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All about the All-Star Game..


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Keep in mind the NHL season is STILL in progress - I don't think many teams would be happy seeing their stars leveled with body checks, running goalies, etc., especially now that the playoff push is on. If the ASG got the reputation for getting players injured I doubt you'd see many teams want their best players attending.


And what's the incentive for them playing hard? A few bucks vs a possible serious injury? At least there's a reason to win the baseball ASG - winning league gets home field advantage in the WS.


And did you hear the fans booing the lack of effort by the NFC in the NFL ASG later on?


Oh, I agree that they shouldn't risk injury or that they shouldn't go all out in effort, either. My criticism is towards the job that the NBC announcing crew did during the game. They tried too hard to make the proverbial silk purse out of the sow's ear. And it rang very hollow. Not even the most casual NHL fan could agree with all their "unbelievable this" and "unbelievable that" commentary.


Your point about the NFL Pro Bowl is a good one. And I was happy to hear Mayock and Flutie call the players out on it. They didn't try to dress it up by suggesting that Rodgers was "unbelievable" for example.



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Next year NBC should make the NFL players play hockey and the NHL player play football.


On the same note the production was so bad matbe it would be great just to switch the announcer. See what happenes when Pieere starts sucking up to a 350 pounder. See what stupid remark Roenick has.


And what the hell was that intermission show. How does this guy get picked. There are some 60 million other Canadiens who can't sing. Monotone word slurring with no relation to the audience. Oh I get it; it meant to sound like a NHL players post game interview.

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Just a thought, but do you guys think the all-star game might be less about the game and more about giving the league a break to rest and make and exciting second half?


I get your point, but no. It's about marketing and nothing else, at this point. Back in the day (but not back, back, back in the day), it was about humiliating commies. That was kind of cool. Now, it's really about telling North America that "hey, we have a real sport here!" And it's silly. I'll bet the league gains no fans from it, and that the only people who watch, who aren't hockey fans in the first instance, are people who are hanging out at a bar at 4pm on a Sunday with nothing else to look at.

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