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Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch

Sabres Fan in NS

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This has been going around on twitter so I decided to go through some wikipedia lists. My favorite movie for every year of my life:


1993: The Sandlot (haven't seen Schindler's list because I'm a bad jew)

1994: Clerks

1995: Devil in a Blue Dress

1996: Hard Eight

1997: Boogie Nights

1998: He Got Game

1999: The Matrix

2000: Emperor's New Groove

2001: Fellowship

2002: Two Towers

2003: Kill Bill Vol. 1

2004: The Incredibles

2005: Sin City

2006: Crank

2007: There Will Be Blood

2008: Taken

2009: A Single Man, District 9, Zombieland (I'M CHEATING OKAY)

2010: Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World

2011: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, X-Men First Class

2012: The Master

2013: Nebraska

2014: Nightcrawler

2015: Mad Max: Fury Road

2016: The Lobster

2017: Lego Batman

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This has been going around on twitter so I decided to go through some wikipedia lists. My favorite movie for every year of my life:


1993: The Sandlot (haven't seen Schindler's list because I'm a bad jew)

1994: Clerks

1995: Devil in a Blue Dress

1996: Hard Eight

1997: Boogie Nights

1998: He Got Game

1999: The Matrix

2000: Emperor's New Groove

2001: Fellowship

2002: Two Towers

2003: Kill Bill Vol. 1

2004: The Incredibles

2005: Sin City

2006: Crank

2007: There Will Be Blood

2008: Taken

2009: A Single Man, District 9, Zombieland (I'M CHEATING OKAY)

2010: Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World

2011: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, X-Men First Class

2012: The Master

2013: Nebraska

2014: Nightcrawler

2015: Mad Max: Fury Road

2016: The Lobster

2017: Lego Batman


You need to inject some horror into your favorite movie diet. Start with the Evil Dead Trilogy and add Devil's Rejects, Feast, Eden Lake, Funny Games, P2, The Hitcher, 30 Days of Night, Kalifornia, the Midnight Meat Train, the Mist, Natural Born Killers,  Pathology, I Spit on Your Grave (remake), and the Signal to your watch list and even though they aren't horror movies add in Law Abiding Citizen, Kill the Irishman, and Death Sentence just for good measure.

Edited by Drunkard
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The horror movies that got consideration on my list are The Ring (2002), The Babadook (2013), The Invitation (2015), The Witch (2016), and Get Out (2017).


I've seen a painfully small amount of older horror films.


Oh, man, you are missing out then. Horror is my favorite genre, followed by comedy, and when you can mix the two the way the Evil Dead trilogy does (Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness, the remake from 2013 is straight horror without the comedy) then you are really striking gold. If you're interested in watching any of the ones I listed and you want a brief synopsis I'll be happy to give you one.

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The horror movies that got consideration on my list are The Ring (2002), The Babadook (2013), The Invitation (2015), The Witch (2016), and Get Out (2017).

I've seen a painfully small amount of older horror films.

No offense to Drunkard but I'm not watching any horror movie he likes. Lol

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/incoming shame


The only Miyazaki I've seen is Ponyo. I've gotta lotta work to do.

I've got shame too. I haven't seen them all, and apparently that's a crime for an art kid.... 


Ponyo's good though. Very weird. Took me a few watches. Was definitely one of those "ohhh uhhh ok, well, that's pretty, alrighty Miyazaki, I don't quite get it but apparently you do... maybe i'll figure it out someday.. oh hey it's a David Bowie water wizard!"


Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, and Kiki's Delivery Service are my favorites. Totoro/Kiki are more for kids in spirit. Mononoke shoves the message in your face and rubs it around, but I still think it's gorgeous. 5th grade me fell in love with it. 


The Wind Rises is gorgeous but very long. Very artsy. But there's lots of airplanes so I'm good. I haven't seen Nausicaa or Porco Rosso or Arietty. 

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No offense to Drunkard but I'm not watching any horror movie he likes. Lol


You're missing out. Those are some great horror flicks and they offer a mix between various horror genres. For example, I Spit on your Grave is an awesome horror flick about a chick who gets assaulted by a bunch of rubes in a hick town and she escapes only to plot her revenge in awesome fashion. The Mist is a supernatural type movie based on a Stephen King book where a rip occurs in space/time which allows all these crazy monsters to enter our dimension. If you're a Walking Dead fan the actors who play Dale, Andrea, and Carol all have parts. Most people love this movie but hate the ending. To me, the ending makes it better. The Signal is a weirdly awesome movie that involves most of the population turning various levels of psychotic based on a weird signal that starts making it way across the world through tv and radio signals. 30 days of Night is probably the best vampire movie I've ever seen set in some small town in Alaska right after the place goes into complete darkness for a month. Feast was made by a group of people who won some kind of tv show contest where the winning group of aspiring actors, directors, and producers received the funding to make their own movie. The others are more traditional ax murderer/slasher type films without any supernatural elements.

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You're missing out. Those are some great horror flicks and they offer a mix between various horror genres. For example, I Spit on your Grave is an awesome horror flick about a chick who gets assaulted by a bunch of rubes in a hick town and she escapes only to plot her revenge in awesome fashion. The Mist is a supernatural type movie based on a Stephen King book where a rip occurs in space/time which allows all these crazy monsters to enter our dimension. If you're a Walking Dead fan the actors who play Dale, Andrea, and Carol all have parts. Most people love this movie but hate the ending. To me, the ending makes it better. The Signal is a weirdly awesome movie that involves most of the population turning various levels of psychotic based on a weird signal that starts making it way across the world through tv and radio signals. 30 days of Night is probably the best vampire movie I've ever seen set in some small town in Alaska right after the place goes into complete darkness for a month. Feast was made by a group of people who won some kind of tv show contest where the winning group of aspiring actors, directors, and producers received the funding to make their own movie. The others are more traditional ax murderer/slasher type films without any supernatural elements.

I spit on your grave brings back some memories of my youth, I'm with you Drunkard horror gets my blood flowing. Not so much the slasher at the lake variety. Anything that doesn't follow that tired old formula .

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I spit on your grave brings back some memories of my youth, I'm with you Drunkard horror gets my blood flowing. Not so much the slasher at the lake variety. Anything that doesn't follow that tired old formula .


I've seen the original I spit on your grave from the 70's but I think the remake from 2010 was better just because it has a much darker feel and better acting. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend Eden Lake. It's about a couple in England or Australia or some place with the British accents that goes camping on a lake. This couple gets absolutely terrorized by a group of teenagers and fights back. It's not the campy slashy type despite the lake setting. The Signal is awesome too but in sort of a funny wtf type way. The ending was disappointing but the rest of it was great. It's way funnier if you're inebriated in some way.

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We rented Arrival on red box tonight. I really liked it. Apparently a lot of other people don't. That's too bad.

That's what I'm hearing. One of those movies that you either like or don't like. Not really an in between. I know someone who is into movies like Arrival. But he fell asleep watching it. I haven't seen it yet. Hoping I'm on the like side.

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That's what I'm hearing. One of those movies that you either like or don't like. Not really an in between. I know someone who is into movies like Arrival. But he fell asleep watching it. I haven't seen it yet. Hoping I'm on the like side.

I found it very captivating. I enjoyed trying to solve the puzzles. It wasn't an action movie by any means though, so if that's what you're expecting you'll be let down.

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