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Regier Looking to Deal: LeBrun


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Dumping the pending free agents (Boyes, Hecht, Goose) prior to the trade deadline is a no brainer... even Darcy can't screw that up (or can he?). My concern is we're so hell bent on running Roy out of here that we'll literally have no natural centers on the roster with any history of scoring at the NHL level and no one in Rochester who can fill that role. Love him or hate him, Roy is historically a ~70 point center with a reasonable cap hit. Drew on the other hand has only hit 50 points once in his career and has the same cap hit as Roy... and we have a surplus of wingers plus Kassian is about ready to become a full time NHLer. To me, dumping one of our overpriced wingers makes more sense than dumping our only true scoring center. But, maybe Roy is a complete cancer in the locker room??? Maybe the plan is to trade him for two center prospects??? Maybe I'm missing something??? Please enlighten me!

Roy has hit 70 only twice in his career.


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Here's a tweet that should make everyone feel reeeaaal confident:






I trust this man to rebuild our franchise. :sick:


Put that tweet into context and it's even worse. That tweet immediately followed this one:



TBNbucky Bucky Gleason


Making moves is tough for #sabres when they cant find trading partners because GMs felt alienated in the past. Big problem.

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Roy has hit 70 only twice in his career.



.82 PPG prior for his career prior to this year puts him at around 67 points over an 82 game season. I'm not saying Roy shouldn't be dealt - my point is who else do we have at the center position that can even come close to that scoring rate? Center is clearly our weakest position in terms of depth, so we absolutely need one or more scoring center prospects back if we trade Roy. Plus, two of our three pending UFAs (Goose, Hecht) are playing center. Makes me wonder whether Darcy has thought this through or not...

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Hot garbage is worse than cold garbage.


I think hot garbage is better than cold garbage.


Hot garbage creates methane - that can be collected and sold. It also can turn into compost (depending what is in that hot garbage) which can be collected and sold.


So in terms of the hockey team - hot garbage can be packaged and traded.

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I think hot garbage is better than cold garbage.


Hot garbage creates methane - that can be collected and sold. It also can turn into compost (depending what is in that hot garbage) which can be collected and sold.


So in terms of the hockey team - hot garbage can be packaged and traded.

I've been on top of that huge mountain of garbage in Tonawanda several times while it was baking in the hot Summer sun. Hot garbage is worse. It really stinks. This team really stinks.

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I seriously doubt Bucky or any other member of the local media is going to just make items up.


If it is not hard to believe that other GMs are laughing at the Sabres and Regier. The Lieno contract alone is a side splitter.


Bucky has a vendetta against Regeir and dislikes him on a personal level. Shouldnt be too hard to cherry pick a quote from an unnamed source. If he has these sources why has he never scooped anything every - at least that I can recall.

We have fallen pretty far since Kelley.

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I've been on top of that huge mountain of garbage in Tonawanda several times while it was baking in the hot Summer sun. Hot garbage is worse. It really stinks. This team really stinks.


This is the correct answer. Hot garbage reeks to high heaven.

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I've been on top of that huge mountain of garbage in Tonawanda several times while it was baking in the hot Summer sun. Hot garbage is worse. It really stinks. This team really stinks.


But it is the middle of winter - that hot garbage will keep you warm. It will melt the snow so you will have something to drink.

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But it is the middle of winter - that hot garbage will keep you warm. It will melt the snow so you will have something to drink.

Mmmm, baby diaper tea.


For the record, there is no worse smell in the world than opening a garbage can that's been sitting in the hot sun like a Dutch oven filled with diapers.

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I have a hard time believing Regier is so irresponsible as to not even return a phone call. Difficult to make a trade with, overvalues his players, values the wrong thing in players....sure, I can buy all of that. But to be so completely inept as to ignore other GMs? That's a bit much. I know we're all on the Darcy hate bandwagon and want him gone, but can we at least maintain some semblance of common sense?

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I have a hard time believing Regier is so irresponsible as to not even return a phone call. Difficult to make a trade with, overvalues his players, values the wrong thing in players....sure, I can buy all of that. But to be so completely inept as to ignore other GMs? That's a bit much. I know we're all on the Darcy hate bandwagon and want him gone, but can we at least maintain some semblance of common sense?


Inept or arrogant?

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Inept or arrogant?


In this context, I see them practically as synonyms. If Regier thinks so highly of himself and his players, that he doesn't even need to engage in talks with other GMs, then that is ineptitude by way of arrogance. It also flies in the face of what numerous other media members have reported, that Darcy has a lot of conversations every year with other GMs, he just never pulls the trigger.

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I have a hard time believing Regier is so irresponsible as to not even return a phone call. Difficult to make a trade with, overvalues his players, values the wrong thing in players....sure, I can buy all of that. But to be so completely inept as to ignore other GMs? That's a bit much. I know we're all on the Darcy hate bandwagon and want him gone, but can we at least maintain some semblance of common sense?


I'm sure there are other g.m's that Regier has had trouble dealing with in the past. If he ignores certain guys because he has had bad dealings with them in the past and knows full well what to expect from certain guys why not ignore them? Everyone knows g.m's have good relationships with certain guys and bad with certain guys. Look at Lowe and Burke. Not long ago Burke challenged him to a barn fight. If lowe ignores the next call from Burke can you blame him? Anyways, I don't put much credence in what Bucky says but I do believe relationships between g.m's aren't all rosey.

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I'm sure there are other g.m's that Regier has had trouble dealing with in the past. If he ignores certain guys because he has had bad dealings with them in the past and knows full well what to expect from certain guys why not ignore them? Everyone knows g.m's have good relationships with certain guys and bad with certain guys. Look at Lowe and Burke. Not long ago Burke challenged him to a barn fight. If lowe ignores the next call from Burke can you blame him? Anyways, I don't put much credence in what Bucky says but I do believe relationships between g.m's aren't all rosey.


I still think it would be silly to totally close off communications. If the U.S. and Soviet Union can keep communications during the height of the Cold War, then NHL GMs who don't particularly care for each other can still return calls. Now, that doesn't mean what you said isn't how it works, I just think it's dumb if a professional behaves that way. And Burke is a blowhard....an intelligent one that I'd love as my GM, but a blowhard nonetheless. That being said, if you're right and it's simply a matter of a GM who doesn't get along with Regier feeding Bucky these quotes...then Bucky is an even worse journalist than I thought he was for not putting the quotes in proper context. At best it's bad journalism, and at worst it's a guy deliberately driving his own agenda.

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I'm sure there are other g.m's that Regier has had trouble dealing with in the past. If he ignores certain guys because he has had bad dealings with them in the past and knows full well what to expect from certain guys why not ignore them? Everyone knows g.m's have good relationships with certain guys and bad with certain guys. Look at Lowe and Burke. Not long ago Burke challenged him to a barn fight. If lowe ignores the next call from Burke can you blame him? Anyways, I don't put much credence in what Bucky says but I do believe relationships between g.m's aren't all rosey.


With the team completely disintegrating the way it has, Darcy doesn't have the luxury of ignoring anyone. I don't care if he got his feelings hurt by another GM or the other guy is always trying to pull a fast one. There's no telling where a deal could evolve. Plus he doesn't know why the other guy is calling- maybe he is trying to save his own job and needs to make a deal to shake up his roster.

In this context, I see them practically as synonyms. If Regier thinks so highly of himself and his players, that he doesn't even need to engage in talks with other GMs, then that is ineptitude by way of arrogance. It also flies in the face of what numerous other media members have reported, that Darcy has a lot of conversations every year with other GMs, he just never pulls the trigger.


I think it's a stretch to call arrogance ineptitude, but I understand your reasoning.


My question is - who is telling these other media members that Darcy is having talks with them? Is it Darcy? "Oh yeah, I'm calling around, but I'm not comfortable with where the market is."


I still think it would be silly to totally close off communications. If the U.S. and Soviet Union can keep communications during the height of the Cold War, then NHL GMs who don't particularly care for each other can still return calls. Now, that doesn't mean what you said isn't how it works, I just think it's dumb if a professional behaves that way. And Burke is a blowhard....an intelligent one that I'd love as my GM, but a blowhard nonetheless. That being said, if you're right and it's simply a matter of a GM who doesn't get along with Regier feeding Bucky these quotes...then Bucky is an even worse journalist than I thought he was for not putting the quotes in proper context. At best it's bad journalism, and at worst it's a guy deliberately driving his own agenda.

I don't buy either one of those. His comments have referenced multiple GMs and execs, not just one or two, and if it is multiple, then Bucky has done due diligence and confirmed with more than one person that yes, DR does have a problem being difficult to work with.


I do agree that if Darcy is acting like this at all, then it is extremely dumb.

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I hate playing monday morning quarterback , but this is what happens when you bring in a lot of new pieces over a short time. Sometimes , certain pieces just dont click , or it will take a couple seasons for this team to gel and learn how to effectively utilize eachothers strengths and weaknesses. I say shut down players with nagging injuries , and play out the rest of the season , set ourselves up for an early draft pick.

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Darcy's two big forward acquisitons in the Pegula era (Leino, Boyes) have a combined 22 points in a combined 72 games. Nice work Darcy. $9.5 million of cap space well spent...


Is there anyone out there that doesn't want Darcy to be gone at the all-star break? I don't buy that we have to wait until the off-season. Teams fire guys midway through the season all the time and put the "interim" tag on someone until a permanent replacement can be found in the off-season. I see no reason why we can't make Jon Christiano or someone else who is currently in the front office the interim GM.

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I have a hard time believing Regier is so irresponsible as to not even return a phone call. Difficult to make a trade with, overvalues his players, values the wrong thing in players....sure, I can buy all of that. But to be so completely inept as to ignore other GMs? That's a bit much. I know we're all on the Darcy hate bandwagon and want him gone, but can we at least maintain some semblance of common sense?

I can easily see him avoiding phone calls from other GMs. Easily. Why wouldn't he? It's not like he's going to get fired over it.
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Personally, I'd fire Regier now so I could hopefully have his replacement with enough time before the trade deadline to properly evaluate and get things done. If Pegula/Black have in fact decided to fire him, I can't think of a single justification for keeping him on beyond the break. If they're firing him, you absolutely want his replacement to be the one making decisions at the deadline. I wouldn't care about him selling off our pending UFAs for picks, but I'd want no part of him acquiring prospects that he wants, as opposed to the guy who will be in charge to rebuild the team. If Regier lasts beyond the break, to me, it means that the decision to fire him hasn't been made. Maybe he's given through the deadline to make things happen (which I think would be a colossal mistake), and then his future gets the final evaluation. But if he's still around a month from now, I think it's safe to say there has been no decision to fire him.

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Darcy's two big forward acquisitons in the Pegula era (Leino, Boyes) have a combined 22 points in a combined 72 games. Nice work Darcy. $9.5 million of cap space well spent...


Is there anyone out there that doesn't want Darcy to be gone at the all-star break? I don't buy that we have to wait until the off-season. Teams fire guys midway through the season all the time and put the "interim" tag on someone until a permanent replacement can be found in the off-season. I see no reason why we can't make Jon Christiano or someone else who is currently in the front office the interim GM.



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Darcy's two big forward acquisitons in the Pegula era (Leino, Boyes) have a combined 22 points in a combined 72 games. Nice work Darcy. $9.5 million of cap space well spent...


Is there anyone out there that doesn't want Darcy to be gone at the all-star break? I don't buy that we have to wait until the off-season. Teams fire guys midway through the season all the time and put the "interim" tag on someone until a permanent replacement can be found in the off-season. I see no reason why we can't make Jon Christiano or someone else who is currently in the front office the interim GM.


I want him gone but I don't think an interim guy is the way to go. You fire Darcy, you hire his replacement immediately. In terms of shaping the roster for the future, it just wouldn't be fair to the interim guy or the new guy coming in.

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I want him gone but I don't think an interim guy is the way to go. You fire Darcy, you hire his replacement immediately. In terms of shaping the roster for the future, it just wouldn't be fair to the interim guy or the new guy coming in.


I'm down with that. It is hard to imagine we can do much worse than Darcy! I do think Darcy has drafted reasonably well, so I give him credit for that. But, I don't think he has a clue when it comes to evaluating NHL-level talent (including his own team).

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