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9 shots on goal total with 7 minutes left in the 3rd period? 3 shots since the end of the 1st? This team just doesn't care if they make the playoffs, why should we? The way they are playing is totally inexcusable...no difference from last year...


If they're trying to get somebody fired in the middle of a playoff race, they're not worth keeping either.

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absolute disgrace. This team is a joke and I'm beginning to think that Lindy is too burned out to stay on the bench. Every aspect of this teams game is complete garbage.

I've been watching the Sabres since 1968 and Lindy since he went behind the bench and I've never seen the look on his face before like tonight. He looks absolutely resigned with ZERO emotion. What a pisser!!!

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absolute disgrace. This team is a joke and I'm beginning to think that Lindy is too burned out to stay on the bench. Every aspect of this teams game is complete garbage.


i hate to agree, but i agree. maybe it is time to clean house.....


that's it.


have a good summer everyone. i enjoyed the reading.

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hahahaha and hecht gets his arm grabbed from behind on the rush and nothing.


I hope Ruff tells Kaleta to start head hunting.


Either Sens or refs will be fine by me.


You guys really letting the Sabres off the hook for this atrocious, brain dead performance?

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Man, I just can't calm down and put it to rest. I am so pissed off with the 2 1/2 hours I just wasted tonight. I honestly can't imagine how bad this must rub Lindy raw to watch this group of pansies turn in the performance tonight they just did...we are within shooting distance of playoffs and this is what we do tonight? THe big, bad Sabre team that was so 'mad' after losing to ATL on Saturday..

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Well, this will be my first prediction of the year because I just have that bad feeling on what's in that locker room


Sens 5

Buff 2


One of the 2 goals under 5 minutes left in the 3rd. Total collapse after this loss and are 6 points out of 8th when Miller comes back


Well, I would say if it was not for Lydman blocking the open net, this entire prediction would have been pretty close (especially the part about the TOTAL COLLAPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for nothing you Euro FUUUCHIN PU$$IES!!!! This team is a JOKE a TOTAL JOKE!!! Good Riddance to this season. Not one more minute will I waste after that effort...NOT ONE!!


I have NEVER hated a Sabres team before but this team is just unlikeable. They stand for everything pathetic about certain paid professionals. FU Sabres FU!! :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

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Man, I just can't calm down and put it to rest. I am so pissed off with the 2 1/2 hours I just wasted tonight. I honestly can't imagine how bad this must rub Lindy raw to watch this group of pansies turn in the performance tonight they just did...we are within shooting distance of playoffs and this is what we do tonight? THe big, bad Sabre team that was so 'mad' after losing to ATL on Saturday..

Maybe you were looking at some other dude named Lindy, because the one I saw behind the Sabres bench looked like he could care less.......just like his players did.

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You guys really letting the Sabres off the hook for this atrocious, brain dead performance?


I don't think anyone is doing that, or at least I hope not. It is just insult to injury. Hell if anything, it should have been another source of motivation, to come out in the third like their head was on fire, and instead they pissed themselves.

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Dio says 5-3 Sens, in a 2-2 close game, then lose it at the beginning of the third.


Sound familiar?


A little off on the score, but the idea remains. Play well out of the gate but playing the whole game is difficult so take the third off, hey they deserve it.



This team is very predictable in their effort, and are not a playoff team.

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I've never been more mad at this franchise than I am right now. The crappy part about this, is they will lose no ground in this race after this abortion tonight. These horrible losses keep happening on nights where they can take advantage of other teams' miscues.

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Hopefully they don't make the playoffs. These clowns don't show up for regular season games, how would they do playing 4 more games this year? They are absolutely pitiful. No emotion whatsoever. On the plus side, at least Miller has the rest of this season and all off season to heal.

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