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Reinhart Dressed and Benched; Late to Meeting


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Sam is one of my favorites. I am not on board with the public humiliation of dressing and sitting him on the bench. If there's punishment, make it private. I could see him resenting this move for a long time and the Sabres might be sorry they gave him this unfair reprimand in public.

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I wasn't implying you said repeated violations, I was only pointing out that if their were repeated violations by Sam, it might justify a more severe punishment -- i.e. if he is perpetually late by 5 minutes for every meeting and every practice, it would be easier to understand a more severe punishment


Otherwise, on it's own, being 5-minutes late doesn't rise to the level of the punishment that was assessed


I fully accept your opinion on what you believe to be acceptable.  I'm not arguing what you believe.  However, the rule was, if you are late, you sit.  There is no more justification needed and it should be easy to understand.  You do this, that happens.  It's a lot easier than you do this, and that happens, unless this another variable is such and in which case then option C happens, but if variable Q is set to Y then option D happens.   


It's not a choose your own adventure book.  It's a logic tree with two outcomes.  Starting point.  "Was Sam late to a meeting?"  Yes? - Suspended a game.  No? - Nothing to see here.


So I assume this rule will apply in the playoffs then?


Yes, it would.  I believe that 100%


Guys stop caring though especially when season is almost over and no playoffs in site and coach is an idiot. Murray overreaching if so and Blysma making him sit on bench or Mmurray is a bunch of Bull. If DD isnt gone doubt Sam and Jack resign with Sabres especially over these management antics.


I'll care about what I want to care about.  You clearly still care too.


I like this take on the situation.


My personal opinions of this debacle is that anytime a coach puts his team at a disadvantage to send a msg, he has done more harm than the original transgression of the player. Bylsma hurt his team more than Sam did. Send a msg. but make it brief. We were technically still in a playoff race and the coach handicapped the team. Just stupid in my books.


The coach did not create the situation, the player did.  When the Sabres D leaves a guy open in front of the net do you also blame the forward for not playing where our D is?




Has next season arrived... whod the Sabres draft?


And my point about you still caring is underscored.  

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I fully accept your opinion on what you believe to be acceptable. I'm not arguing what you believe. However, the rule was, if you are late, you sit. There is no more justification needed and it should be easy to understand. You do this, that happens. It's a lot easier than you do this, and that happens, unless this another variable is such and in which case then option C happens, but if variable Q is set to Y then option D happens.


It's not a choose your own adventure book. It's a logic tree with two outcomes. Starting point. "Was Sam late to a meeting?" Yes? - Suspended a game. No? - Nothing to see here.




Yes, it would. I believe that 100%







I'll care about what I want to care about. You clearly still care too.




The coach did not create the situation, the player did. When the Sabres D leaves a guy open in front of the net do you also blame the forward for not playing where our D is?





And my point about you still caring is underscored.


Oh I care, but after reading Murray decision... he is a ahole and TPegs needs to fire him. 5 min late... hell we have a 7 min rule at work. They docs us 1/4 hour if more.... in this case equiv of 5 min in NHL time... I come from another hosp 2 days and traffic gets me. And again... making him sit on bench dressed is BS... F Murray. Edited by North Buffalo
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I fully accept your opinion on what you believe to be acceptable.  I'm not arguing what you believe.  However, the rule was, if you are late, you sit.  There is no more justification needed and it should be easy to understand.  You do this, that happens.  It's a lot easier than you do this, and that happens, unless this another variable is such and in which case then option C happens, but if variable Q is set to Y then option D happens.   


It's not a choose your own adventure book.  It's a logic tree with two outcomes.  Starting point.  "Was Sam late to a meeting?"  Yes? - Suspended a game.  No? - Nothing to see here.



Yes, it would.  I believe that 100%



I'll care about what I want to care about.  You clearly still care too.



The coach did not create the situation, the player did.  When the Sabres D leaves a guy open in front of the net do you also blame the forward for not playing where our D is?




And my point about you still caring is underscored.  


The problem with black & white rules is they work in theory, rarely in practice


DD should have made him healthy scratch for Sunday, plain and simple --- told the team, under normal circumstances, Sam would be suspended tonight, but, with KO out, he'll be scratched on Sunday --- easy application of the rule, all parties understand situation being unique and life goes on


Instead, we get a black & white application of a rule that shames Reinhart and makes this organization look second rate -- I don't get it


Disappointing, but not the end of the world

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From Samson


Reinhart "Sh*t happens"


He did say he it was sorry & that he messed up, but said he tried convincing Bylsma & GMTM to let him play


Sam Reinhart says he's been a team guy the last couple years, says his Sabres teammates still know he's a team guy despite being late


Reinhart was standup and seemed pretty contrite at start of interview, But annoyance clearly there with penalty's severity. #Sabres

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We don't know how many times he's been late in the past.   Maybe he's one of those chronic late people and they warned/fined/disciplined half-a-dozen times or so already and they finally had enough of it.     


I like the punishment.   It's very Belichickian... and sends a message to the rest of the team.   

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We don't know how many times he's been late in the past. Maybe he's one of those chronic late people and they warned/fined/disciplined half-a-dozen times or so already and they finally had enough of it.


I like the punishment. It's very Belichickian... and sends a message to the rest of the team.

Doubt it


Bylsma said lateness of players has not been a habitual problem. Policy change had been discussed. #Sabres



Samson said he didn't sleep in, he just misread a text

Edited by WildCard
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Doubt it


Bylsma said lateness of players has not been a habitual problem. Policy change had been discussed. #Sabres



Samson said he didn't sleep in, he just misread a text



What?  So they send out their meeting schedule via text?   What if he doesn't have service... what if his phone's dead?  


And his excuse is that he mis-read it?   Sounds extremely lame.   If it was a confusing text, then others would be late.


That's the type of excuse a chronically late person makes.


You're a pro Samson, arrive no later than 15 minutes before every meeting.


When I played college, on the road we we're always with another team member just about every waking second... so I find it unusual that he was by himself and just mis-read something.   Who's his roommate on the road, and why weren't they both late?    I can't imagine any situation where the meeting time wouldn't have been communicated by word of mouth between teammates, etc...     

Edited by pi2000
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We don't know how many times he's been late in the past. Maybe he's one of those chronic late people and they warned/fined/disciplined half-a-dozen times or so already and they finally had enough of it.


I like the punishment. It's very Belichickian... and sends a message to the rest of the team.

When you're brilliant and successful you're allowed to be a hardass like Belechick and Babdick. When you're a boring, useless has-been then nobody cares that you're tryna hang onto some shred of credibility.


Aud (I think) said it upthread somewheres. If we were on our way to the playoffs (AS WE ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE), then I highly doubt Samson would've been late.

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What?  So they send out their meeting schedule via text?   What if he doesn't have service... what if his phone's dead?  


And his excuse is that he mis-read it?   Sounds extremely lame.   If it was a confusing text, then others would be late.


That's the type of excuse a chronically late person makes.

The head coach literally said it has not been a habitual problem. I would imagine the meeting time or venue was changed and a teammate texted him. I don't think it was confusing at all, misreading stuff happens. It's his own fault, but I think the point is he didn't forget about it or slack off, he just misread the time / place

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What? So they send out their meeting schedule via text? What if he doesn't have service... what if his phone's dead?


And his excuse is that he mis-read it? Sounds extremely lame. If it was a confusing text, then others would be late.


That's the type of excuse a chronically late person makes.

Are you just, like, getting hard for this because all the mean older players made you clean the bus?
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The head coach literally said it has not been a habitual problem. I would imagine the meeting time or venue was changed and a teammate texted him. I don't think it was confusing at all, misreading stuff happens. It's his own fault, but I think the point is he didn't forget about it or slack off, he just misread the time / place


Who's his roommate on the road and why wasn't the time communicated via word of mouth between those two?   It's not his first road trip, I'd imagine the event (meeting, team stretch, etc..)  happens at the exact same time every single road game.


Doesn't matter if it's the Cup finals or pre-season, arriving on time (and by on-time I mean at least 15min before the event starts) is part of being a pro.   

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After reading the above sequence of events concerning Samson, I am, for the first time, not 100% sure that he will be fine.


Sounds like a bit of a whiny brat to me.


Smacks of ... I was late for a meeting and I am sorry for that.  The punishment is stupid.  Oh, but, you know what, that is up to my bosses.  I respect them, but, ya know ...


Maybe the GM is thinking of packaging this kid for a #2 Dman?

Edited by Sabres Fan In NS
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Who's his roommate on the road and why wasn't the time communicated via word of mouth between those two?   It's not his first road trip, I'd imagine the event (meeting, team stretch, etc..)  happens at the exact same time every single road game.


Doesn't matter if it's the Cup finals or pre-season, arriving on time (and by on-time I mean at least 15min before the event starts) is part of being a pro.   

Nobody is saying he shouldn't have been there on time. Not sure why this is the hill you want to die on, nobody's assaulting it

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Nobody is saying he shouldn't have been there on time. Not sure why this is the hill you want to die on, nobody's assaulting it


Understood, but it seems most folks here are ready to pass this off as a mis-communication thing, absolving Samson of any wrongdoing, while being critical of severity of the punishment.    


To me it's very unprofessional of Samson to voice his opinion that a team stretch the morning of a game isn't going to make him play better.    A team stretch isn't about individual physical preparation, it's about team building... and Samson just doesn't seem to understand that for whatever reason.      Maybe he'll get the message now. 

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Understood, but it seems most folks here are ready to pass this off as a mis-communication thing, absolving Samson of any wrongdoing, while being critical of severity of the punishment.    


To me it's very unprofessional of Samson to voice his opinion that a team stretch the morning of a game isn't going to make him play better.    A team stretch isn't about individual physical preparation, it's about team building... and Samson just doesn't seem to understand that for whatever reason.      Maybe he'll get the message now. 

I think he does, I think it's just another sign of players not liking / respecting Byslma. If he was late, with the same punishment, and respected / liked his HC, I doubt he says this stuff today.

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I'm not surprised that Sam thinks the punishment was kinda dumb. He was late to a team stretch, appealed to his coach and GM to let it slide because evidently it was an honest mistake, and then is punished by being forced to sit on the bench for 60 minutes and watch his teammates lose.

I'm the kind of person that doesn't believe in sweating the small stuff. This whole benching rule BS reeks of making a big deal out of nothing. If this is the best that DDB and GMTM can come up with then I'm going to start getting concerned.

If you want to build a culture of guys that follow rules and put winning secondary to that, well I can get a certain Cy Hgsn on the phone for you. I bet he'd love to be paddled for breaking the team rules.  :rolleyes: 

This team is dumb and it's going to waste the best years of its best players if something doesn't change at the coaching level soon. 

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@Angry_eichel15  54m54 minutes ago
 Eichel says Sam being late isn't a big deal and dan says it's serious. franchise player and coach on diff pages again to the media #Sabres


Where's Rob Ray to come tell me it's just "brotherly banter" between Jack and DDB? 


I get the feeling Jack f*cking hates Dan. Like...hates him. 

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After reading the above sequence of events concerning Samson, I am, for the first time, not 100% sure that he will be fine.


Sounds like a bit of a whiny brat to me.


Smacks of ... I was late for a meeting and I am sorry for that.  The punishment is stupid.  Oh, but, you know what, that is up to my bosses.  I respect them, but, ya know ...


Maybe the GM is thinking of packaging this kid for a #2 Dman?

Possibly. Or perhaps getting asked the same annoying question for the nth time about something that would be upsetting to a reasonable individual (getting publicly benched whether justified or not, would bother most people) could finally allow the snarky-ish answer to come out.


He's not the 30-something year old vet. He's a 20 (21?) year old kid. Until this becomes a pattern, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he isn't a brat.

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