I'm serious.  Would be nothing fancy.  No boat these days.  Might involve a pier.  Maybe the Niagara River gorge.  Plenty of creeks I need to re-discover.

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Two rods, a net, and 5 trays of hardware never leave the back of my vehicle. You never know when you might need the reboot.


And my commute is the Thruway. :P



I'm serious. Would be nothing fancy. No boat these days. Might involve a pier. Maybe the Niagara River gorge. Plenty of creeks I need to re-discover.

There's actually some good places to drop a line in the mighty Genesee near my apartment. Not sure how the fishin is, but it's there.

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I about messed my drawers just watching that vid.


I'm not a pilot, but I'm an engineer and for a few years I tested flight controls systems.  Part of that involved regular opportunities to fly in a very realistic simulator.  I got pretty good in the sim, but I couldn't come close to what that guy did.  Love the way he canceled out the Dutch roll just as he touched down.  Bumpy approach but looked like a pretty smooth landing.

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I'm told that below the Falls the steelhead fishing is quite good.

I'd probably be above the falls. I'll be honest, I have no idea what I can even expect to find in the Genny. Fishing is a hobby I've never been too serious about. I have a decent rod and reel but I'm not even sure I have the right line on it. I DO have some great flies that I picked up in the daks a few years ago though, so there's that.

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I'd probably be above the falls. I'll be honest, I have no idea what I can even expect to find in the Genny. Fishing is a hobby I've never been too serious about. I have a decent rod and reel but I'm not even sure I have the right line on it. I DO have some great flies that I picked up in the daks a few years ago though, so there's that.


You have a fly fishing rod?

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