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Complaint Thursdays


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I did that the first year I was here in NC. Then the "yellow death" of pine tree pollen hit. One day of leaving our windows open in early spring had everything in the house covered with a thick yellow residue. You can always tell who the newer northern transplants are in the neighborhood by looking for houses with their windows open during pollen season.


We actually got that here in Rochester last year, I had never seen anything like it before. I've lived around woods and pine trees my whole life but last spring was sooo dry that it just blew around and collected on everything. Not that this spring hasn't been obscenely dry too, we're already 2" below the norm for the season. Although some nice rain the past few days is attempting to bring my front lawn back to life. :unsure:

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We actually got that here in Rochester last year, I had never seen anything like it before. I've lived around woods and pine trees my whole life but last spring was sooo dry that it just blew around and collected on everything. Not that this spring hasn't been obscenely dry too, we're already 2" below the norm for the season. Although some nice rain the past few days is attempting to bring my front lawn back to life. :unsure:

The mother #$@^&*! rain's making my mother #$@^&*! lawn continue to grow.


AND it came right after I had the garden tilled, so I can't plant the mother #$@^&*! garden.

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shiit rolls downhill.

Can't disagree with you there, but - and here's the fun part - the guy is supposed to be a peer of mine and he can't manage his own projects. When people are suggesting he come up with a plan, he throws others under the bus by saying he's not privy to the info he doesn't have, so make someone else do it.


Not that he'd know the meaning of the word 'privy', either.



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The mother #$@^&*! rain's making my mother #$@^&*! lawn continue to grow.


AND it came right after I had the garden tilled, so I can't plant the mother #$@^&*! garden.

Even with all the dry weather, I have been cutting my grass every 4th day. I can only imagine what it will be like after the rain stops.

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Spelling Bee on ABC... Why not just have the judge give the kids, the language of origin, use it in a sentence, definition, alternate definition, alternate pronunciation, etc... instead of making the kids ask for each and every one of these.



By the way, the kids are unbelievable!

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Even with all the dry weather, I have been cutting my grass every 4th day. I can only imagine what it will be like after the rain stops.

Cutting it every week I've been (barely) able to get by w/out sweeping the clippings. If the %!%!!%^!^^$!~^#$& rain keeps up, no chance of that continuing.

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I'm driving in to work today and my Ipod lands on Rush - La Villa Stangiato. It made me remember a complaint that has been eating at me for years. Rolling Stone did a list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time(yes I know these lists are stupid) and Alex Lifeson was not on the list. Personally, he's at least in my top twenty. Whatever, but then don't go and put Joan Jett on that list as well. Yes,... you read that correctly,... Joan Jett.

Swamp, we may not agree on a lot of things, but I most certainly concur with you. Rush (in general) appears to get dissed alot by Rolling Stone. :wallbash: That's ok, though. Rush is one of the top-selling groups in the entire history of rock music. AFAIAC, Nirvana won't ever come close. :thumbsup:

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Jim Wallis and Tony Campolo. If people can accuse the "religious right" of having an agenda, then I can certainly say the same thing about those two lefties.


What the hell are you talking about this time?


XC, seriously, I think you're a good guy, and I really like your hockey-related input, but who the hell was talking about Wallis or Campolo (BTW, I have no idea who these people are; as likely as not, they're complete twits), or accusing people of having agendas?

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What the hell are you talking about this time?


XC, seriously, I think you're a good guy, and I really like your hockey-related input, but who the hell was talking about Wallis or Campolo (BTW, I have no idea who these people are; as likely as not, they're complete twits), or accusing people of having agendas?


Everyone has their hobbies I suppose. Crosschecking's seems to be keeping up on anything remotely related to religion which is fine, honest.


But there's the idea that when complaining about something to a group of people you don't personally know, you want to connect with them on a mutual level. I play paintball, and hockey, and disc golf, and like RIT hockey, and obscure music and muscle cars, and wrenching on my vintage Honda motorcycle. If I come in here complaining about how Anton Kharin didn't show up in the last game, people might have a vague idea what I'm talking about, but there's no real connection. No one knows who Anton is. If I complain about how I'm pissed that Smart Parts keeps suing people over bogus copyright claims again, no one knows what I'm talking about. If I start b*tching about how much of a pain it was to clean my centrifugal oil filter, no one knows what I'm talking about.


I may have a completely valid complaint that has me all heated, but this isn't the place to express that particular complaint. Here is where I complain about life, and the Sabres. I save paintball, motorcycle stuff, legitimate life problems, etc. for mcarterbrown.com, and RIT hockey for USCHO.com. I guess it's just a matter of making the point, once again, that in depth religious discussion really doesn't fit on this particular forum. This isn't a large enough forum to have enough people willing to discuss it. And even on most large forums I frequent (mcarterbrown.com), they have sort of a "don't touch this subject" policy when it comes to religion and politics.


What am I getting at? I think it's a matter of taking a moment to think about whether the place you're posting something is the appropriate forum. In this crazy world of internets, it does sort of matter.

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Everyone has their hobbies I suppose. Crosschecking's seems to be keeping up on anything remotely related to religion which is fine, honest.


But there's the idea that when complaining about something to a group of people you don't personally know, you want to connect with them on a mutual level. I play paintball, and hockey, and disc golf, and like RIT hockey, and obscure music and muscle cars, and wrenching on my vintage Honda motorcycle. If I come in here complaining about how Anton Kharin didn't show up in the last game, people might have a vague idea what I'm talking about, but there's no real connection. No one knows who Anton is. If I complain about how I'm pissed that Smart Parts keeps suing people over bogus copyright claims again, no one knows what I'm talking about. If I start b*tching about how much of a pain it was to clean my centrifugal oil filter, no one knows what I'm talking about.


I may have a completely valid complaint that has me all heated, but this isn't the place to express that particular complaint. Here is where I complain about life, and the Sabres. I save paintball, motorcycle stuff, legitimate life problems, etc. for mcarterbrown.com, and RIT hockey for USCHO.com. I guess it's just a matter of making the point, once again, that in depth religious discussion really doesn't fit on this particular forum. This isn't a large enough forum to have enough people willing to discuss it. And even on most large forums I frequent (mcarterbrown.com), they have sort of a "don't touch this subject" policy when it comes to religion and politics.


What am I getting at? I think it's a matter of taking a moment to think about whether the place you're posting something is the appropriate forum. In this crazy world of internets, it does sort of matter.



They'd eat you alive at TSW... :chris:

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Everyone has their hobbies I suppose. Crosschecking's seems to be keeping up on anything remotely related to religion which is fine, honest.


But there's the idea that when complaining about something to a group of people you don't personally know, you want to connect with them on a mutual level. I play paintball, and hockey, and disc golf, and like RIT hockey, and obscure music and muscle cars, and wrenching on my vintage Honda motorcycle. If I come in here complaining about how Anton Kharin didn't show up in the last game, people might have a vague idea what I'm talking about, but there's no real connection. No one knows who Anton is. If I complain about how I'm pissed that Smart Parts keeps suing people over bogus copyright claims again, no one knows what I'm talking about. If I start b*tching about how much of a pain it was to clean my centrifugal oil filter, no one knows what I'm talking about.


And I like making fun of college hockey programs that are in their infancy. :thumbsup:

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They'd eat you alive at TSW... :chris:


A good reason I don't go there, it's a madhouse. :ph34r:


TSW is to Sabrespace what pbnation.com is to mcarterbrown.com. pbnation is a cesspool of cracked out, angsty teenagers talking about flashlights you can put your dick in, and occasionally conversation about paintball, but it's not recommended, despite what the title claims. mcarterbrown is a nice, relaxing, mature forum that smells of pipe smoke and fine whiskey, sorta like sabrespace, only here it smells like crisp ice and chicken wings, and sometimes inkman after he goes for a run.


And I like making fun of college hockey programs that are in their infancy. :thumbsup:


Why I aughta! :chris:

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What the hell are you talking about this time?


XC, seriously, I think you're a good guy, and I really like your hockey-related input, but who the hell was talking about Wallis or Campolo (BTW, I have no idea who these people are; as likely as not, they're complete twits), or accusing people of having agendas?

Sorry. Just blowing some steam.

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My wife is 6 mths prego and she is nonstop bitching about everything. I fear I may not make it through this summer alive.

Congrats. However, if it's your first, you're going to be a frequent contributor to this thread over the next year or so. But it's well worth it.

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I have nothing to complain about. I make enough money to survive well, I have food to eat, and a few people seem to like me (not on here, of course). What more does one really need?


Take it to the "I Love Life Fridays" thread. We don't want you happy types around here. :censored:


Speaking of friday, why can't the week be over already? This has been one of those weeks where I'm getting no sleep and have been tired each day. It also doesn't help that I saw a guy in the lobby of this building this morning who looked like Mario Lemieux. I wanted to punch him but I couldn't.

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We had a major firewall upgrade last night that went miserably bad. We thought we were done at 7:30, but when my boss' boss called me an hour later, the night had only begun. We were lucky enough to be able to back out and stabilize everything, but I'm on about 4.5 hours of sleep (I know...more than a set of newly-anointed parents usually get, but it's less than I'm used to).


Then I walk in to the same guy that's been harassing me all week, telling me to do stuff that he should be coordinating. And no, I don't report to him.



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My wife is 6 mths prego and she is nonstop bitching about everything. I fear I may not make it through this summer alive.


that was me last summer. it didn't help that i had lost my job and we had to move. i didn't think i would make it through the summer either. luckily i did, and my son was born in november. things get "back to normal" a few months after the birth. i always used to say i wanted 4 kids, but after last summer i think i'm happy with 2.

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