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very well played game tonight.


I think the key here was what Harry mentioned during the game, in that Lindy was coaching the team hard all game long. If Ruff needs to hold these players hands every game, then so be it. As long as it wins us games.


Even if they lose a few, I'd rather lose a few played like this one than more played like the last one.

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What a great game by Miller. Without him tonight theres no way we win this game and i don't mean to say i think our team played poorly. I thought we skated well and created plays in the offensive zone, but Washington just has way too much talent, too much speed and too much depth for a team like ours. Maybe it's because we were without Gaustad and Grier because i thought their 3rd and 4th lines really out played ours. As the twitter from Sabres.com read late in the 3rd... too bad ESPN doesn't care for hockey anymore because Miller would have owned like half of tonight's top 10 plays. Couldn't agree more although i do think he will get on.


Good game by Gerbe. I hope they keep him up for a bit longer, i really wanna see what this kid has to offer at this level.


And, i now all the talk about Tallinder on this board, and i know i said it we should trade him as soon as he hits his peak (value wise) but the way he's been playing.... he looks like the Tallinder from the season right after the lockout when he was a true #1 d-men... until he got injured against Carolina in game 1. He's been great for most of this season i thought and tonight i thought he was the best player on the ice besides Miller.

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What a great victory against arguably the best team in the league. They really made up for the lack of effort on Monday night tonight. I thought the whole team skated really well. Here are my thoughts


  • I think with tonight's game, Miller has moved into elite goalie status. In years past we might see Miller give up a meaningless goal at the end to ruin a shutout. Not anymore. This guy is absolutely on right now and is playing in a ridiculous zone. Miller made some humongous saves against some of the best players in the NHL in Ovechkin, Backstrom, Semin, and Green. He was huge tonight


  • Where has this Henrik Tallinder been? We all knew he had this in him, but where has it been for the last two years? He's now on the #1 defense pairing playing against the opposing team's top line every night, just like he did from 2005-2007. He's always been a great skater skating the puck up the ice, but we haven't seen it for two years. It's back now. That goal was an individual effort and looked like a goal by Bobby Orr would have scored. Where has this Tallinder been all this time? Now the $3.25 million question is do you re-sign at the end of the year or trade him while his value is at an all time high at the deadline? And is this contract year play from Tallinder, or is this the guy we can expect for years to come? I don't know the answer to these questions, but his play thus far this year warrants serious consideration for re-signing him. He's been rejuvenated playing with Myers and Myers has looked great playing with Tallinder. Maybe this can work.


  • Welcome to the NHL, Nathan Gerbe. 2 points with a goal and an assist tonight. He was lousy in my opinion last year when he came up, but he looked pretty good tonight and seemed to play a game he's used to playing instead of trying to be someone he's not. He also played really well in the defensive zone and the backcheck on Ovechkin in the third was impressive. I didn't know he could play in the defensive zone, but he certainly played well tonight and was rewarded.


  • I thought overall the team played really hard and skated really well after the "clunker" on Monday night. I really like how everytime Ovechkin touched the puck, there were pretty much two Sabres near him. He still had some nice shots, but the Sabres did a really effective job of neutralizing him and his line. The Sabres completely outworked the Caps tonight. This is what it's going to take to win every night in the NHL. As long as the Sabres outwork their opponent, they are in great shape. The game tonight reminded me like a Red Wings game. The Sabres seemed to dominate the puck possession for the first two periods and really controlled play for much of the night, just like they have been earlier this season.


There was a lot to like tonight, and hopefully it can come back Friday against Chicago. Great win, let's see if the effort will continue.

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I'd give Lindy the second star after Miller. I doubt PA will agree with that though.


Great all-round effort - absolutely agree with the poster above who said that he wouldn't mind if we lost games playing like this. Good strong play all around, no complaints.


Miller - there's nothing to say, the man is a God. When he's in the zone he just radiates zen around him, definitely channeling his inner samurai/ninja :ph34r:


Tallinder did look fantastic today, shame this is his contract year.


Montador.. he's not necessarily blessed with any great talent but I love his instincts for getting up the ice and shooting. Of course, it would be a blessing if he would hit the goal more than 50% of the time, but we'll settle for this for now.


Both Gerbe and Ennis gave very good accounts of themselves for the one game they played here this season. I like that they were both hungry enough to make the most of their opportunity up in the NHL. Maybe Ruff rethinks using Sekera* and/or Paetsch as forwards next time we have vacancies.


One of these days, Pommer will be set up at the point perfectly in a clutch play of a crucial game, the puck will come to him and he will one time it right into the top corner. Shame it will be about fifteen years from now on a pond somewhere against a bunch of forty-somethings swilling Molsons on a Saturday afternoon.


*Not a slight against Sekera, I think he's really matured as a defenseman after last season's debacle, but I feel so much better about him being in the squad.


When Butler gets back Ruff has to sit Rivet, no doubt. Off the top of my head, I cannot recall even one crucial/important/clutch play that Rivet has made this season. When we signed him I was thrilled by the signing - I had expected a big, rugged, stable presence at the blue line who would dictate play, a la Pronger or Niedermeyer. Alas. The two biggest things he's done in his time here were that tying goal against the Sharks the day after the plane crash, and being the solid presence that Butler needed last season to mature and grow into the team.

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Lindy did a great job of writing Ryan Miller on the lineup sheet.


A lot of server space can be saved by creating one topic 'Ryan Miller'. He is the story of this season. As Ryan Miller goes so do the Sabres playoff chances. He received zero support again tonight from the so called "core" of this team. He'll probably have to hit the 70 game mark, not including the Olympics, for this team to make the playoffs. That is unless Regier can actually complete some trades to help Miller. He can not afford to wait till the deadline.

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Lindy did a great job of writing Ryan Miller on the lineup sheet.


A lot of server space can be saved by creating one topic 'Ryan Miller'. He is the story of this season. As Ryan Miller goes so do the Sabres playoff chances. He received zero support again tonight from the so called "core" of this team. He'll probably have to hit the 70 game mark, not including the Olympics, for this team to make the playoffs. That is unless Regier can actually complete some trades to help Miller. He can not afford to wait till the deadline.

Ah, yes, the poopy twins. No pleasure derived from that game? Lindy sucks. Darcy sucks. Yes, they beat the best team in the league right now, but they were lucky.


Well, the Sabres are on pace for 102 points this year. They are still inconsistent, but they are undeniably better than last year, by a significant margin. Somebody in the organization is doing something right, and it's not just Miller. Somebody made a trade at the draft last year to snag Myers (who led the team again in ice time tonight even though it seemed like he had the yips in the first half of the game). Somebody else is doing a pretty good job coaching him -- in fact it's the same guy who seems to have awakened Tallinder from the dead.


And yes, the Sabres aren't going anywhere this year unless Miller is on his game. The same is true of almost any team in the NHL with respect to its best player.


I frankly can't understand how anyone could watch that game and Lindy's press conference and not immediately realize that the thought of canning him is ridiculous.

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