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Free Agent Frenzy


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3.75 mil a year seems pretty reasonable compared to the SPAM players who've been getting 4 mil plus. Guess the length of contract was the problem. Note to Darcy / Golisano et al - salaries will continue to escalate every year. They might want to think about locking in some players as long as they're proven (as Orpik is) instead of paying more in the future.

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Brooks Orpik officially gone.


6 year deal, $22.5 million to stay in Pittsburgh. WTF.

I'll make a bet that he was forced to take the PIT offer. I'm betting his agent played hardball and 'real' potential suitors went after other talent rather than pay the ransom. I bet it came down to OTT and PIT.

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As I said, they never really thought that highly of him, they were just being nice in public. Remember, they had a chance to draft him and selected......Kriukov.

What is wrong with the Kriukov pick. I hear he is coming around. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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As I said, they never really thought that highly of him, they were just being nice in public. Remember, they had a chance to draft him and selected......Kriukov.


It seems pretty clear to me that Orpik didn't draw too much interest on the market.

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So with Orpik done, who are people that we would still want to sign/trade for?



Leaving: Any of the following - Kotalik, Connolly, Max, prospects or picks


Coming back: Physical dman and a 2nd line scoring center


Okay. I'm done! :)

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I'll make a bet that he was forced to take the PIT offer. I'm betting his agent played hardball and 'real' potential suitors went after other talent rather than pay the ransom. I bet it came down to OTT and PIT.

I wonder if that was one of the agents that Darcy said was calling him this morning.


Hmm, I would have gone 6 x $4M. While I wouldn't say he quite truly "proven" yet, I doubt he'll be worth a much less, especially if salaries continue to rise. That 6 is a little longer than I would have preferred they go, but I wouldn't have been too upset if they had done it.

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It seems pretty clear to me that Orpik didn't draw too much interest on the market.

Does this mean that we have lost our "friends and family" discount in terms of signing younger brother Andy?


First, best buds Liles and Miller and now the Orpik boys.


:D :D

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hmmm....I see that the Sabres have gone to a four day workweek. Could yesterday have been their day off?


Lucy you got some 'splainin to do...


On paper, he looks like what the Sabres need. But Jason Smith didn't look good in Philly. I don't think he's the answer. It would show some effort though. He and Spacek (with a little help from Pronger) helped an Edmonton team overachieve.

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as for people calling for darcy's nuts on a plate for not going beyond what pittsburgh gave orpik: who's to say we didn't, or wouldn't?


it's called free agency, not "player's rights to the highest bidder."


maybe orpik effectively chose to stay in pittsburgh for reasons that, although they are his own, can almost certainly be guessed at with some accuracy.

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