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Complaint Thursdays


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I'm pulling for you......so you'll rise to the occasion

Don't pull too hard, it chaffes!! Trying to determine how much prep I need for the interview. It's next Wednesday, a long time buddy and another co-worker turned boss are my interviewers. I don't want to over prepare but I want to have a game plan of how I'll run things. The overall philosophies are simple enough, it's implementation and excecution that I'll need to knock their socks off with. Wish me luck!!

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Don't pull too hard, it chaffes!! Trying to determine how much prep I need for the interview. It's next Wednesday, a long time buddy and another co-worker turned boss are my interviewers. I don't want to over prepare but I want to have a game plan of how I'll run things. The overall philosophies are simple enough, it's implementation and excecution that I'll need to knock their socks off with. Wish me luck!!


Good luck!

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I still am only working part time as a valet. My wife has been paying most of the bills. Yea, THAT really makes me feel like a man. It sucks because I have degenerate disc disease, and I can't just take any job that comes along. I can't lift anything, can't stand for prolonged periods of time, I can barely get in and out of the cars I'm parking! I'm in constant pain! We're always broke, and disability insurance won't pay crap, so why bother applying for it right now? I'm just lucky Clarissa is so patient and understanding. I do what I can. I clean the house and clean up after our 9 pets while she's at work, and cook delicious dinners for her. It just hurts my pride that I can't work full time. My whole life, I worked my ass off, took care of business, paid the bills, stayed on top. And now because of my stupid annoying injury, I'm MR.MOM! It's just taking me awhile to adjust to the reality of it all.


But u've got Mike Fisher!


Good luck with both.

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People who complain about winter. Shut up already. I F#####G love winter. I love every snowflake. I love the short days. I love the slow driving to work. I even like shoveling. The more snow the better. I'm even going to Alaska in two weeks for a hockey tournament. That's right, Alaska in the Wintertime. Summer sucks (not complaining, just stating a fact). If you don't like winter, then move south and enjoy the riveting conversations you will have about granite counter-tops and what kind of wax you use when you get your car detailed.

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People who complain about winter. Shut up already. I F#####G love winter. I love every snowflake. I love the short days. I love the slow driving to work. I even like shoveling. The more snow the better. I'm even going to Alaska in two weeks for a hockey tournament. That's right, Alaska in the Wintertime. Summer sucks (not complaining, just stating a fact). If you don't like winter, then move south and enjoy the riveting conversations you will have about granite counter-tops and what kind of wax you use when you get your car detailed.


I hate this winter. In the words of

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Dammit, just as I figured out how NOT to make the vid title appear automatically, you just had to reply, didn't you, ice-lover?

How's that?


This is actually more entertaining than this Sabres (Sabres'?,Sabre's?) game.

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How's that?


This is actually more entertaining than this Sabres (Sabres'?,Sabre's?) game.


There we go. The vid doesn't auto-appear unless someone clicks the link, now. I didn't want the name of the song to appear in the thread; the modmins would be pissed.


It is a really funny video. It is more entertaining than that first period was, but I'll take a really boring 1-0 road win at this point; it's not like I'm paying to see this one.

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I got nothing this week. Three-day weekend because the little man's birthday is tomorrow, work is getting better, or at least a little more tolerable since we seem to be shocking people by doing what we told them we would do and are hitting our numbers. Although I am not getting too comfortable in the office because if another job came along there would be nothing left of me there but a Bmwolf21-sized hole in the wall a la the cartoons.


I guess if I had to complain it would be that since Hunter turns four tomorrow we get to go to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. Yippee.

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People who complain about winter. Shut up already. I F#####G love winter. I love every snowflake. I love the short days. I love the slow driving to work. I even like shoveling. The more snow the better. I'm even going to Alaska in two weeks for a hockey tournament. That's right, Alaska in the Wintertime. Summer sucks (not complaining, just stating a fact). If you don't like winter, then move south and enjoy the riveting conversations you will have about granite counter-tops and what kind of wax you use when you get your car detailed.


Feel free to send some down here. 88° today and it gets really old.

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