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Fall/Winter 2015-2016 TV and Movies


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Finally have gotten around to watching the first season of "Better Call Saul" over the winter tv show break.  Through 4 episodes and like it very much so far.


It's an excellent show, IMHO, and a worthy spin-off of "Breaking Bad."


Here's one to watch with your wife/girlfriend:  "Jane the Virgin."  Season 1 is on Netflix. 

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Picked up Boulevard at the video store last night. Robin Williams' last film. Though it didn't get good reviews or ratings (at least on Rotten Tomatoes), it was very good. Fine acting all around. An odd way for him to end his career — there weren't any laughs, although it was interesting to see bits of the Robin we knew and loved. Familiar gestures, smiles, funny accents here and there. The subject matter might turn some people off, as he plays an old closeted married guy who tries to develop a relationship with a young male prostitute he picks up.

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Season 2 of Fargo was fantastic, maybe better overall than season one, but no character to match Thorton as Malvo unfortunately. He was on fire. Better Call Saul was good as well, definitely got better as the season went on. Over the long weekend I watched three movies, The Revenant, The Big Short, and Hateful Eight. Revenant and Big Short were fantastic. If Leo doesn't win for Revenant he never will, and Tom Hardy was just as good. The acting in Hateful 8 was really strong, but the story itself was very weak. Tarantino has proved with the last two movies he can tell funny and memorable stories, especially in Inglorious Basterds. Not sure what happened with this one.

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Concussion. Saw it this afternoon between Swedish pancakes and a magnificent turkey!


Great movie, powerful (Mike Webster, for those of my vintage), and thought provoking. I've talked about sports sanitizing themselves as kickoffs are eliminated in football and as fights and certain hits become more rare in hockey. See this film, and you'll understand why.

"Are you not entertained?"


I will now Google to see the NFL's responses to the film.


Saw this movie tonight.  Powerful indeed.  Moved me to tears several times.  Several times during the course of the movie I thought of my godson, now in San Diego preparing for the NFL combine.  I think every parent should see this film.  

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Gonna be a busy February for me television wise.  In addition to the normal shows I watch coming back, there are several others that don't/haven't had the normal schedules slated for January/February that I will watch:


X-Files (1/25):  Giving it a try.  As a big fan of the original I hope this doesn't suck.


Better Call Saul (2/15): I just finished watching the 1st season, and the 2nd season is set up to be awesome.  Loved the 1st season.


American Dad: (1/25):  Loved the show when it was on FOX.  TBS picked it up and they are finally airing new episodes.


The Walking Dead (2/14):  Enough has been said around here about this show.


Vikings (2/18): Season 4 coming up.  If you haven't watched this you are missing out.  If I had to choose one current show as the only show I watch, this would be it.  Previous seasons are available for streaming last I knew.


11/22/63 (2/15): Hulu original starring James Franco and Chris Cooper, based on the Stephen King novel.  Stephen King is an executive producer and J.J. Abrams is a Producer.  Great book centered around the Kennedy assassination.  Won't give out too much information on the story, but with the people involved it looks like it could be a very good tv show as well.


It's actually kind of daunting, but there are so many quality shows on television now, and I don't even have cable, so I'm sure I'm missing out on some others.

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It's great that the show is filmed in the actual house they lived in together and they all go by their real names.


It actually seems like one of those cases where they really are just by and large playing themselves. There isn't all that much acting going on, it seems, they seem natural.


Ya, the house thing is really cool. And names the same. Well, first names are identical, and the last names just altered slightly. For Anders - Holmvik is his last name on the show, Holm in real life. Blake - Anderson/Henderson, and Adam - Devine/DeMamp.


It's a hilarious show. Give it another go, WildCard!

Edited by Thorny
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That looks awesome. I've been thinking about getting Hulu for a while so this might've sold me.


If that ends with James Franco killing JFK it'll be the dumbest thing ever, though. Way too obvious.


Hulu is my go to.  I have Hulu, Netflix, and Prime.  I probably use Hulu 90% of the time.  Kids and wife use Netflix so I don't feel bad about not using it much.  Prime is just there when I need it since I get the service mostly for the shopping and shipping perks anyway.


No spoilers from me :P

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Beyond pissed that Hulu got that. That's easily a top 5 book I've ever read, and although I wouldn't have chosen Franco (should be someone older IMO), it still looks well done.

FWIW, I heard Chuck Klosterman, whose opinions I generally respect, raving about the upcoming OJ miniseries on TNT.

Almost positive FX has that series, but either way I'm glad to hear it got good reviews, I've been looking forward to that since I saw the commercials
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Beyond pissed that Hulu got that. That's easily a top 5 book I've ever read, and although I wouldn't have chosen Franco (should be someone older IMO), it still looks well done. Almost positive FX has that series, but either way I'm glad to hear it got good reviews, I've been looking forward to that since I saw the commercials

Hulu's cheap and awesome. Check it out!

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They made a surprise sequel to Cloverfield and attached the trailer to 13 Hours.  It comes out in less than 2 months.




Had no idea something this awesome was in the works.  Maybe just became my most anticipated movie of 2016.  Please, please, please let this be even half of what the original was.


Shut up and take my money, Hollywood.

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They made a surprise sequel to Cloverfield and attached the trailer to 13 Hours.  It comes out in less than 2 months.




Had no idea something this awesome was in the works.  Maybe just became my most anticipated movie of 2016.  Please, please, please let this be even half of what the original was.


Shut up and take my money, Hollywood.


this is going to be an odd year.  2 movies that I can't wait to see.

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