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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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IMO, all this bluster from the Patriots and the NFLPA about fairness in the hearing process is a calculated attempt to distract peoples attention from what should be the main focus. One of the premier franchises and it's biggest star got caught cheating (again) and got off relatively light. They know they have no chance in court, shown by their Hail-Mary attempt to get their case heard in Minnesota.  


I can't wait to see what the Patriots say the next time they are caught cheating, and we all know there will be a next time.   


I have a feeling the next time they're caught, it'll be handled internally. No reason for the NFL to make it public and hurt their product even more.

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WGR needs to get Tyrod Taylor out dey mouf. Thinking he is some sort of diamond in the rough is ridiculous.

I agree. I like his athleticism and I've heard he's very intelligent, but he hasn't shown me anything from the pocket and he has a tendency to crouch in his drop backs which makes him even shorter while surveying the field. I'll be shocked if he's our starter come the opener. 



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WGR needs to get Tyrod Taylor out dey mouf. Thinking he is some sort of diamond in the rough is ridiculous.

I agree. I like his athleticism and I've heard he's very intelligent, but he hasn't shown me anything from the pocket and he has a tendency to crouch in his drop backs which makes him even shorter while surveying the field. I'll be shocked if he's our starter come the opener. 



From the little I've seen from him he seems like a run first QB, something I don't want any part of. 

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lets face it...we again don't have a QB . Its going to be a frustrating football season at 8-8 or 9-7. Lot of what-ifs.


I always wait until the week before week 1 to make my game by game predictions but right now I have the team pegged at 9 or 10 wins. We didn't have a QB last year either. Or an adequate OC. Or a HC with game management skills. Or a running game. I think above everything else, Greg Roman will be the biggest influence on whether the run game (and as a result the offense as a whole) will rebound and be adequate enough to function. With all that said, I have a hard time going any higher than 10 wins because of the QB situation. If we had an O-line equivalent to Dallas' then maybe I push it to 10-11 wins but we don't. 

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My money is on Tyrod.  Ozzie Newsome in Baltimore has an eye for talent.  If Flacco wasn't in B'more, my guess is Taylor would be starting QB.  I could see Buffalo playing a very heavy run first O including the QB.


Now granted, I have not seen him throw a single pass.  This is just a hunch.

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My money is on Tyrod. Ozzie Newsome in Baltimore has an eye for talent. If Flacco wasn't in B'more, my guess is Taylor would be starting QB. I could see Buffalo playing a very heavy run first O including the QB.


Now granted, I have not seen him throw a single pass. This is just a hunch.

Putting your support behind Taylor is no worse than putting it behind Cassel or EJ. It's a dice roll so why not?

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Putting your support behind Taylor is no worse than putting it behind Cassel or EJ. It's a dice roll so why not?

While I'm no fan of Cassel and fairly pessimistic about EJ, their resumes look 100 times better because, ya know, they have one.

My money is on Tyrod

The great social experiment, we'll dub, "the grass must be green" is in full effect. I'm sure every fan base does this but I don't think anyone does it like Buffalo fans. Every prospect, draft pick or other teams players must be better than what we currently have, right?

Edited by inkman
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While I'm no fan of Cassel and fairly pessimistic about EJ, their resumes look 100 times better because, ya know, they have one.


The great social experiment, we'll dub, "the grass must be green" is in full effect. I'm sure every fan base does this but I don't think anyone does it like Buffalo fans. Every prospect, draft pick or other teams players must be better than what we currently have, right?


I get what you are saying and I am sure some of that is in my opinion.  However, I am really going on my faith that Ozzie Newsome is the best GM in football when it comes to selecting talent at the draft.  The Ravens historically draft late round and more times than not, his selections grade out as impact starters.  I am guessing he saw some talent in Tyrod and if not for Flacco and his strength AND durability, he might have gotten serious looks by the Ravens,  He was stuck on the depth charts behind a guy who did not/does not get hurt.  Given the reins and the reps, he just might have some ability.


I am also grading him out against Cassel and Manuel, both of whom don't impress me.  Simms has the pedigree but hasn't broken out from the pack.  


So yeah, I'm going with Tyrod and the hopes we have a Russell Wilson type QB to play in Roman's offense.

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Jets Sheldon Richardson, already suspended for the first four games due to drug charges, got arrested in connection with drag racing and resisting arrest in Missouri.

The deets on this are incredible. They clocked him at 143. High speed chase on the interstate. When they catch him, he's got a loaded gun, pot and -- wait for it -- a child in the car with him.


He's going to jail and, I'll predict, suspended for the year.


What a stupid, stupid man.

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The deets on this are incredible. They clocked him at 143. High speed chase on the interstate. When they catch him, he's got a loaded gun, pot and -- wait for it -- a child in the car with him.


He's going to jail and, I'll predict, suspended for the year.


What a stupid, stupid man.


143mph with a kid in the car should get you life in prison. 

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143mph with a kid in the car should get you life in prison.

Now that you mention it, I'm kinda curious as to what kind of jail time he gets. I suppose it will depend in part on whether he has a criminal record. If not, I'd guess 30-60 days or so. If so, he could be looking at a year.

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The deets on this are incredible. They clocked him at 143. High speed chase on the interstate. When they catch him, he's got a loaded gun, pot and -- wait for it -- a child in the car with him.


He's going to jail and, I'll predict, suspended for the year.


What a stupid, stupid man.

Yeap. Here's the Officer's official statement: https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/626890004225261568


Richardson had 2 other male passengers, and after running a red light and completely turning off his lights to avoid the cop, he gets pulled over only to reach down for his loaded hand gun before the officer stops him. This could have gotten much, much worse. What a moron

There's no way this doesn't earn him a year long suspension, possibly more. 

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