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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. The voice is probably like torture to those who've had to listen to it for so many years. This team needs a new voice and one that won't coddle them. It's time. Put the feelings aside and admit, it's time for a new voice. See St Louis Blues.
  2. I didn't say he has a perfect game but he's not a floater. I won't be dragged into a mudslinging match with others but I would rather have CH than Zack. He's been invisible again for the Canucks again.
  3. I just caught the score and see the boys came out flat against a desperate team. Giving up goals a minute into the game again is a sign the coach doesn't have his team ready to go. I have to say that removing my emotions from this team is a relief. I watched the third period on Sunday and didn't feel anything, I just watched and tried to enjoy hockey. I really do believe that the owner will soon have no choice but to make the changes needed. On a side note we are off to Cali on the weekend and plan on seeing a Ducks game. 3 lower bowl corner seats, $180. Compared to a Canucks endzone seat at $195 each.
  4. Having seen Kassian play a lot he's dropped off considerably since being taken off top line. I not talking about points just his play. He really doesn't look that good unless he's with the twins. He has the odd good game but he looks slow and uninterested. Hodgson does not take a shift off and works hard. I like this trade for buffalo still.
  5. Again, wow on all the responses to this. In some ways I'm sorry for bringing it up because I feel like I've unlocked some deep emotions and upset everyone. But then I realized that its not my fault, it's the team's fault. What I've noticed about this thread is that it's got so many real, emotional feelings. It's not some punk spewing garbage blindly behind his laptop. No, it's real fans, many I'm sure who have paid many dollars to see the Sabres home games and away. It's people who truly are.....saddened by this. If Ted Black really does come on this site then maybe it's a thread he can pass on to Pegula and make him realize this is serious. That this thread is just a microcosm of what real fans think. I want to thank you all for posting and making me feel better because I know I'm not alone. I'll be a fan forever but until they make thovse hard decisions its just not worth it to waste time, energy and emotions on them. I remember when my St Louis (LA) Rams won the Super Bowl. Until Kurt Warner came along they were the losingest team of the 90's and then they turned it around and were the best and most entertaining team in football. I can leave this earth knowing they won it all once and that was great. I only hope the Sabres can do that too and give the diehard fans that feeling they'll never forget. Sabres fans deserve this!
  6. Wow, I honestly didn't think my heartfelt post would render so many responses. I've posted many times over the years but probably haven't given out much personal info about me. I have been a fan of the Sabres for 37 years and counting. I fell in love with them when they reached the Finals in 75. I was 10 years old. I loved the French Connection. I loved Alex Mogilny so much I named my first born Alexander. I suffered through the no goal and all the years we were close. All this living in beautiful British Columbia. Many of you know that If Buffalo played the Canucks in the finals, I would cheer for the Sabres. Having said that , the Canucks are my number 1a team with the Sabres being number 1 solely. I've gone to many Canucks/Sabre tilts in Vancouver over the years, donning my Sabres gear, only to go home saddened by a Sabres loss. But I've also enjoyed some memorable wins too (last year with my son seeing his first live Sabres game) I remember talking with Scotty Bowman before a game hoping Tom Barrasso was in net because Bob Sauve had a horrible record against the nucks, stunned when Bowman didn't know that Sauve was terrible against them (Canucks 5-2 winners that night) I love the Sabres, love their uniforms, AGAIN. I love so much about them, but it's to that point where it's time to step back until they really ARE About winning. For years I would go to half empty Canucks games and then they finally did become about winning. About being a TOP organization. They want to win. They are committed to winning. They are still trying despite coming so close. They spend wisley for the most part. They try to get better. They really are a top team and keep trying to win it all, even if they fall short. They won't keep a coach or GM if its failing. They won't settle. And that is what their expansion cousins are not. And that is why I have to not emotionally get involved until the Sabres ARE serious about winning. So for all who support me or understand my feelings, thanks. And to those who don't, or who think I'm "just mad" rigjht now, that's fine too. Will I check their games every day? Yes. Do I want them to win? Of course. But Lindy needs to go and until he does, I'm not investing feelings. I love the Sabres and always will. Not gonna change that for sure. Hopefully the ownership will do the right thing, the hard thing, and go in a different direction. Go Sabres Go!!!
  7. So I've decided that I will not be investing my emotions on the Sabres until Lindy Ruff is removed from his post. I'd like Darcy to go to but the voice behind the bench needs to change, and I believe this team stays mediocre (at best) as long as Lindy is barking out the orders. I have to agree with the Buffalo News article suggesting this team is probably laughed at by other GM's. it really is amazing that LR and DR are still running the show after the poor results year after year. I hope the team wins, I really do, but until the coach is changed I can't take their word on saying they want to win. It's not worth the stress and emotional roller coaster one takes when fully immersed in their team. So I won't be posting much, if at all, so take that for what it's worth. I hope you all enjoy the games and upcoming Spring weather. Take care and Go Sabres!
  8. 2 player team? So you're referring to Vanek and Hodgson, right? Or Pommers? I cannot believe you are talking about Miller being our best player. Bun, I thought you were smarter than that. Did you not see the Leafs game? Or the Habs game? He's had a few great games and that's it. I'd swap him for Loungo in a heartbeat.
  9. Really? Sorry but when you let in over 3 goals a game in this league you are on the losing side far more often than the winning side. He's 18th in save % Is that relevant enough for you? Apologize all you want for the guy but in games i've seen this year, he was fully to blame for the Leafs' loss. He was awful, so cross off one of his steals for that bedshatting performance. Bottom line is he has not been our best player or two. Vanek and Hodgson are our best players so far and Miller isn't in the top 3 imo. Again, he makes $6.5 million. Just saying
  10. Miller has a 3.07 gaa. Are we in 1983? He's 36th in the NHL for ga. Do not tell me he's responsible for 40% of the wins. Maybe tonight, fine. But again, he's making $6.5 million. Check Luongo's numbers. I'll trade miller for Lou any day......
  11. I absolutely hate the leafs but tonight they played like only I could dream ours would. Up 6 zip on the road. Montreal trying to get dirty and the leafs hand them their lunch in the fights too. If only the Sabres played with that type of unity and passion. Ruff used to be a tough guy yet his players are taught to be soft.
  12. Are you serious? Miller has not been close to our top 2 best. Vanek, yes, Miller, no. Best players don't let in 4 plus goals a game 4 straight games. Come on.
  13. Ok here's some love. Thank you Ryan, who makes $6.5 million, for not letting in 4 or more goals for the first time in 5 games. Thanks a lot.
  14. rickshaw

    Tyler Myers

    Don't you remember Kass when he was a Sabre? he is nothin like he was in Buffalo. He actually drops the mitts now and isn't being ruined by the coach. Ahh ruff. Ya know now that I think of it. I'm not gonna really concerns myself about the sabres until Ruff is gone.
  15. rickshaw

    Tyler Myers

    Love the trade. Coho is doing what I thought he could do. Foligno got promoted and IMO is better than Zack. Good move by both teams. The Canucks needed size up front
  16. rickshaw

    Tyler Myers

    It's clear you don't like him, we get it. But how many times has a blue chip defender in this league been traded too early and then been a huge success for another team. Trust me, any team will take him and gladly. He's got too much skill set and is only going to get stronger as he bulks up. I believe that Ruff has gotten into his head and his confidence is shot right now. I've met the kid and he's very bright and articulate and is a good kid who wants to succeed. Sadly, his coach is Ruff so......... But I'll stay with what I've always said. You don't trade someone with his size and skill set. Not yet. It's too early.
  17. IMO he's the guy you build around. He's playing awful and has no confidence. He's overthinking everything. That falls on the coach. I have no doubt that Hitch could make Myers be his best.
  18. Tyler Myers will be fine. Everyone relax and let him work it out. He's just turned 23. He's getting poor coaching. His confidence is shot right now. But it no way do you trade someone with his skill set. I've said it before, if they trade this guy, they will regret it when he gets into his prime. He's still growing into his body. He still has to gain weight. I'd like to see him perform under a coach that doesn't have the initials L and R. It's been done before in this league, trading a blue chip dman too early, and it doesn't look good on the team that traded him away. Tyler Myers is a good kid, a smart kid, and right now he's got zero confidence. I think Ruff has something to do with this. Hopefully Myers will get it sorted out sooner than later.
  19. Miller stinks up the joint against Florida (his 4th straight 4 goals allowed game) and I read quotes about how the team needs to bury their chances. Yes, that's correct, but what about saying that he shouldn't be trying to stop the puck from hitting the back boards again and actually defend his net on the 2nd goal for Florida near the end of the period. I mean, he's so out of position on a routine play it's ridiculous. That, and his stinker against Toronto, etc. He's just not as good as he once was and if and only if he's playing like that does he get a free pass. Another reason for Ruff to go. Hasek is gone and he's never ever learned how to manage goalies. I'm all over the place but I'm grumpy about this team. They are good enough to get it done. Something needs to change.
  20. It's clearly time for Ruff to go, but sadly, that probably won't happen in my lifetime. So at least another 40 years to go.
  21. hi everyone. glad to be back. Nice win today. I watched the Canucks and Kassian play last night and the Sabres and Hodgson today. I am going to say this now. The Canucks got absolutely butchered on this trade. Not only did they get Hodgson but they got Sulzer too, who imo is a solid 6th guy. On top of that, Kassian's move was addition by subtraction when you consider it opened up a spot for Foligno. He is much more a player than Zack. Cody looked good today. He backchecked well, had some good scoring chances and wasn't a liability. I think the Canucks would love to have a re-do on that deal but they'd have to deal with Cody's dad again :) Great win today!!!!
  22. Spand What I mean is, in. Max 5 yr system, only the true greats will get paid the high high salaries. If Shea Weber is making $7.5 million per, there is no way guys like Matt Carle get close to $6 per. The shorter terms will bring down the middle class salaries, and I am all for that.
  23. A few thoughts. If the NHL says to the players, don't bring your union boss in or it'll ruin the progress, well that's crazy. They can do much work but they have a leader to close out the deal. As for the players. They don't want the 5 yr max contract because it directly affects about 80% of the players. For example. Shea Weber cap hit $7.5 million over 13 years. Matt Carle 6 yrs $33 Million. Change the system to 5 yr deals max. Shea is getting $7.5 in ANY deal. Is Carle getting the money he's getting if the best Dman in the league gets $7.5 per? Of course not. And for this, I agree with the NHL. There are far too many avg players making above avg $.
  24. You know what? I don't even miss the game at all. I really don't. They sicken me, both sides. The harm they are doing is a joke. They can stay out all year. Whatevs.
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