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any europeans on this team at all?


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They have certainly purged the team of anything but North American influence, haven't they?


lydman and tallinder were the final two, were'nt they, for defense...


Now, only Vanek remains...clearly following the Brian Burke model in Anaheim that depended on North Americans.


Good, just a couple of good ol' Saskatchewan kids on the team, and we should be good to go...that Anaheim team had 4 Sask kids on the team, i think...Getzlaf and Kunitz from right here in Regina, Travis Moen...and someone else i think

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They have certainly purged the team of anything but North American influence, haven't they?


lydman and tallinder were the final two, were'nt they, for defense...


Now, only Vanek remains...clearly following the Brian Burke model in Anaheim that depended on North Americans.


Good, just a couple of good ol' Saskatchewan kids on the team, and we should be good to go...that Anaheim team had 4 Sask kids on the team, i think...Getzlaf and Kunitz from right here in Regina, Travis Moen...and someone else i think

Yes,the Red Wings sure proved that Euro players cannot win :bag: :doh:



Open bigotry against players from Europe? I've never understood this. I remember Teppo talking about this from when he first joined the league.

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Yes,the Red Wings sure proved that Euro players cannot win :bag: :doh:



Open bigotry against players from Europe? I've never understood this. I remember Teppo talking about this from when he first joined the league.


Some people think European is synonomous with playing soft and lazy.


Anyone thinking this a European problem should be forced to watch "the core" play.

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I've always loved watching the europeans - I think it began with the Stastny brothers in Quebec. I hated losing to them, but they sure were a fun team to watch. I also love international and olympic hockey for the same reason. I still wish the NHL had the larger ice surface, which allows the skilled skaters and passers to flourish.

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I have nothing against euros playing for the sabres as long as they are true win at all cost competitors. I feel the same about Canadians or Americans. If they help this team win I want them. Hell, If Regier can dig up a 6'5" Mongolian that played pond hockey and occasionally warmed his feet in yak $hit I'd welcome him if he helped this team win the cup.

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I've always loved watching the europeans - I think it began with the Stastny brothers in Quebec. I hated losing to them, but they sure were a fun team to watch. I also love international and olympic hockey for the same reason. I still wish the NHL had the larger ice surface, which allows the skilled skaters and passers to flourish.


you do know quebec isn't europe right?

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It's not merely a coincidence this team has steered away from euros. Between the problems getting them to the states along with the somewhat recent draft probs (see Zagrapan, Kryukov), not to mention the sour taste left in our mouths by Kotalik and Afinigenov, It really created the perfect storm to shy away from overseas players.

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It's not merely a coincidence this team has steered away from euros. Between the problems getting them to the states along with the somewhat recent draft probs (see Zagrapan, Kryukov), not to mention the sour taste left in our mouths by Kotalik and Afinigenov, I really created the perfect storm to shy away from overseas players.


Al and Max left a sour taste in your mouth? Does chz know?

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i dont know... the red wings beat up on everyone with some pretty good Euros.....the top players in the league include plenty of Euros


arguably the top forward (ovechking, malkin) and dman (lydstrom, chara) are euros. 7 of the top 15 scorers last year were Euros.



The sabres have also struck out on some NA players too...should they shy away from them ? Didnt the Bhawks win with a Euro goalie?


Just like anything its about picking the right player not making sure he doesnt have an accent.

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I don't think it is a Brian Burke model.


Vanek and Sekera were trained in N. America, BTW.


What the Sabres have stopped drafting are European trained players.

Dennis Pearson and Enroth being the last of note.


The video cable doesn't stretch across the Atlantic.

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