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Buffalo Bills 2019-2020


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4 minutes ago, SDS said:

There but for the grace of God go I...

If that's what you feel about people in your care - you have no business being anywhere near them.

I hear you, but for the ones that dont want help, wont receive it, but are only coming in drug seeking because they cant find it on the street and walk out in the middle of exams because they realize they will only be getting advil, it gets really frustrating, especially because we offer psych help as well as detox.

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Having lived thru it with my brother and feeling really powerless to the point that I knew even a rude awakening wouldnt change him yeah Im cynical.  Verbally I do my job with care and kindness to all... but those folks are still a waste on society that dont even try.

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56 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

So -- is there *anything* OJ could've done post-Bills career that would make you feel differently? 

What if he were a child rapist?  What if he killed 10 people?  How about 100?

The point, of course, is that at some point it doesn't matter how great a player he was -- and he was a great freaking player -- if he's a bad enough guy, he shouldn't be honored by the team.  As others have noted, retiring/not using his # is unquestionably an honor bestowed on him by the team.

I usually hate the hypothetical game, offering up a ton of fake scenarios as opposed to judging what actually did happen.  Here it's an even more curious tactic given that the real life scenario is already about as bat **** crazy as possible.  I don't exactly know where the line is, but he definitely crossed it.


As for the last part about not using a number, why can't it be used for tribute but also for the opposite reason.  This could be a perfect case.  It was done as a tribute at first, but then later became "yeah, we don't want to go there".  This whole thing is the perfect storm where you had the iconic player/number who then f'ed up so many years later.  It's easier in the Ray Carruth or Aaron Hernandez case where they're not superstars and there really isn't much number recognition there, at least not on a wide national scale.

I'm fine with their approach here, but me personally, I'd rather go with the ignore it and hope it goes away approach.

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23 minutes ago, SDS said:

There but for the grace of God go I...

If that's what you feel about people in your care - you have no business being anywhere near them.

Absolutely. This was a very civil discussion until NB exposed himself.

57 minutes ago, North Buffalo said:

last quote was a frustrated quote, yeh that was crap.  And yeh if they were not druggies I would have felt differently.  Two less scourges that were caught up in their own manipulating drama... little sympathy... see it way too often in my ER wasting resources.

Someone very close to me has been battling addiction for a long time. I wish to the stars that he never ends up in your care. I'm sorry not every disease can be patched up with a quick, easy fix.

Edited by Hoss
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3 minutes ago, Hoss said:

Absolutely. This was a very civil discussion until NB exposed himself.

Someone very close to me has been battling addiction for a long time. I wish to the stars that he never ends up in your care. I'm sorry not every disease can be patched up with a quick, easy fix.

Oh its never easy, but these folks were not battling they were active with no thoughts for anyone but themselves or the collateral damage they were doing to themselves and those around them including their kids.  Sorry, but addicts need tough love, enabling makes them worse until they accept help.  Im all for giving help to the willing. But active addicts are a bain on our society.

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33 minutes ago, Hoss said:

Absolutely. This was a very civil discussion until NB exposed himself.

Someone very close to me has been battling addiction for a long time. I wish to the stars that he never ends up in your care. I'm sorry not every disease can be patched up with a quick, easy fix.

PS My care would be to get them in detox and long term treatment... if they refuse they're going to one of three places... jail, institutionalized or death. And they are on their own, what happens to them is a product of their choice not to seek help.


Also I am sorry for your loss... you are truly one of the victims of the scourge that is addiction.  I have lost more than 10 friends and my brother who wouldn't accept help and did a lot of destruction throughout the years, so if I sound frustrated..  you betcha.


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And the thing is those that do accept help often turn their lives around and become productive. Ive seen active schizophrenics ask for help with both addiction and voices and do amazing things, dont tell me I dont care.  But I have little time for those unwilling and actively destroying themselves and the people around them.

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

And, to Smell, who graciously used “sociopath” correctly in lieu of my “psychopath” without feeling the need to publicly correct me!  I had to googlize! 

You're consistently thoughtful and articulate (and imaginative!). Your apology's mea culpa's no good here, sir.

Edited by That Aud Smell
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1 hour ago, North Buffalo said:

last quote was a frustrated quote, yeh that was crap.  And yeh if they were not druggies I would have felt differently.  Two less scourges that were caught up in their own manipulating drama... little sympathy... see it way too often in my ER wasting resources.

Not that it really matters, but I don't think Nicole and Ronald were addicts.  I think Nicole was a recreational user and there is plenty of doubt as to whether Ronald was a user at all.

Nicole was a long-time battered spouse and Ronald was 25 years old. 

Pretty sympathetic victims IMHO.

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1 hour ago, That Aud Smell said:


(And, yes, I know the two posts aren't linked.)

I ignored freeman, but I’m laughing a bit at what that dude finds to be a suspendible offense here. Apparently saying it’s okay to murder people who use drugs is only worth a snide remark. Apparently informing someone their loved one is deserving of a similar fate is not worthy. A waste of time and energy.

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15 minutes ago, Hoss said:

I ignored freeman, but I’m laughing a bit at what that dude finds to be a suspendible offense here. Apparently saying it’s okay to murder people who use drugs is only worth a snide remark. Apparently informing someone their loved one is deserving of a similar fate is not worthy. A waste of time and energy.

Dont think anyone said that me included.

My point is I dont have sympathy for active users who dont get help.  Their families are the victims.

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22 minutes ago, sabills said:

Wait, am I seeing an argument here that its ok that OJ murdered two people because they used drugs? That is an all time horrible take. I know he was your childhood hero or whatever man, but holy lord thats awful.

No, said they are not the victims they are made out to be.

You hang out in a barber shop, sooner or later you are going to get a haircut.

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23 minutes ago, North Buffalo said:

No, said they are not the victims they are made out to be.

You hang out in a barber shop, sooner or later you are going to get a haircut.

Since I don't have hair that barber shop is about to get the N rating. (I would have said x-rated but I'm not sure the youts would understand and it also sounds like the barber might engage me in a game of hide the blow dryer) 

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2 hours ago, North Buffalo said:

No, said they are not the victims they are made out to be.

You hang out in a barber shop, sooner or later you are going to get a haircut.

My brother's ex worked at a barber shop so I used to chill there a bunch when I was growing my hair out.

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Hot damn, I popped in here to keep up on modern bills happenings and whatnot. I learned that Kroft broke his foot, and OJ is still a thing. 

So Ray Lewis murdered someone, Ray Rice beat the crap outta a woman, countless NFL players do terrible things, etc etc. Lewis went and won a super bowl AFTER it happened. Isn't he an analyst for a network now? 

I remember that OJ trial as a kid, it was so huge that even in middle school, they made an announcement over the speakers with the trial verdict, I believe I was in 6th grade at the time. It's crazy to think it was so big, that really shows how wrapped up Buffalo was/is about him. 

But today, I simply just can't care, what I would like is for the league to be proactive on the stuff that is still happening, and, there is plenty of it happening. 

Lastly, I understand NBs thinking a bit, I'm not sure he articulated it as well as he wanted, but working day after day after day dealing with soul sucking cases takes its toll on you I have personally felt it, and I think I'm a person full of care and empathy. I've seen drug use and abuse in countless countries, corruption in the 3rd world, but still here in our country, there are issues that are almost worse and to the point where some individuals need to take responsibly for themselves. 

That's all I got, I also do agree that this thread has been the most civil "disagreement" I've seen here in a long time. 

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