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Buffalo Bills 2017-18


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Bills have plenty of picks and ought to be able to move up and draft either Rosen, Darnold, or Allen. 


It's quite the conundrum; if there's a guy that's good enough to be worth moving up for, the team that's in that spot probably wants him too. And, is it worth the cost to have another promising QB in the system only to be disappointed? The rest of the team (which is weaker from not having all those picks) is just going to "ruin" him with bad play. I'm in the camp that says pick linemen until both lines are good, and then worry about a QB unless there's an absolute can't miss guy that doesn't require mortgaging the farm.


I saw Ryan Fitzpatrick had a good day yesterday; I don't know if that's unusual for him and his team or not.

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Taylor is pretty religious himself, if that's where you're going (I saw the post from a couple pages back).

Yep, I saw him point to the sky when he came out to start the half.


Just guessing of course... beyond the idea that Peterman's faith helps him in Terry's eyes (we've seen this with Bylsma and McDermott, so it's not made up), the owner also fancies himself an evaluator of quarterbacks. We know he scouted QBs last summer. We also know he tried to get the former D coordinator at PSU hired as head coach at Pitt. Terry's a playah in college football, at least in Penn State-Pitt circles (weird, eh?), and he probably has tons of contacts and people in his ear telling him about Peterman.


Again, just a guess. Like every other controversy in Buffalo sports, we'll never know. Terry didn't own the Murray and Bylsma hirings at his presser. He wanted to make it sound like he was cleaning up someone else's mess, and STARTING TODAY I'm hiring the people I want.

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All 3 could be gone by the time the Bills pick. I wouldn't be upset if we took a flyer on Allen with his arm and size. 


With the current state of the D, Bills have no shot at a playoff spot. Probable losses to the Chiefs/Pats twice and possible wins against the Colts/Fins twice puts them at 8-8 and probably out. TT is gone next year so why not give Peterman some more snaps and see if he should be around at training camp ? 


I think blowing early picks on QBs that require "a flyer" is part of what has gotten the team to this point. Take players that *will* (within reason) be good (line, LB, secondary, etc.) with early picks, and take flyers late in the draft. There isn't nearly as much correlation with early pick QBs and success as other positions.

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I think blowing early picks on QBs that require "a flyer" is part of what has gotten the team to this point. Take players that *will* (within reason) be good (line, LB, secondary, etc.) with early picks, and take flyers late in the draft. There isn't nearly as much correlation with early pick QBs and success as other positions


There's no guarantee that any college QB that goes high in the draft will be good at the pro level. However, there's a reason these guys are slated to go high. Most Super Bowl champs have won with franchise QBs (Brady excepted).  


If you see the Bills using top picks on other positions than QB, who plays QB next year ? I suppose they could go after Keenum or Garoppolo and use Peterman as backup. 

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There's no guarantee that any college QB that goes high in the draft will be good at the pro level. However, there's a reason these guys are slated to go high. Most Super Bowl champs have won with franchise QBs (Brady excepted).  


If you see the Bills using top picks on other positions than QB, who plays QB next year ? I suppose they could go after Keenum or Garoppolo and use Peterman as backup. 


I'm a little unclear on how you're labeling franchise QB, but I think we're on the same page for the most part. Other than maybe Baltimore/Flacco, teams that contenders have top-10 QBs, what I'd call "franchise" regardless of where they were picked in the draft. I think there's an OK chance of finding that guy in the 3rd or 5th round, but no QB is going to be good behind the terrible line the Bills have.

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Maybe it's a good thing I cant log into TBD, I think I still have my adelphia email address that I used when I signed up 14 years ago and dont remember my password.....


Anyways, anyone else shut the game off in the 3rd quarter last night?

I was done in the first

People in my office think Peterman looked good and he should start the next game.


We deserve everything we get. We are a city of morons.

Funniest thing I read yesterday on Twitter was Peterman throwing a very catchable ball.
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Enjoy your audit.

Here comes jury duty


Lamar Jackson is going to be the best QB from this draft, if he declares. 

My brief attempts at QB projecting went from all in on Mahomes, to hating him, to thinking Trubisky was the best and hating Watson, to now declaring Rosen the clear winner and Darnold and Jackson a bust. So naturally Darnold or Jackson will be the top choice

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Interesting, I’d give Keenum a shot... Bradford is interesting but too often injured... need to move on from TT... at least we know Peterman isnt the answer... and the o line is a disaster pass blocking. Not sure why they went away from the run but Dennison needs to be let go... oof so sad. Either sign one of the minny FAs and or draft a QB... and then O line and linebackers and look for later round run stuffers... WR is need too but not as much..


I was against benching Taylor as soon as I heard it happened but to say Peterman isn't the answer is jumping the gun. Yes, he was horrible, but the blame for that falls strictly on the head of the head coach.


QB may be the hardest position to learn in the NFL and McDumbass put a 5th round rookie QB into action for his first start in a road game. Most rookie QBs ride the bench all season and the vast majority of the ones who do play are generally early round picks, not guys who everyone in the league passed on 3-5 times each before someone finally selects them in the back half of the draft.


I don't want Peterman playing anything more than mop up duty in the 4th quarter of blowout games (whether Buffalo is up big or down big) but the guy was set up for total failure by the head coach and that's exactly what happened. It doesn't mean he can't improve after watching, learning, and practicing for another year or two.


All that being said, I think Taylor starts for the Bills for the rest of the season, barring injury or Buffalo being mathematically eliminated from playoff contention with games remaining. I also think we'll see marked improvement from Taylor from here on out but given the state of the rest of the team (particularly both lines) it still probably won't be enough to end the playoff drought.

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What ... even. What.



I've been underwhelmed by what I have seen of him.

I'm not convinced he'll be a good pro but Everytime I watch Lamar I come away mouth agape. Of course it's usually when he drops 60 on SU but he looks dam good.

The idea that Peterman should get a pass for sucking as bad as he did or that he's some sort of asset worth preserving seems pretty preposterous.

At best moving forward he should never see higher than 3rd on the depth chart

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The idea that Peterman should get a pass for sucking as bad as he did or that he's some sort of asset worth preserving seems pretty preposterous.


He's an asset in the sense that he's a player on the roster. You need a backup QB and he can hold the clipboard for the rest of the season until we are able to upgrade over him. The trade deadline has passed and he's got to know the playbook better than just signing some guy off the street who hasn't played or practiced all season.


My point was simply that he wasn't completely unsalvageable. One horrible game as a 5th round rookie QB shouldn't define his career, especially when the idiot coach set him up to fail. I'm not trying to give him a pass for sucking. I'm fully capable of admitting how badly he stunk up the joint. Anyone who isn't stupid or insane could have easily predicted it though. That's more on the coach than the player.


It's not like he's going to cost the team much money or cap space. If they can find an upgrade I'm fine with replacing him though. It's just tough to do this late in the season and after the trade deadline has passed.

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Whether or not you were trying, you did just that.


I guess I should state that I believe they share the blame, but the coach deserves more of it than the player then. Not all of it (poor wording previously on my part) but at least 51% of it, and probably more.


Once again Peterman sucked big time. A whole lot. He stunk so bad it was painfully obvious that he wasn't prepared to play.


That doesn't change the fact that he was so bad it should have been evident before he ever took the field. That's what McDumbass is paid to do. Coach and evaluate the progress of his players. He should have known that was going to happen. He's had a front row seat to games, practices, tape, etc.

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People in my office think Peterman looked good and he should start the next game.


We deserve everything we get. We are a city of morons.

Dude, I was just at the bar( you, I know it was 11am) and this dude was still talking on Tyrod being worse than Peterman.


Seriously... bills fans. They are the dumbest that ever lived. Put a white guy in the uniform...I swear to God.

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Dude, I was just at the bar( ###### you, I know it was 11am) and this dude was still talking ###### on Tyrod being worse than Peterman.


Seriously...###### bills fans. They are the dumbest ###### that ever lived. Put a ###### white guy in the uniform...I swear to God.

Pretty much. People love them a white, pocket passing QB

Would you guys give up a high pick for Brady at this point in his career.... This is just a random though, no proof or anything, just wanna see the consensus


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Would you guys give up a high pick for Brady at this point in his career.... This is just a random though, no proof or anything, just wanna see the consensus

2 firsts. Yes. Today. He's going to play for 70 more years. I'll give the next 6 firsts for him and Belichick.

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