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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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Long weekend, parent's 50th wedding anniversary party, my 1st wedding anniversary and...return of the Population of Pominville!

Congratulations. I've been married fifty one and counting. Best wishes to both you and your parents. Oh, liked the trade also.
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Best Friday ever. Interview that ended at 3, and they called me back at 3:15 to schedule a time to meet the team. Then the Sabres gave me a reason to care again.



Congrats and good luck with round 2!!

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Yesterday I complained how hard it is to tour a house, let along make an offer, before it goes into contract. The market right now is just scorching around here.


Well yesterday afternoon, the home we reallllllly wanted came back on the market. We hadn't seen this one, but knew from the listing and pictures that it had everything we wanted and more. Quite literally twice as nice as some of the comps we have seen. We got in just a couple hours after it was relisted and we liked it just as much in person, so we submitted an offer. This morning our offer was accepted. Still some hoops to jump through with inspection regarding a few disclosed issues, and of course need to get finances in order with the bank. All of which is a whole new world for this first-time home buyer. But I'm excited and optimistic this'll all work out.

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Yesterday I complained how hard it is to tour a house, let along make an offer, before it goes into contract. The market right now is just scorching around here.


Well yesterday afternoon, the home we reallllllly wanted came back on the market. We hadn't seen this one, but knew from the listing and pictures that it had everything we wanted and more. Quite literally twice as nice as some of the comps we have seen. We got in just a couple hours after it was relisted and we liked it just as much in person, so we submitted an offer. This morning our offer was accepted. Still some hoops to jump through with inspection regarding a few disclosed issues, and of course need to get finances in order with the bank. All of which is a whole new world for this first-time home buyer. But I'm excited and optimistic this'll all work out.

Congrats, man!  Buying in a crazy market is no picnic, but hopefully all is smooth sailing with no surprises from here on out.  Word of advice, though:  pay attention during the home inspection and try not to let yourself be blinded by the things you love about the house.  It's really easy to overlook things in your excitement and notice them later!

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Congrats, man!  Buying in a crazy market is no picnic, but hopefully all is smooth sailing with no surprises from here on out.  Word of advice, though:  pay attention during the home inspection and try not to let yourself be blinded by the things you love about the house.  It's really easy to overlook things in your excitement and notice them later!



Yeah, that'll be the toughest thing here.. We've been so frustrated that we're missing out on house after house, even ones we aren't super into. Now the one we loved falls right into our lap, so it won't be easy to accept that there might be major concerns revealed in the inspection. We shall see! 

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Yeah, that'll be the toughest thing here.. We've been so frustrated that we're missing out on house after house, even ones we aren't super into. Now the one we loved falls right into our lap, so it won't be easy to accept that there might be major concerns revealed in the inspection. We shall see! 

Hopefully no issues, but either way a good home inspector is worth their weight in gold; you can learn a lot about what to look for in your home systems, maintenance, future potential repair / replacement costs, etc.  Soak up as much information from them as you can!

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Hopefully no issues, but either way a good home inspector is worth their weight in gold; you can learn a lot about what to look for in your home systems, maintenance, future potential repair / replacement costs, etc.  Soak up as much information from them as you can!

Oh yeah, I'll be there for the inspection, following them around and soaking everything up like a sponge! Planning to learn a lot, and lean on my dad to fill in my homeowner knowledge gaps.


Hey Eich,


It's not too late ...






Just kidding, of course.  Congrats on being way in debt ...  :flirt:


Hey, when rent is $15,000 a year, you're pretty quick to sign away your life and start building some equity! We plan to stay in Columbus 5-6 more years. Probably no more and no less. My wife will finish out her PhD program, and then we'll flock to the east coast and settle where her industry is booming. From a financial standpoint, buying a home makes a lot of sense for us right now.. That is, until you factor in my desire to go back to school for a teaching license this fall :P

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Looks like our sister aerial studio here in Buffalo is FINAAALLLLYYY going to open in August. Signed up for classes tonight.


The old school it's in on Delavan was supposed to be ready back in April. It's just now getting to where it should've been months ago. Been a huge stress factor on my friend who's opening it. 


But yeah, if you or someone you know wants to try silks or hoop or pole or just some really bada$$ workouts (we have cirque fit and aerial core- basically new and exciting ways to kill yourself and get ripped), check us out. If you like lifting people, we have acro fit, too. Classes for all ages.


I'll be working kids' superhero parties again too! 


Man, I've missed it. 

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Been in WNY since last Sunday visiting relatives, heading home tomorrow. Second vacation in the last two weeks and now nothing again until Thanksgiving. It's been a great, relaxing ride but Monday morning is going to be a beotch.

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Picasso's pizza and some Genny creams.

Mendon Wok and some Genny Ice.

Saranac gen 4 session IPA. This is the worst sh!t I've ever tasted. It's tied with every other IPA I've ever had. I could make piss taste better than this.

Loooove the IPAs. You most certainly would not like my homebrews. I'm switching up to iT Black IPA for the rest of the night!
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Genny cream is the new hipster beer, you should be able to find it.

They sell every variety of Genny in every beer store in a 10 mile radius. I'm currently finishing off the worst of saranacs's 12 beers of summer that I bought when I was back home on Monday.

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