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The Jack Eichel thread.


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I drank a bunch of blue light / bud light at Canal Days this weekend as it was the only thing they were serving outdoors. I could choke it down but my hangover was twice as bad as normal. I had to drink another six pack of the same swill early Sunday just to get back to a functional level.

I'm not embarrassed to admit that I fill my fridge with anything "ice". Labatt, Natty, Genny. Also not embarrassed to admit that I'm one of those geeks in the basement, quietly "infusing". Homebrew is rich in the whole B vitamin complex which your body purges during intoxication. I get stupid drunk on my basement brew with no problems tomorrow. They're also F'n delicious. I brew two cases of "premium" for the price of two cases of Natty. Charlie Papazian would be happy to teach anyone how.



I like how Jack responds during interviews. Dee and Dum just interviewed pre game. Jack doesn't like their stupid jokes and it shows. Just doesn't even acknowledge that there was an attempt at humor.


I'm sure it's just me but damn McDavid looks like baby Lou Ferrigno.

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Yes, sir. We are fellow swill drinkers. I like Labbatt Blue and Molson except that they are more expensive down here (NC) so I stick with the cheap stuff and usually only drink those when I'm up in NY or I'm at the Canes arena and can find the Labbatt cart/line since everything is overpriced in the arena anyway so I might as well drinking something I don't normally get if I'm going to overpay anyway.

$9.99 for a six pack of Blue at a local chain grocery store here in Virginia yesterday. I'd like the occasional nostalgic taste of home / high school but sheesh. Ended up going with the IPA from the brewery that is closer to my house than the store was. Because of course I did.


Oh, and does anyone actually think for a second Eichel is anywhere but Buffalo come October? I can think of no legitimate reason why not... Unless McDavid pulls a Lindros. Which would be hilarious but not happening.

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Hoping their careers have similar trajectories. Hard for them to win Cups when they're not drafted yet.

Just noting the similarities, where McDavid has highlight reel goals and seems more like an individual.

Jack has more of a power game, not as flashy. More Toews than Crosby.



Connor has won a WJHC gold.

Hope Jack has that chip on his shoulder and competitive spirit in Buffalo.

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nice work, TAS. Nice work. 


Glad you enjoyed.


Is it just me or does McDavid kinda look like Pinocchio's friend from the Disney movie?




Not bad. A subject worthy of its own thread. McDavid looks like he's in a boy band -- Eichel's appearances are more . . . unusual.

Edited by That Aud Smell
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Glad you enjoyed.



Not bad. A subject worthy of its own thread. McDavid looks like he's in a boy band -- Eichel's appearances are more . . . unusual.


Ha Pretty sure his success on the ice = no problems w/ the ladies

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To be fair, Drunkard was on his high horse first. High horse of anti-snob snobishness.

My post was somewhat tongue in cheek because somebody had to stick up for the yellow corn water those of us with unsophisticated palates or lessor budgets choose to enjoy.


I'm not a wine drinker but beer seems to be moving in that direction. I can tell the difference between a $5 bottle of bum wine and a $20 bottle but can't really tell the difference between a $20 bottle and and pricier $50 or $100 one so to me it's just wasted money in that regard. Maybe some blue bloods out there can truly tell the difference between a $200 bottle and a $1000 bottle (probably after spending big bucks on wine tasting classes) but I imagine for the majority of the people who spring for the uber fancy and expensive stuff do it more to flaunt their wealth than anything else and would fail a Pepsi challenge when push came to shove as long as the wines were the same style (both Merlot or both pinot noir, etc).

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I understand the wine analogy, but beer isn't in the same league at all in terms of absolute price and discernible taste difference.  You've got your macros, the macros trying to get a piece of the micro pie, and then craft (micro) beer.  I think my earlier McDonald's analogy fits better with beer.


McDonalds ($2 burger) = Bud Light


Five guys ($5 burger)=  Blue Moon (coors trying to pull off a witbier, but mostly failing)


Grover's on Transit ($8 burger) = most craft beer 

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Freaking beer snobs. I don't care for light beer because I personally prefer the full calories and alcohol content so I tend to go for Ice versions, but that being said my go to choice is usually Milwaukee's Best Ice and when I go to some restaurant or bar that doesn't have a wide selection, my default is generally Budweiser rather than going through the rapid fire Q&A session of "Do you carry this? No, how about that?, etc.


Sure the mass produced stuff isn't hand crafted by some beer geek in his basement who is constantly trying to find new ways to either cram as many hops into a batch as he can or else trying to infuse his latest concoction with whatever fruity nonsense is currently tickling his fancy and it wasn't made from an ancient recipe found in a church from some 700 year old Franciscan monk in the dark ages, but it gets the job done. I salute Murray and Eichel for drinking the hallowed yellow corn water of the unpretentious while you guys have fun paying 10 times the price for whatever pumpkin spice ale infused with cloves or oatmeal stout with blueberries and mango kiwi pale ale nonsense.


Maybe if your beer was any good to begin with, you wouldn't have to spike it with all the other filler and you could stick with the classic recipe of water, malt, hops, and yeast.


I'm curious, did you intend to paraphrase that Budweiser commercial or did it just subconsciously come out? :) FWIW, you mention that you like regular beer more than lite for the taste and alcohol content. You can can get just as drunk on 4 7% beers as 6 4.5% (macro lagers), so really the cost isn't that different.


I did the math once, and two Victory Hop Devils (as an example) has the same number of calories and alcohol as 5 MGD 64s. I know which I'd rather drink.

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