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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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My recollection of Pegula's presser comments were that Ruff "ain't going anywhere" but that Darcy "has earned" the right to stay or continue or whatever. We need to pay greater attention to his press conference comments more than his Buffalo News editorial board comments because the presser conference comments were the result of the new ownership's brain trust's meeting of the minds. There's a big fracking difference here. In Lindy's case, it a matter of "he's my man." In Darcy's case, it's we'll see how he does over the next 12 months. Pegula made the mistake in the News conference of using that "ain't going nowhere" phrase in reference to Darcy. I guarantee that he and his advisors and handlers regret him saying that, because they have Darcy in their sights. If he doesn't live up to expectations, he's toast. The thing is, he was better scripted during the press conference,. And he was left to his own devices during the News editorial board meeting.


So you are saying someone reading off a script should be trusted more than telling you what they really think?


All Pegula had to say to the News was "After doing a thurough review I feel Darcy has earned the right to show what he can do in an unbridled environment."


That is not what he said....he went out of his way to defend him, say he was his guy, that no hockey mind would be hired above him, and that everyone loves him. That is scary.

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I'm sure there are some here who couldn't wait for Peguls to step in it so they could wring their hands and gnash their teeth but I didn't expect Pegula to throw his GM under the bus 24 hours after acquiring the team. Give the guy a little bit of credit, if it becomes apparent to him that his people are unable to do the job I'm sure they will be replaced.

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Actually, it's not that good of a question. Such an open-ended question gives the person being interviewed way too many opportunities to escape.

If Pegula had been properly prepared, he would have swatted that question away like a fly on a pile of buffalo s**t: One example: "Like many fans, I was saddened to see Briere and Drury leave the organization, but I wasn't there when the two sides discussed the issues. I wasn't privy to the negotiations, so I can't comment, I can't talk about something I don't have personal knowledge about. Next question."

Also, I would argue that to most people, even Sabres fans, 7/1/2007 doesn't resonate the same way that 9/11 does. Not that there's any comparison, but if you start throwing out dates you better make sure they have significance. As for me, mention July 1, and I think Canada Day.

A better question would have been something along the lines of " Many fans still rue the day when the Sabres somehow managed to let both Briere and Drury walk without getting squat in return. How did that example of sublime ineptitude affect you as a fan?"


It was a trick question. Mike wanted to test whether Pegula is the super fan he portrays himself to be. And to correct my statement, no one clued him in as to what happened on that date. He merely asked, something like, "That's the day Drury and Briere..."? So, my bad.

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So you are saying someone reading off a script should be trusted more than telling you what they really think?


All Pegula had to say to the News was "After doing a thurough review I feel Darcy has earned the right to show what he can do in an unbridled environment."


That is not what he said....he went out of his way to defend him, say he was his guy, that no hockey mind would be hired above him, and that everyone loves him. That is scary.


It's not scary. It's really just someone who doesn't know what to say to the media, or more importantly, how to say it.


The sad truth is that in the world of PR, how you say something can be more important that what you say.


A great example: your comment in bold. That's so much better than what Pegula told the editorial board. But he didn't say that. He tried to recycle a phrase that he felt resonated at the press conference.


My poin: Pegula was not properly prepared for that meeting. If he were properly prepared, we'd be doing something more constructive with our lives than talking about his meeting with the Buffalo News.


Talking to the media is very nerve-wracking. I know, I've been on both sides of the equation. It's incredibly easy to say something foolish, or worse, stupid.


The truth is that most of what you hear on the evening news (assuming anyone actually watches TV or reads newspapers anymore) is the result of media training of some form or another. Talking points, messages: that's what that's what public officials, be they elected officials or business people, learn about from their handlers.


The whole notion of having someone "scripted" to talk to the media is weird, I know. But most people can't talk to the media and make sense without help.

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I'll relisten to the interview this weekend, but I didn't hear anything to get too excited about nor anything to get too worked up over.


The comments about the News bringing down the players struck me as being geared towards showing the players that he will defend them and stand by them regardless of what is being said. My guess is that they appreciate that. It goes back to trying to set himself up as the 'best owner in hockey.' Was it a misstep? Perhaps. But I'd expect we are trying to parse it down too far. (Says the guy that plans on relistening to this interview at least 1 more if not 2 more times.)


I took the same impression for the comments about Darcy. The News reporters were saying they talked to hockey people that didn't think much of Darcy; TP retorts back (paraphrasing here) that he has no reason to lie about not hearing anything bad in his due diligence as he'd be screwing himself over if he keeps Darcy and Darcy isn't up to the job. And then chimes in w/ 'Darcy ain't going anywhere.' Which is true right now; but if he doesn't like the job Darcy is doing in the future won't necessarily be the case. If Darcy doesn't get the job done, he (TP) is screwing himself (TP) by keeping him on further. That sounds to me like Darcy has been given a chance to sink or swim. Others have predicted he'll last through the year. I'd say if he isn't performing, he's gone by New Years Day; if he is performing, he could have a Ken Holland type tenure. Holland isn't going anywhere if he doesn't want to. If the jury's out, he lasts until it's in (maybe longer depending upon the verdict). Maybe the guilty verdict is rendered next summer; if so, then that's when Darcy goes. If Pegula (and his advisors) think that Darcy's on the right track he stays; when he decides he isn't, he goes.


Why use the 'he ain't going anywhere' line? Because if he doesn't, the fact that he wouldn't use it becomes the big story. TP prides himself on taking care of his people. Could he say anything else and have people believe that? Perhaps, but it probably requires a nuance that TP (likely) hasn't developed yet. You don't get to become a billionaire without doing an interview or 2; but I'd be surprised if he's been in one like this one before.


I'll relisten to it. I didn't hear much of anything I didn't expect from either side. I actually was expecting to be very disappointed in what TP was saying based on the 1st page of this thread. It wasn't as bad as had been advertised but it wasn't a home run either. I did like TP's nearly last comment which was 'I've been tough on you but we'll keep talking.' (Or something to that effect.)


I do find it interesting to read such differing opinions on the editorial board interview. I guess we really do enter into these things with our own preconceived notions of what they'll be and tend to hear the same.

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It's not scary. It's really just someone who doesn't know what to say to the media, or more importantly, how to say it.


The sad truth is that in the world of PR, how you say something can be more important that what you say.


A great example: your comment in bold. That's so much better than what Pegula told the editorial board. But he didn't say that. He tried to recycle a phrase that he felt resonated at the press conference.


My poin: Pegula was not properly prepared for that meeting. If he were properly prepared, we'd be doing something more constructive with our lives than talking about his meeting with the Buffalo News.


Talking to the media is very nerve-wracking. I know, I've been on both sides of the equation. It's incredibly easy to say something foolish, or worse, stupid.


The truth is that most of what you hear on the evening news (assuming anyone actually watches TV or reads newspapers anymore) is the result of media training of some form or another. Talking points, messages: that's what that's what public officials, be they elected officials or business people, learn about from their handlers.


The whole notion of having someone "scripted" to talk to the media is weird, I know. But most people can't talk to the media and make sense without help.


I understand....and I think Pegula is a bit awkward in public to begin with. Like I said, I give him and his handlers credit for at least being out there. Gilbert probably wanted to jump on the grenade for him, but is probably under orders to let Pegula do his thing.


I'm still excited, and I'm willing to be patient to a degree. Just feels like I will have to be extra patient and hope common sense prevails. Going into this on day 1 of the rumors, I said as long as Quinn was shipped out of town, I could handle Darcy sticking around to prove his worth with no restrictions. I feel he will fail, but the cancer has been removed in my opinion. We just have to wait for the secondary pneumonia to be healed, and Pegula saying what he said was like smoking a pack a day as you cough up bloody phlegm.

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I've got mixed feelings about the way Terry carried himself in the meeting.

You never win blaming the media and he messed up there. But I am sick of suits doing their spinning and evading and lying. I think he was being honest and I like that.

I also think he is foolish to say the media can help the team win by being positive. But I think he is smart putting the message out there to his players that he is on their side.


But the real crux of this thread is the firm belief of Gleason, Sullivan and many on here that Regier is the problem and he needs to go.

Pegs doesn't agree, therefore these people are scared we are in for more of the same.


My favourite quote hasn't been talked about yet: "Darcy said we're used to hearing 'no' around here."


Pegs' strategy is pretty clear: create an environment that makes players want to come here and players want to stay.

Give the hockey department everything he can to help them do their job. Remove the roadblocks and the excuses.


It is the epitome of good management, coming from a man with an impeccable track record for leadership and success.


I have been frustrated as any by Darcy's deliberate ways. But by any objective measure he is a decent NHL GM.

He is being given an opportunity to prove he is more.


And I'm OK with that.

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Here's my 2 cents:


What is painfully apparent is that Pegula is not ready for prime time when it comes to public speaking or dealing with the media. There's a real skill and knack to dealing with the media, and until he learns how to spar with the media, he's going to look silly whenever the media gets done with him. I mean he was lousy last night with Kevin Sylvester, and it's not like Sylvester was throwing high heat. If I were the Sabres PR guy, I'd think about calling in sick for the next month.


As a side note: Was that Sullivan who referred to Sawyer as "Sweeney or whatever his name is."? If so, that tells me a lot about Sullivan. I mean there are only three new names to learn -- and even I have learned how to spell Pegula.


But back to Pegula.

First reaction, based on the first 10-12 minutes (not quite sure because the News player isn't sophisticated enough to include a timer):


Pegula is not prepared for public speaking, and was totally unprepared for that editorial board meeting. Consequently, if you are his handler, you don't let him out in public. But if you do, it's in really tightly controlled situations. If I were Michael Gilbert (the Sabres press guy), there's no way I'd have agreed to let him into that meeting. If he did say OK, I'd be updating my resume, or looking for someone to throw under the bus. He totally failed in preparing Pegula for the meeting, otherwise Pegula wouldn't have sounded so naive or so uninformed. I wish I had a copy of that video, it would be great training material on how NOT to go into an interview.


Any flack with any skill should have prepped Pegula for every question I've heard so far. He should have been able to answer those questions backward, forward, inside-out and upside down. No company or association that I have ever worked for would let an executive loose without extensive media training. Why? Because if you let an exec go in cold or wing it, you end up with interviews like this.


Sullivan will have a field day with the results of that meeting whenever he gets around to writing his column. He is going to make Pegula look like a horse's ass. That's what he is paid to do.


As for my take on Pegula: I'm going to wait and see what transpires over the next 12-24 months. Why? I don't own the team and I don't have any alternatives. Besides, maybe his skill is running a business and putting together a good management team and not public speaking.

Excellent point!


Back on the day he gave his press conference, he had an interview on NHL Live with the boys in NYC. He really had a problem with enunciating his words.


If anything, I'm glad he didn't buy the Leafs or the Habs. If you think this interview went poorly, the sports media in Toronto and Montreal have a reputation for being downright brutal! They would have been all over him like ants on sugar.

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It was a trick question. Mike wanted to test whether Pegula is the super fan he portrays himself to be. And to correct my statement, no one clued him in as to what happened on that date. He merely asked, something like, "That's the day Drury and Briere..."? So, my bad.


I'm not sure he ever called himself a "superfan." Is that one of those amorphous phrases life "hockey guy"?


I apologize, I couldn't get that far into the audio. My gut feeling, PA, is that you and I aren't all that far apart. However, it's getting late and the Tequila is taking its toll.


But my response stands. someone who had been properly briefed would have said: I wasn't there I can't speak about what happened. Next question.

He had nothing todo with those decisions, so he doesn't need to answer for them.

It's possible that three years ago, he wasn't in a position to buy the team. So, in that case, who gives a frack what he thought. I was pissed, but I can't even afford seasons tickets let alone the entire team, so who cares?.

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Pegula is not well spoken. Big deal. All that matters is what he does this off-season, because judging from his comments earlier in the week, I doubt he plans on doing much at this deadline. And by that I'm referencing his comments about only making a deal if it makes sense in the long term, and i believe he specifically mentioned he wouldn't take on any "rental" players. So I guess it depends on his definition of a rental player -- is any UFA considered a rental player, or would there be some that he believes he could get an extension signed right away? Time will tell I guess, but I'm saying, don't get your hopes up too high.

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I don't write a lot here but I am on the board everyday. After listening to this and reading some of the responses I just wanted to put in my two cents. From listening to the interview I feel that what a couple of you have already said is dead on about him trying to show his players and staff that he has their back. All we have heard now for two days is talk about him wanting to start a family like feeling on this team and I think this was just another step in this process for Mr.Pegula. Also I know most fans want to hang Darcy out and I understand it and have felt that way for awhile myself but I also understand that at least in some ways he has been restricted in what he was able to do in the past by Mr.Golisano. Now I'm interested to see what he can do with this trade deadline and off season without any kind of monetary encumbrance. If he fails to get this team in the right direction by his indecision's or lack of knowledge then I'm all for axing him and I think a smart business man like TP will look at this as though hes got a year to impress me and if he doesn't I'll go find someone that I think can. And lastly why is nobody talking about the fact near the end how emphatic he was in saying they will be active in free agency, that has me pretty excited I know this year is not great for centers but maybe you bring guys in that can be used as pieces to get those centers....just a thought.

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Here's your error, basing your opinions on hockey writers. Pegula talked to hockey people - players, coaches, people who know the game and the organization. I give Pegula credit for relying on real hockey people, not wannabees. Do you actually think that team owners should base their actions on the opinions of sportswriters?

I understand, and you are correct, I shouldn't base my opinion on others writings. But that's just it, I didn't. I combined the writings with what I, as a fan, myself have witnessed.

I do not think Pegula should base his decision on what any other believes, writers or not. Never stated such. I stated my opinion on what I felt on the situation, having been here and seen first hand all of this time what the capabilities of Regier were.


I give him credit as well, that's why I'd like to reserve my judgement as a fan on the call to keep him. I may not like it was my point, but I will listen to those who feel it was a justified decision and view what transpires as time goes on.

I can understand both sides of this, I wasn't expecting him to fire Regier on day one nor on day 60. There is a season to finish and all types of decisions to make on various items within the organization.


You are very correct though, Pegula doesn't have to live up to the expectations of writers, but he expected to live up to the expectations of the fans, and right now, I would bet a majority of the fan base would like to move on from the Regier Era in Sabres hockey.

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I don't write a lot here but I am on the board everyday. After listening to this and reading some of the responses I just wanted to put in my two cents. From listening to the interview I feel that what a couple of you have already said is dead on about him trying to show his players and staff that he has their back. All we have heard now for two days is talk about him wanting to start a family like feeling on this team and I think this was just another step in this process for Mr.Pegula. Also I know most fans want to hang Darcy out and I understand it and have felt that way for awhile myself but I also understand that at least in some ways he has been restricted in what he was able to do in the past by Mr.Golisano. Now I'm interested to see what he can do with this trade deadline and off season without any kind of monetary encumbrance. If he fails to get this team in the right direction by his indecision's or lack of knowledge then I'm all for axing him and I think a smart business man like TP will look at this as though hes got a year to impress me and if he doesn't I'll go find someone that I think can. And lastly why is nobody talking about the fact near the end how emphatic he was in saying they will be active in free agency, that has me pretty excited I know this year is not great for centers but maybe you bring guys in that can be used as pieces to get those centers....just a thought.


Thanks for posting......if this excitement is good for something, it will be to get more quality posters on board.


I was excited to hear about the free agency thing. I hope you and others are right about him talking like he did to show his players unity, but the way he did it was misguided. The News staff was trying to help him out...almost like a blackjack dealer will tell someone "are you sure you want to hit that 17 against my 6?" They gave him a chance to clarify about Regier, saying maybe he doesn't understand the temperature of the average fan regarding Darcy....but Pegula stood firm and said people are too critical of him. This has been a theme of his the past 2 days.....painting the media as the bad guy.


Not lost on me in all this is the hit piece the News did on Pegula a few weeks ago. I can cut him a little slack for being nerved up at first.

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Thanks for posting......if this excitement is good for something, it will be to get more quality posters on board.


I was excited to hear about the free agency thing. I hope you and others are right about him talking like he did to show his players unity, but the way he did it was misguided. The News staff was trying to help him out...almost like a blackjack dealer will tell someone "are you sure you want to hit that 17 against my 6?" They gave him a chance to clarify about Regier, saying maybe he doesn't understand the temperature of the average fan regarding Darcy....but Pegula stood firm and said people are too critical of him. This has been a theme of his the past 2 days.....painting the media as the bad guy.


Not lost on me in all this is the hit piece the News did on Pegula a few weeks ago. I can cut him a little slack for being nerved up at first.

Yeah, I remember that <_<


I also remember glancing through the comments section following that story, and quite a few readers rightly criticized the News for basically biting the hand that was about to feed the Sabres.


Even though I live in Dixie now, I still read the News (or is it the Blues?) online from time to time. I have to know what the online rags are buzzing about (and come across the occasional DeLuca-esque comments).

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Have any of you numb nuts considered that Regier may only be here for the rest of the season? Maybe they can't go after the GM they want until the season is over? In the meantime how do you get morale up if you publicly say the GM is a dead man walking? Get your panties unwadded. Cripes!



Agreed. I mean ... isn't this ... obvious?


He's not going to sit there, essentially being put in a defensive position in front of several well-read, prominent critics (you could almost envision a dark room, smoke, and spotlight focused right on TP), and come out with negative and/or ambiguous statements about his own guys.


For now, Darcy is one of TP's guys. FOR NOW. For what it's worth, Darcy has YEARS of experience with the team and is also still under contract - barring anything crazy, he's not the type of guy in an organization you'd be looking to just fire immediately. Personally, I think TP got enough outside diligence to confirm that the "in the know" folks in hockey don't think Darcy is a knucklehead, which enables TP to comfortably retain status quo for awhile while he gets his footing, effects a smooth ownership transition AND simultaneously evaluates whether Darcy is his guy for the long term.


I did not hear any announcements about 5 year extensions for Darcy.

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After sleeping on it, I have calmed down a bit, but I still think that Pegs taking on the News with his "the reason the team quit was because of you guys" was a mistake on his part. There is NO way he will ever win a battle with the media and I am sure there are other ways to show his support to the players other than this. Does he really believe that he can get the News to say nothing but positive things about his team?


I'll move on now. I am more interested in what the offseason holds in terms of Pegs first true test.

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Bitchers will be bitchers. Some of you even will just make stuff up to bitch about. This thread is closed as for me. I'll root for the Sabres; you all can keep rooting for misery. (I don't know how DeLuca would live if the Sabres won a Cup.)


Damn right I'm better than this, bitcher.


Have any of you numb nuts considered that Regier may only be here for the rest of the season? Maybe they can't go after the GM they want until the season is over? In the meantime how do you get morale up if you publicly say the GM is a dead man walking? Get your panties unwadded. Cripes!




What the hell guys? Name calling? Is that what a diffeence of POV is going to bring? :thumbdown:

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What the hell guys? Name calling? Is that what a diffeence of POV is going to bring? :thumbdown:

Inevitably. I've yet to listen to the piece but im not liking what I'm hearing. Transparency is one thing, opening yourself up like pegs has is only going to lead to frustration and alienation on his part.

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