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I have no idea who that is. Am I failing at life?


Jim Lahey. Drunk trailer park supervisor from Nova Scotia.


You're not failing at life; he is. But google him and watch the show if you get a chance. It's freaking hilarious.

Edited by Eleven
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I don't think it really fits into any thread, but this one will have to do. When I went out for a walk at lunch today, I saw a police motorcade that was escorting the body of a firefighter who was killed in a fire out here last week. They were taking him to a church where the wake and funeral are being held today and tomorrow. The amount of respect they pay to this man is absolutely amazing. There had to have been around 100 cops in this procession. I hope I'm outside tomorrow when the actual funeral procession rolls through. That is going to be one incredible site.


I hope it's not in poor taste to post this in this thread, but I am in absolute awe of what I saw earlier today.

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I don't think it really fits into any thread, but this one will have to do. When I went out for a walk at lunch today, I saw a police motorcade that was escorting the body of a firefighter who was killed in a fire out here last week. They were taking him to a church where the wake and funeral are being held today and tomorrow. The amount of respect they pay to this man is absolutely amazing. There had to have been around 100 cops in this procession. I hope I'm outside tomorrow when the actual funeral procession rolls through. That is going to be one incredible site.


I hope it's not in poor taste to post this in this thread, but I am in absolute awe of what I saw earlier today.


That public service brotherhood is awesome.


I have several Volunteer Firefighters in my family. They genuinely mourn whenever they hear of a firefighter or police officer passing in the line of duty. Even if that officer is 500 miles away.

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I hold ELP to be one of the most amazing examples of music around.


This is one of their finest examples.



Now.....the girl playing this is BLIND. I have NEVER heard such a heartfelt example of their music, and I must say, after spending 40 minutes watching the rest of her music and Emerson, Lake + Palmer tributes..while bawling like a little girl...Ms. Rachel Flowers is beyond awesome.



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I hold ELP to be one of the most amazing examples of music around.


This is one of their finest examples.



Now.....the girl playing this is BLIND. I have NEVER heard such a heartfelt example of their music, and I must say, after spending 40 minutes watching the rest of her music and Emerson, Lake + Palmer tributes..while bawling like a little girl...Ms. Rachel Flowers is beyond awesome.


Thank you for posting.


She is a gift from God.

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I'm not surprised she can play that well blind. It really does become second nature to find the note you're reaching for the longer you play. It's the learning in the first place that's so impressive. :)


I'm amazed she isn't a household name. She plays jazz flute as well. ELP's music is difficult for masters to play, let alone a teenage girl blind from birth. There is a great vid of her playing the national anthem in the style of different composers as someone rattles off names to her. I was so freaked at first that I thought this could be fake. Keith Emerson was so blown away, he sent her his modulator for the Moog so she could get the exact sounds. Like NS said, nothing short of a gift from God.

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I'm amazed she isn't a household name. She plays jazz flute as well. ELP's music is difficult for masters to play, let alone a teenage girl blind from birth. There is a great vid of her playing the national anthem in the style of different composers as someone rattles off names to her. I was so freaked at first that I thought this could be fake. Keith Emerson was so blown away, he sent her his modulator for the Moog so she could get the exact sounds. Like NS said, nothing short of a gift from God.

I watched her play a couple more pieces and read some of what she had to say about the music. Man, she's bright. Thanks for linking it.

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I watched her play a couple more pieces and read some of what she had to say about the music. Man, she's bright. Thanks for linking it.


I'm in awe. Sure, she hits clunkers here and there, and isn't Oscar Peterson, but I have no idea how a teenage girl who can't see is able to play with such emotion. If you watch some of her jazz gigs, she gets so giddy when she rips off solos that she has a physical reaction. What a treat. I don't get captured by many things, but this is something special. A filmmaker is going to make a documentary with her....the family had previous opportunities, but now feel it is right. Glad you guys like it. What an angel.

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