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Calling All Miserable Superheroes....

Ghost of Dwight Drane

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I agree about having him prepared for an interview, but I will give Pegula credit for facing the music. He seems sincere, and I can respect that. If he doesn't change some of his views in short order though, we could be in for a world of frustration pain.


"This is what happens when you *&+# a stranger in the ass."

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But you have no problem throwing some thoughts out there that just might make the tin foil hat brigade hit their own panic button. ;)


And yes, until I find the time to listen to the whole thing, I'm going to throw out crappy comments like the one I just made.




I'd hate to break it to you, but there are two B's in your name. ;) :o


First of all.....when all is said and done.....where was I wrong about the previous owners? I took a lot of those comments from people, and you heard it from Golisano himself.....the only objective was for them to make money. Not win games....not go for the Cup....not keep a coherent roster together.....but make money.


And just because I dig deeper than the average bear doesn't mean I should be jumped on by those that don't want to do the work. Jeez...just last week Hamilton finally said there were grumblings Connolly was signed to extensions as a family favor. I had been begging the media to bring that up to Quinn for years, but everyone sat on it.


I think Pegula is a stand up guy. There is a big difference in questioning somebody's opinion and policies, and questioning their integrity.

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First of all.....when all is said and done.....where was I wrong about the previous owners? I took a lot of those comments from people, and you heard it from Golisano himself.....the only objective was for them to make money. Not win games....not go for the Cup....not keep a coherent roster together.....but make money.


And just because I dig deeper than the average bear doesn't mean I should be jumped on by those that don't want to do the work. Jeez...just last week Hamilton finally said there were grumblings Connolly was signed to extensions as a family favor. I had been begging the media to bring that up to Quinn for years, but everyone sat on it.


I think Pegula is a stand up guy. There is a big difference in questioning somebody's opinion and policies, and questioning their integrity.


My impression is that you're trying to build up a little drama here. You feed off of that kind of stuff and that's fine. To each his own. And as for digging deeper than most people, what's there to dig up when they've had about 30 seconds to start filling in the whole? Then again, it seems like you're more about handing the shovels out to others right at this moment.


But hey, at least its something to talk about. Things seem a bit boring at the moment. I guess that's bound to happen with the huge news day that was Tuesday.

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My impression is that you're trying to build up a little drama here. You feed off of that kind of stuff and that's fine. To each his own. And as for digging deeper than most people, what's there to dig up when they've had about 30 seconds to start filling in the whole? Then again, it seems like you're more about handing the shovels out to others right at this moment.


But hey, at least its something to talk about. Things seem a bit boring at the moment. I guess that's bound to happen with the huge news day that was Tuesday.


Again, you haven't listened to the tape.


Go listen, then you can spin it.


Darcy and Drama are not words to be used together ;)

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Welcome ... I really don't think we are bashing him as much as just commenting and disagreeing with him.


I agree he is not used to dealing with the media and I understand it, but that is exactly the point. He needs to understand how things work or he is going to be miserable. As some others have pointed out ... saying they QUIT because of what is in the local newpaper is not really "having their back" ... if he thinks it is, again, he has a lot to learn. No one, least of all a professional athlete, wants to hear that they quit. And even if it was just a poor choice of words to say "quit," the players know the deal ... give them some credit here too. Miller knows when he plays bad. Pominville knows when he is not burying chances. The media has so little effect on even the weakest of players ... they get weeded out long before the NHL. If he asked them they would probably say thanks, but you just make us look like little kids who can't handle what our job entails. having your players' backs is great. Saying "can't you write something nice even when they play bad, it might help" is another. That's just not the real world. Did the Yankees win 27 World Series because the new york media said nice things about them? It makes no sense.


Thanks! I know it's the media's job to ask the tough questions, but some of it was way out of line. How can Pegula really answer for what decisions the team made when he wasn't the owner? IMO, people are reading way too much into this.


I've played in many of recreational hockey leagues (RW & D), and each game I've played has been different. Some games I'm hot, some games my shots & passes are off, and there have been times where I've been in scoring slumps, but that doesn't mean I'm a quitter. Each professional athlete, in any sport goes through this.

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Again, you haven't listened to the tape.


Go listen, then you can spin it.


Darcy and Drama are not words to be used together ;)



I was reading your posts in this thread in the voice of Jerry Sullivan. Please take that as a compliment as that is how I think it.

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I have listened to the whole thing I understand his point about negativity impacting players but also agree hey ur a professional criticism is expected. I think you guys are grabbing one or two phrases and making a big deal about it. One thing I got from it is Darcy came to him with some ideas on scouting and Terry said put the gas pedal to the floor. Darcy has been used to hearing NO for a very long time. I love the message about the broadcasts needing upgrading and other word about how his previous company was about people being family and how he wants players to be developed so they never want to leave.


Do I fully support Darcy and Lindy my feeling and gut is no but lets see if they can do anything in this trade deadline and more importantly what gets done this Off-season!!!!

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man, this is a boomin' thread. i haven't had time to review it all, but i will say that i found pegula's statements about how the local print media is partly (largely?) to blame for the quit in the team to be genuinely weird.


it sounded like it was harrington who put the thing in perspective for pegula when he said that if pegula had been reading the local paper from 2005-2007, he'd have seen extensive coverage that was very pom-pommy in nature because, as i think harrington put it, the coverage tends to reflect and track what the team is doing and how the local fan base seems to be feeling. i think that harrington's point is a lot more true than it is false, and it seemed to slow pegula down quite a bit.


whatever. i think pegula was being a bit naive and emotional in pushing the local paper on having an irrational blood grudge against darcy, et al. he seemed to recognize that he'd gone far afield when he later said something about how this is his first day on the job and that he shouldn't be expected to have good answers to difficult questions, etc. etc.


he's clearly taking the view that patience is a virtue and that franchises become great by being patient (and smart (and lucky)). as such, it would not make sense for him to come into town, blow everything to high hell, and risk setting the entire organization (including a slew of prospects (picked by darcy)) back 3 or more years. he wants to proceed deliberately. that appears to be why he's retaining darcy and giving him a shot to make the thing work. if darcy's his guy, then pegula can be expected to spray cover for him, i guess.


i still love the guy -- it's clear that what you see is what you get, for better or worse. i'm betting it's going to be for better -- a lot better.

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Thanks! I know it's the media's job to ask the tough questions, but some of it was way out of line. How can Pegula really answer for what decisions the team made when he wasn't the owner? IMO, people are reading way too much into this.


I've played in many of recreational hockey leagues (RW & D), and each game I've played has been different. Some games I'm hot, some games my shots & passes are off, and there have been times where I've been in scoring slumps, but that doesn't mean I'm a quitter. Each professional athlete, in any sport goes through this.


He wasn't really asked to answer for it. The simple question was what he thought of that day, as a way of revealing how he might face a similar day in the future.


He said he didn't like it. He admitted he was emotionally removed from it, which is a bit telling in and of itself. I think the picture that's emerging is that he was a very big fan in his younger days, probably mellowed out over time, which is to be expected, and maybe took a big step back 10-12 years or so ago. He moved down south, dropped his seasons, focused on family and business and admitted that by 2003 he wasn't even aware the team was for sale. His daughter Jessie got him back into hockey about that time.


No surprise that he didn't have a strong opinion about July 1, 2007. Oh yeah, during the interview, he said, "I was a fan..."

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I think one of the last quotes summed it up how he felt having Tallinder and Toni would make this team that much better and the GMs hands were tied by TG for long term contracts.


I was a little bothered by reaction to the 7/1/2007 in that he was removed from it all sort of makes me feel he lost alot of his deep following of the team daily as many of us do here on sabresspace but he was running a company and his family was in florida. I am hoping from now on we never have to be pissed that we didnt sign a player because the owner wouldnt cough up the $$$. One other thing I got from this is this is the kind of guy I want to work for, no one ever left the company and he wants to do those little things like flying someones entire family to a game to celebrate a milestone etc.


Many of you will bitch just to bitch but right now I am giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and how he wants to change the culture and feel that a manager like this is the kind that will have success down the road.

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You guys crack me up. Here is a man saying he wasn't paying attention to the Sabres around July 1st. You're genuinely bothered by that now that he is an owner of the Sabres. Here is a self made billionaire sweeping in to buy a hockey team. My guess was he was busy pushing his millions into billions. Flog him for being distracted from hockey while his bank account was escalating from six zeros to nine zeros. It's really okay to have a life completely separate from hockey before he bought the team. It really is. So what he doesn't have an opinion on Drury/Briere. I could care less how he got here and how much he was/wasn't a fan in the past. He said more good things than bad in that interview and all you can focus on is your perception of the bad.


More money to scouting .. flog him..

More money for technology .. flog him again ..

Big player in free agency .. flog him again ...

Make Buffalo a family kind of place ... flog him again ..


Buffalo finally gets an owner committed to winning :worthy: and all you guys are committed to whining :cry: .. Hey like how I did that? :w00t:


sheesh ...

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You guys crack me up. Here is a man saying he wasn't paying attention to the Sabres around July 1st. You're genuinely bothered by that now that he is an owner of the Sabres. Here is a self made billionaire sweeping in to buy a hockey team. My guess was he was busy pushing his millions into billions. Flog him for being distracted from hockey while his bank account was escalating from six zeros to nine zeros. It's really okay to have a life completely separate from hockey before he bought the team. It really is. So what he doesn't have an opinion on Drury/Briere. I could care less how he got here and how much he was/wasn't a fan in the past. He said more good things than bad in that interview and all you can focus on is your perception of the bad.


More money to scouting .. flog him..

More money for technology .. flog him again ..

Big player in free agency .. flog him again ...

Make Buffalo a family kind of place ... flog him again ..


Buffalo finally gets an owner committed to winning :worthy: and all you guys are committed to whining :cry: .. Hey like how I did that? :w00t:


sheesh ...

Great post and spot on! Those whining about Pegula can pack up and go follow the Hartford Wolfpack (and talk to fans who lost a team) and take Sully and Gleason with them.

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My impression is that you're trying to build up a little drama here. You feed off of that kind of stuff and that's fine. To each his own. And as for digging deeper than most people, what's there to dig up when they've had about 30 seconds to start filling in the whole? Then again, it seems like you're more about handing the shovels out to others right at this moment.


But hey, at least its something to talk about. Things seem a bit boring at the moment. I guess that's bound to happen with the huge news day that was Tuesday.

Spot on.


I think you guys are grabbing one or two phrases and making a big deal about it.

One thing I got from it is Darcy came to him with some ideas on scouting and Terry said put the gas pedal to the floor. Darcy has been used to hearing NO for a very long time.


I love the message about the broadcasts needing upgrading and other word about how his previous company was about people being family and how he wants players to be developed so they never want to leave.

Same here.


man, this is a boomin' thread. i haven't had time to review it all, but i will say that i found pegula's statements about how the local print media is partly (largely?) to blame for the quit in the team to be genuinely weird.


it sounded like it was harrington who put the thing in perspective for pegula when he said that if pegula had been reading the local paper from 2005-2007, he'd have seen extensive coverage that was very pom-pommy in nature because, as i think harrington put it, the coverage tends to reflect and track what the team is doing and how the local fan base seems to be feeling. i think that harrington's point is a lot more true than it is false, and it seemed to slow pegula down quite a bit.


whatever. i think pegula was being a bit naive and emotional in pushing the local paper on having an irrational blood grudge against darcy, et al. he seemed to recognize that he'd gone far afield when he later said something about how this is his first day on the job and that he shouldn't be expected to have good answers to difficult questions, etc. etc.


he's clearly taking the view that patience is a virtue and that franchises become great by being patient (and smart (and lucky)). as such, it would not make sense for him to come into town, blow everything to high hell, and risk setting the entire organization (including a slew of prospects (picked by darcy)) back 3 or more years. he wants to proceed deliberately. that appears to be why he's retaining darcy and giving him a shot to make the thing work. if darcy's his guy, then pegula can be expected to spray cover for him, i guess.


i still love the guy -- it's clear that what you see is what you get, for better or worse. i'm betting it's going to be for better -- a lot better.

Good post. I don't think his blaming the media was anything other than him making a show of sticking up for his players/coaches/GM. It's part of his family/loyalty theme. I agree that he backpedaled a bit and then made amends at the end.


You guys crack me up. Here is a man saying he wasn't paying attention to the Sabres around July 1st. You're genuinely bothered by that now that he is an owner of the Sabres. Here is a self made billionaire sweeping in to buy a hockey team. My guess was he was busy pushing his millions into billions. Flog him for being distracted from hockey while his bank account was escalating from six zeros to nine zeros. It's really okay to have a life completely separate from hockey before he bought the team. It really is. So what he doesn't have an opinion on Drury/Briere. I could care less how he got here and how much he was/wasn't a fan in the past. He said more good things than bad in that interview and all you can focus on is your perception of the bad.


More money to scouting .. flog him..

More money for technology .. flog him again ..

Big player in free agency .. flog him again ...

Make Buffalo a family kind of place ... flog him again ..


Buffalo finally gets an owner committed to winning :worthy: and all you guys are committed to whining :cry: .. Hey like how I did that? :w00t:


sheesh ...

Very nice.



My 2 cents:


1. I cannot believe the hysterical psychodrama pervading this thread. I cannot believe that certain posters here believe even 30% of the statements they posted in here. I read 85% of the thread, then listened to the entire audio, and I kept waiting for TP to have a nervous breakdown. It never happened.


2. Frankly, I thought the most interesting thing was the fact that he took 2 unveiled shots at TG -- the "DR is used to hearing no" comment, and then the comment about Tallinder and Lydman.


3. Dwight Drane -- I think Shrader is right that this is partially you stirring the pot, but you've dived too deeply into the PAFan/DeLuca abyss. If you make it out you'll be damaged for good.


4. I think the driving force behind most of the criticism of TP in this thread was his support for DR, when most of the critics here want DR gone. Everyone here just seems to assume that the fact that TP is supporting DR means that TP, despite being a good guy and willing to spend a lot of $$ to improve the Sabres, is dumb, because he supports DR and DR stinks, so that means TP must be dumb, and therefore it's going to take longer for the Sabres to win the Cup than it otherwise might if TP weren't so dumb.

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Spot on.



Same here.



Good post. I don't think his blaming the media was anything other than him making a show of sticking up for his players/coaches/GM. It's part of his family/loyalty theme. I agree that he backpedaled a bit and then made amends at the end.



Very nice.



My 2 cents:


1. I cannot believe the hysterical psychodrama pervading this thread. I cannot believe that certain posters here believe even 30% of the statements they posted in here. I read 85% of the thread, then listened to the entire audio, and I kept waiting for TP to have a nervous breakdown. It never happened.


2. Frankly, I thought the most interesting thing was the fact that he took 2 unveiled shots at TG -- the "DR is used to hearing no" comment, and then the comment about Tallinder and Lydman.


3. Dwight Drane -- I think Shrader is right that this is partially you stirring the pot, but you've dived too deeply into the PAFan/DeLuca abyss. If you make it out you'll be damaged for good.


4. I think the driving force behind most of the criticism of TP in this thread was his support for DR, when most of the critics here want DR gone. Everyone here just seems to assume that the fact that TP is supporting DR means that TP, despite being a good guy and willing to spend a lot of $$ to improve the Sabres, is dumb, because he supports DR and DR stinks, so that means TP must be dumb, and therefore it's going to take longer for the Sabres to win the Cup than it otherwise might if TP weren't so dumb.

The "driving force" as you put it is that TP appears to be star struck and has seemed to buy into the Status Quo excuse machine.

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Spot on.



Same here.



Good post. I don't think his blaming the media was anything other than him making a show of sticking up for his players/coaches/GM. It's part of his family/loyalty theme. I agree that he backpedaled a bit and then made amends at the end.



Very nice.



My 2 cents:


1. I cannot believe the hysterical psychodrama pervading this thread. I cannot believe that certain posters here believe even 30% of the statements they posted in here. I read 85% of the thread, then listened to the entire audio, and I kept waiting for TP to have a nervous breakdown. It never happened.


2. Frankly, I thought the most interesting thing was the fact that he took 2 unveiled shots at TG -- the "DR is used to hearing no" comment, and then the comment about Tallinder and Lydman.


3. Dwight Drane -- I think Shrader is right that this is partially you stirring the pot, but you've dived too deeply into the PAFan/DeLuca abyss. If you make it out you'll be damaged for good.


4. I think the driving force behind most of the criticism of TP in this thread was his support for DR, when most of the critics here want DR gone. Everyone here just seems to assume that the fact that TP is supporting DR means that TP, despite being a good guy and willing to spend a lot of $$ to improve the Sabres, is dumb, because he supports DR and DR stinks, so that means TP must be dumb, and therefore it's going to take longer for the Sabres to win the Cup than it otherwise might if TP weren't so dumb.


1) I put the call out for us miserable ones knowing full well the Candyland gang would want no part of hearing the grenade and pending carnage.

2) Yes, it was interesting...almost as if he was given the dog and pony show by the current administration, all of who have been kept on, minus Quinn. Why not blame the guy out the door....sort of like the Bills' previous 3 drafts were Jauron's doing, not Modrak.

3) I have been more positive than anyone about Pegula coming here. I knew what his pockets and history meant, and that the deal sounded golden. If you read what I say, they are many more positives with him here and I appreciate his transparency and passion. Given that many of the same people here defended everything the previous crew did, but are so eager to tell us how things will be so much better now....who's opinion should I take more seriously?

4) You are spot on, except instead of dumb I would use the word naive, or unseasoned. Given his fortune and business success...I was hoping for more intense direction where it matters right out of the box. Right now the only certains are Rene Robert, a new carpet, and 23 new scouts under the direction of head hockey man, Darcy Regier.

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Listen before coming up with any opinion. This entire thread is slanted towards that negative opinion so it can easily poison your mind. Don't try to read any of the so called "miserable superheroes" or the Buffalo News. Don't read the positive posts from guys like 11 and Taro. This is one of those rare opportunities where you've actually been handed the entire audio. Listen to it and judge it for yourself.

I still stick by what I said for the most part. His lack of knowledge to his teams perception in the communtiy is disappointing. As he alluded to, it may have been a little soon for this type of questioning. I'm looking forward to his growth as a NHL team owner. OSP ran and hid from the spotlight once the tough got going, let's see what Pegs does when the heat gets turned up.

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