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Are the Sabres in Crisis?

Ghost of Dwight Drane


121 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the team in Crisis right now?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Would you like to hear from Terry Pegula, live or on camera?

    • Yes
    • No/Not Needed

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We've hit a point where things are beyond slump stage. But maybe it's for the best. Some of you argue that making the playoffs just helps maintain the status quo. Well maybe a near-last place finish will start the process of change. First Darcy goes, then new GM replaces Ruff with his guy. And as a bonus: a high draft pick.


I'll be interested to see how active the Sabres are at the trade deadline. If we aren't it could be a sign that Darcy is done. (Why let a guy you are firing make a bunch of deals?)



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I think after the two consectutive seasons of missing the playoffs in 2008 and 2009, this team has never had "it".


It being the ability to generate energy and excitement from a hockey game.

I'll put the game on, watch for a bit, but usually after the first period I turn it off unless I find out we have scored, I got better things to do than watch boring hockey - I see it every game almost on Twitter about how this team isn't playing exciting or this or that and it's all a reflection of the Sabres Universe that isn't pleased.


The old phrase "The customer is always right" is true, we are the customers buying into this team in some way and we want to be happy but 99% of us aren't.


I realized that after the 09 playoffs and not making it, I thought "What is going on, this is uncharacteristic of this team" but we made it the past two seasons to be eliminated in the 1st round.


Things need to change and when TP said he is behind Ruff, I didn't have a great feeling.


TP and Black need to have a serious set of talks about how this team needs to change and for the better.


Something will happen in this calendar year for the Sabres...right now, we're in a crisis alert and it's getting old.

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Crisis, I wouldn't say that, but its at a point where its getting to the fans. I would probably accept if they were in 6th 7th 8th place even. But they are nearing the bottom of the league and that is unacceptable. No consecutive wins in two months?!?! Also unacceptable.


I am a die hard fan, whenever I have some free time I always try and watch, but I find myself doing other activities now; even the other night for the Winnipeg game, I went out and did some skating and dinner instead of watching, I was fortunate enough to catch our D give the gwg up while at dinner on the bar tv. I was also not even too angry, as it was what I was expecting.


Anybody that has a couple brain cells can see that some overhauling needs to be done, it doesn't need to be a firesafe, but I feel it should be substantial. Darcy is in a tough spot now as our players have much less value than they should to the rest of the league. Granted that's his fault, but still, it makes it hard to wheel and deal when your a bottom feeder. I don't want to give up our prospects, I think it would be foolish, but at this point it almost seems like well have to, just to unload some "core guys"


So not a crisis YET, if we go 2-10 in the next couple of weeks, then it'll be official crisis mode and I will pay my membership dues to team stormcloud :)


The bolded statement is the key, for me in any event.

Many of the fans, myself included, have screamed for change. Not a couple of UFA signings either, but real change. And it hasn't occurred.


All of those posters that I have watched over the past couple of years especially, owe guys like DeLuca, Ghost of Dwight Drain and PA Sabresfan especially, a big salute. Because they, and a few others I've seen come and go have done nothing but speak the truth on this team. I often wondered why so many fans with such passion were so blinded to the realities of what type of product was built here.


So my hats off to those that stood their ground on their opinions and fought the good fight in many a heated debate. It is you fans that have your finger on the true pulse of the team. It is time for a complete overhaul in the management and coaching ranks with this club, along with a good number on the roster in my most humble opinion.

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Crisis? - I wouldn't call it that


Address the fans? - as another poster said, only if there's something DEFINITIVE to announce i.e. Lindy Fired, Darcy Fired, Lindy AND Darcy Fired. Any sort of placating to the fan base is useless and just comes off as some sort of Rah Rah. An apology for the god-awful product on the ice ALONG with some sort of clear change in direction is the only reason he should be addressing us.


However I think TP should call EVERYONE into the cushy locker room before their next game; players, coaches, management, EVERYONE and explain that he's not happy with the situation and let them know, in blunt terms, where they all stand with him. He then needs to go beyond the 'fan' in him and make the necessary changes regardless of who that may affect if the quality of play doesn't improve dramatically.


And regardless of whether they turn it around this 2nd half there needs to be a tough assessment of the organization at season end.

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I thought about this last night and broke it down into these points:


1) An owner who has pledged to help the Sabres win the cup at any cost.

2) A public refusal to change the team despite one of the more vocal fan bases in the NHL itching for it, a dead arena AND a pathetic recent success rate.

3) The GM AND coach appear to be safe.

4) There has been little to say that despite having one of the highest salaries in the NHL that Terry, Ted and Darcy are actually unhappy. Lindy has made it clear he wants more but it also seems clear his not getting more.

5) Desperate need for help up front. We needed a center, we still need a center. I'm less bothered by D, leadership or goaltending has its clear we can't score. Thats a good starting place.


Crisis? No. Are the fundemental problems with the management of this team that Terry/Ted has failed to address, or at least make it clear to us that it has been addressed? Yes, yes yes yes yes yes.



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Can they let the teams higher than them in the standing use their cushy new dressing room? Their lack of effort, conditioning and hockey intellegence just smells bad. When I saw Stu Barnes on the other day, all I could think of was how they got rid of all the guys with heart. Pommenville as captain. Yikes.


It's so bad I'd take Adam Mair back over more than half the forwards, because at least he brought it every night. I think Matt Ellis and Nathan Gerbe are about the only two that aren't out floating. Sad really.

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Since TP made such a big deal when he bought the team (weeping at the presser when mentioning the French Connection, etc), he put himself out there as the new face of the franchise. I would have preferred a much lower-key takeover with Pegula staying in the background and Black doing the talking. Now that the team continues to suck canal water (CanalSide water?), Pegs seems to have forgotten how to speak to the fans. He bought the thing, he's the one with the power - this is his mess and he ought to be doing something to clean it up. If he's going to speak to the fans at the onset and tell them the mission is to win the Cup, he ought to be out there now when things look grim to tell us what he's doing to right the ship.

Crisis? Not if you are satisfied with a wimpy team that can't compete with the big boys in the league. Not if you are satisfied with the status quo. However, if you've promised your fans a Cup, your team ought to be showing some vital signs. This one seems to be on life support. As Dr. Evil would say, "Throw us a frickin' bone here!" (Or is that "fracking" bone?)

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Can they let the teams higher than them in the standing use their cushy new dressing room? Their lack of effort, conditioning and hockey intellegence just smells bad. When I saw Stu Barnes on the other day, all I could think of was how they got rid of all the guys with heart. Pommenville as captain. Yikes.


It's so bad I'd take Adam Mair back over more than half the forwards, because at least he brought it every night. I think Matt Ellis and Nathan Gerbe are about the only two that aren't out floating. Sad really.


It's Pominville not Pommenville. And he's one of the guys that does show heart. Every shift. Every night.

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It's Pominville not Pommenville. And he's one of the guys that does show heart. Every shift. Every night.

Thank you. Not all captains have to be of the same mold. Just because he doesn't drop the gloves doesn't mean he's not a good captain. None of us have any idea how he acts in the locker room, but we can see that he always shows heart on the ice.

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I think the real crisis is that no one anywhere that has anything to do with the Sabres, from the players to Ruff to Regier to ownership, actually thinks there is anything wrong here. This team has gone on with the same attitude and the same core for far too many years. Things are not going to change til there's big changes from the bottom-up here. Instead, we're told to be patient because it takes time for the new players to "gel" and for the team to develop "chemistry". Teams like Florida, Toronto and Philly added all types of new talent to their lineup and see immediate results. It doesn't take them half the season to 'gel". And of course we hear the injury excuse, even though Pittsburg loses the best player in the league, along with a bunch of other good players, and they continue to win. Crisis...what crisis??? It's beyond a crisis unfortunately.

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I don't know why people think firing ruff is the awnser no matter what coach

you bring in (like there is anyone better available ) you're going to get the same result the players on this team have no talent or heart along with crappy goaltending so you could have the best coach in the game compe here but with the product on the ice now its not going to doch. Look how well it worked for the bills new coaching. Staff same old team

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I don't know why people think firing ruff is the awnser no matter what coach

you bring in (like there is anyone better available ) you're going to get the same result the players on this team have no talent or heart along with crappy goaltending so you could have the best coach in the game compe here but with the product on the ice now its not going to doch. Look how well it worked for the bills new coaching. Staff same old team


Many of these players have performed much better in the past, so clearly the talent is there. That crappy goalie won a Vezina. That lazy "power forward" scored 30 goals. That underperforming center has been right around a point per game for his entire career. Who's job is it to get these players to produce as they're capable of? That's the head coach.

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I don't know why people think firing ruff is the awnser no matter what coach

you bring in (like there is anyone better available ) you're going to get the same result the players on this team have no talent or heart along with crappy goaltending so you could have the best coach in the game compe here but with the product on the ice now its not going to doch. Look how well it worked for the bills new coaching. Staff same old team


Welcome to the board.


I don't think anyone who is advocating change believe that replacing Ruff is the only change that is required.


Many of these players have performed much better in the past, so clearly the talent is there. That crappy goalie won a Vezina. That lazy "power forward" scored 30 goals. That underperforming center has been right around a point per game for his entire career. Who's job is it to get these players to produce as they're capable of? That's the head coach.


You forgot to welcome the rookie ... that was his first post.

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I don't know why people think firing ruff is the awnser no matter what coach

you bring in (like there is anyone better available ) you're going to get the same result the players on this team have no talent or heart along with crappy goaltending so you could have the best coach in the game compe here but with the product on the ice now its not going to doch. Look how well it worked for the bills new coaching. Staff same old team

So this team has 0 skilled players? Everyone, including Vanek, Myers, Pom, Miller, Enroth are all 4th liners who wouldn't make a poor NYI squad? Its true to say they have no confidence at the moment but I'm not at all convinced our problem lies in a lack of skill.


Many of these players have performed much better in the past, so clearly the talent is there. That crappy goalie won a Vezina. That lazy "power forward" scored 30 goals. That underperforming center has been right around a point per game for his entire career. Who's job is it to get these players to produce as they're capable of? That's the head coach.


Stuff mine, i'll just +1 this. Nice post, put thing in perspective.

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I did not want to make it sound as if we don't have any skill we do vanek Myers and some others but the majority of the team is onot clicking a coach change in my opinion won't help at this stage look what ruff did when we had a team and that could score and dominate. We went to a Stanley cup and many deep runs. if the upper management can put the product on the ice get rid of dead weight then this team will turn around which I don't see happening this year.

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I did not want to make it sound as if we don't have any skill we do vanek Myers and some others but the majority of the team is onot clicking a coach change in my opinion won't help at this stage look what ruff did when we had a team and that could score and dominate. We went to a Stanley cup and many deep runs. if the upper management can put the product on the ice get rid of dead weight then this team will turn around which I don't see happening this year.


Hi, and welcome to the board...


Well, while it is true that a Ruff-coached team made it to the Cup finals (once) and the ECFs (also once), that was some seasons back in both cases. I do think that the right recipe is to have great players AND a great coach. I hold up as an example the 2008-2009 Pittsburgh Penguins. The Team had gone to the Finals the season before and lost. They had some of the finest players in the league (Crosby, Malkin, etc.) but due to some strife with their head coach (Therrien), the team hit a mid-season slump. He was replaced by Bylsma (their AHL coach) and the team responded (and went on to win the Cup). No reason to think a similar change of coaches wouldn't do the Sabres some good.

I continue to be curious as to why Ruff has such a stalwart band of defenders when he has had just three really good seasons out of 13 and his winning percentage is a shade under .600. I think he is a good coach, but not a great one and probably a really nice guy. I have nothing against him personally, but I think that his best days behind the Sabres bench are behind HIM. We need a new voice, a new game plan and a new philosophy. If I thought Ruff could provide these I would say keep him. Sadly, I don't think this is the case.

As for what other better coaches that are available...well, the really good NHL ones all still have their jobs. But, as we see from the Bylsma hiring, you never know how good someone is until you try them out. (Of course, the Sabres have had good coaches in their system (Mike Keenan, John Tortorella) and have let them go to other teams...and win Stanley Cups, so.....)

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i am at a point with regier/ruff and this team where i no longer accept the truism that "you don't make a change for the sake of change."


at this point, i want so much to see something different (and eventually better) that i'm perfectly willing for the team to make a change that causes the squad to take a step (or steps) backward. i'm just done with this incarnation of the franchise -- already checked out, really.

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Hi, and welcome to the board...


Well, while it is true that a Ruff-coached team made it to the Cup finals (once) and the ECFs (also once), that was some seasons back in both cases. I do think that the right recipe is to have great players AND a great coach. I hold up as an example the 2008-2009 Pittsburgh Penguins. The Team had gone to the Finals the season before and lost. They had some of the finest players in the league (Crosby, Malkin, etc.) but due to some strife with their head coach (Therrien), the team hit a mid-season slump. He was replaced by Bylsma (their AHL coach) and the team responded (and went on to win the Cup). No reason to think a similar change of coaches wouldn't do the Sabres some good.

I continue to be curious as to why Ruff has such a stalwart band of defenders when he has had just three really good seasons out of 13 and his winning percentage is a shade under .600. I think he is a good coach, but not a great one and probably a really nice guy. I have nothing against him personally, but I think that his best days behind the Sabres bench are behind HIM. We need a new voice, a new game plan and a new philosophy. If I thought Ruff could provide these I would say keep him. Sadly, I don't think this is the case.

As for what other better coaches that are available...well, the really good NHL ones all still have their jobs. But, as we see from the Bylsma hiring, you never know how good someone is until you try them out. (Of course, the Sabres have had good coaches in their system (Mike Keenan, John Tortorella) and have let them go to other teams...and win Stanley Cups, so.....)


I believe Ruff coached Sabre teams made it to the ECF four times ... winning that series once.

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i am at a point with regier/ruff and this team where i no longer accept the truism that "you don't make a change for the sake of change."


at this point, i want so much to see something different (and eventually better) that i'm perfectly willing for the team to make a change that causes the squad to take a step (or steps) backward. i'm just done with this incarnation of the franchise -- already checked out, really.


You and I are on the same page. It's not that there aren't good players on this team, it's just that I'm tired of the same old faces and names.


Even if we were doing better there's just a lot of guys I flat out don't like. I want to see something done to make this team likable again.

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... As for what other better coaches that are available...well, the really good NHL ones all still have their jobs. But, as we see from the Bylsma hiring, you never know how good someone is until you try them out. (Of course, the Sabres have had good coaches in their system (Mike Keenan, John Tortorella) and have let them go to other teams...and win Stanley Cups, so.....)


I'm sure nobody here would have any problems if the Sabres fired Ruff and hired Ron Rolston.



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d4rk and aud smell: I am sadly also right near that point. I find myself looking forward to Jackals games (nine straight wins) more than Sabres games. At least my hours got cut back and I can actually play hockey again.


Weirdly the same boat. I got laid off before Christmas so I can drop in at skate and shoot every day if I want. And Amerks games are much more fun for the girlfriend and I than the Sabres. Likable guys and good fans. What I want the Sabres to be.

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