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OT - I'm wearing someone else's shoes


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Not sure how but the shoes on my feet are not mine. It started Saturday, I wore my "work" shoes out to dinner and just thought my socks were thick or my gout was flaring up but upon further inspection, these aren't my shoes. They are severely worn, mine were just purchased, and they are a size too small.


My wife thinks I'm crazy but I think one of two people are wearing MY shoes. Her father or a friend of ours. I think I'm just going to call it a day and get another pair on my lunch. They weren't very expensive or anything.

Edited by inkman
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Would you say you've walked a mile yet?

It feels like 10 miles. They are a size too small. I'll be leaving for my lunch soon to get replacements. How on Earth does this happen?


Even if I did know who, I'll save them the embarrassment and just get the new ones. If you did the same thing (On accident) would you cop to it.


It really sucks because I just got those broken in and they were really comfy. Now I have 2 more weeks of the shoes breaking in my feet again. Argh!

Edited by inkman
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It feels like 10 miles. They are a size too small. I'll be leaving for my lunch soon to get replacements. How on Earth does this happen?


Even if I did know who, I'll save them the embarrassment and just get the new ones. If you did the same thing (On accident) would you cop to it.


It really sucks because I just got those broken in and they were really comfy. Now I have 2 more weeks of the shoes breaking in my feet again. Argh!


I'd cop to it. I can't imagine wearing shoes a size larger is particularly comfortable. I'd want my shoes back!

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It feels like 10 miles. They are a size too small. I'll be leaving for my lunch soon to get replacements. How on Earth does this happen?


Even if I did know who, I'll save them the embarrassment and just get the new ones. If you did the same thing (On accident) would you cop to it.


It really sucks because I just got those broken in and they were really comfy. Now I have 2 more weeks of the shoes breaking in my feet again. Argh!


Happened to me a couple years ago. Was out playing pitch at a friend's house after work and a friend took one of my shoes when he left. So he was wearing 2 different shoes. I called him out on being a drunken moron immediately.

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Would someone who isn't a vagrant really take someone else's shoes intentionally? i.e. he is leaving a party, spots a better pair of shoes than the ones he came with, sees it as an opportunity to trade up, and just takes the shoes? Does that really happen?

I've done this to a friend of mine who had the same sandals as me, only 3 years newer. Those sandals had great accuracy and range for kicking at people. I wish I still had the newer pair, mine broke.


As far as people doing that to keep the shoes... uhhh maybe if they're a total scrap? (like Robviously)

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Or that the car you're driving isn't yours. That's a funny story about worn out keys and two identical green Hondas.


Yup, my cousin did this once. He borrowed a freinds car, drove 30 or so miles, came back and couldn't park in the same spot (street parking) so he parked a block or so down. Friend asked him later why he never borrowed the car, as it hadn't moved. Turned out it was someone elses practically identical car.


What I would pay to hear the conversation that person had with themselves/whoever they were with. "I swear to god, it was right here. How the hell..."

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So it looks like the culprit has been located. My big hearted wife used to work in group homes with developmentally disabled folks. She's maintained contact with some of them throughout the years as many times they don't have anyone there for them. One of her guys was over at our house last weekend and must have mistakenly put my shoes on instead of his. So for the crude and rude and a re##### has been wearing my shoes for the last week.

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So it looks like the culprit has been located. My big hearted wife used to work in group homes with developmentally disabled folks. She's maintained contact with some of them throughout the years as many times they don't have anyone there for them. One of her guys was over at our house last weekend and must have mistakenly put my shoes on instead of his. So for the crude and rude and a re##### has been wearing my shoes for the last week.

Good thing you broke them in for him.

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