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Brad Marchard is a Punk


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I didn't notice, and I already deleted the game in anger. Crap. I would've liked to see that.

Being relegated to internet radio this season, I did not see it but I heard RJ announce the big hit and mention that Marchand was having some difficulty getting back to the bench :D
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Like in the NHL when there appears to be different Shanny standards for different players.


True that!


Marchand and his punk comments doesn't really mean much, but when the Boston Goon Squad gets away with dirty hits is gets eveyone else pissed.

Surprisingly Marchang actually got suspended for clipping earlier, but expect the standards to relax as the playoffs approach

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Everyone see this beautiful hit Soupy laid on Marchand in their 6-2 spanking of Boston?



I'd love to see the Sabres destroying guys at the blue line on a regular basis. When was the last time that happened? I think McNabb did it in one of his earlier call-ups this season and I was hoping Regehr would make it part of his regular repertoire when we acquired him, but he typically waits til guys are deep in the zone before hitting them.

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Watch the very end of that video and right after the perfectly legal, clean, by the book hip check you see Bergeron go after Campbell. Why is it every single time a Bruin gets hit perfectly clean and legal they feel the need to go after the guy who threw the hit? They are the biggest bunch of pussified hypocrites you will ever see in the NHL or any other sport for that matter. Why they feel they can cheapshot whoever they want and not get hit in return is pathetic.

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Watch the very end of that video and right after the perfectly legal, clean, by the book hip check you see Bergeron go after Campbell. Why is it every single time a Bruin gets hit perfectly clean and legal they feel the need to go after the guy who threw the hit? They are the biggest bunch of pussified hypocrites you will ever see in the NHL or any other sport for that matter. Why they feel they can cheapshot whoever they want and not get hit in return is pathetic.


I agree with your view of the Bruins. Sadly it is becoming a trend around the entire NHL.

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Watch the very end of that video and right after the perfectly legal, clean, by the book hip check you see Bergeron go after Campbell. Why is it every single time a Bruin gets hit perfectly clean and legal they feel the need to go after the guy who threw the hit? They are the biggest bunch of pussified hypocrites you will ever see in the NHL or any other sport for that matter. Why they feel they can cheapshot whoever they want and not get hit in return is pathetic.


Another reason I enjoyed watching Boychuck get his face pasted against the glass by Malkin.

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Watch the very end of that video and right after the perfectly legal, clean, by the book hip check you see Bergeron go after Campbell. Why is it every single time a Bruin gets hit perfectly clean and legal they feel the need to go after the guy who threw the hit? They are the biggest bunch of pussified hypocrites you will ever see in the NHL or any other sport for that matter. Why they feel they can cheapshot whoever they want and not get hit in return is pathetic.

I agree with your view of the Bruins. Sadly it is becoming a trend around the entire NHL.


There were more than a few members here that wanted to see someone go after Boychuck after his perfectly legal hit on Vanek just a few games ago. Where were you guys in that game day thread?




The idea is intimidation. If you send the message to the other team that even legal hits will be met with violence you discourage the other team from throwing hits. It gives your team more room to work. I wish our team was capable of that kind of intimidation frankly.

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Everyone see this beautiful hit Soupy laid on Marchand in their 6-2 spanking of Boston?


Outstanding. Thanks for posting.


There were more than a few members here that wanted to see someone go after Boychuck after his perfectly legal hit on Vanek just a few games ago. Where were you guys in that game day thread?


The idea is intimidation. If you send the message to the other team that even legal hits will be met with violence you discourage the other team from throwing hits. It gives your team more room to work. I wish our team was capable of that kind of intimidation frankly.


Good post.

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There were more than a few members here that wanted to see someone go after Boychuck after his perfectly legal hit on Vanek just a few games ago. Where were you guys in that game day thread?




The idea is intimidation. If you send the message to the other team that even legal hits will be met with violence you discourage the other team from throwing hits. It gives your team more room to work. I wish our team was capable of that kind of intimidation frankly.


I've sat on both sides of the fence on this one quite frankly. After Vaneks hit by Boychuck my emotions got the better of me and I was of the thought that someone should have stepped up. After further thought I've amended my feelings. I agree every clean hit shouldn't be challenged with violence, its a mans game. Keep your head up. But I do believe when its arguably your best player a message should be sent. Whether the hit was clean or not. Brad Marchard doesn't deserve that kind of protection especially on a perfectly clean hit. Maybe Vanek does with his status on this team. It was certainly warranted after Boychuck took him out of the playoffs with an illigal slash.

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I'd like to add that as we all know a big hit can spark a team and shift momentum and on the other side a big response can take that momentum away or at least take it back. Maybe thats part of the thinking that goes into a violent response to a clean hit ?

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I'd like to add that as we all know a big hit can spark a team and shift momentum and on the other side a big response can take that momentum away or at least take it back. Maybe thats part of the thinking that goes into a violent response to a clean hit ?


Now you are getting it. IMO it is probably a combo of the 3 thoughts we've expressed here, intimidation to reduce the opponents will to hit, emotional response to seeing a teammate get crushed, and an attempt to try to change momentum.


And like I've said in the past, fights are fun to watch. Why complain about an event that results in more entertainment?

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