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The Players need someone to push them?


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You said yourself not to put stock into these things.

Reading the variety of responses, I think we often just read their responses through our own state of mind. (Including me)

Just win.


Just now, inkman said:

Unoriginal people.  If you aren’t motivated within, maybe you’re the wrong guy.  


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I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

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13 minutes ago, inkman said:

Unoriginal people.  If you aren’t motivated within, maybe you’re the wrong guy.  

Suggesting Rasmus Dahlin isn't internally motivated is a choice you could make. I wouldn't, but you could. 

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18 minutes ago, inkman said:

I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

Maybe those 8 year $80M contracts have something to do with it

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16 minutes ago, nucci said:

"I think a lot of times this year, we got away with some stuff that we shouldn't have gotten away with," he added. "I think if you clean those things up, then it sends a message."

Who thinks Ruff would have let that juvenile fan rebellion stunt go on for two weeks?… 

Would bet a bunch he would have benched the ringleaders without hesitation to send a message to the team, the fans, and the town.

Edited by Believer
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16 minutes ago, inkman said:

I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

I don’t see that as what Dahlin did there in the slightest.

I see a man saying “I wasnt good enough and it cost someone I respect his job. I deserve an ass-kicking.”

Like I said, we all watch through our own mirrors.

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40 minutes ago, inkman said:

I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

The coach sets the tone. Granato set a tone of mistakes are okay, my favorites can screw up, working hard is optional. He never took control of his own team. 

Kirby Smart asked his team before they played Florida the first time a simple question, stand up if you've ever beaten Florida. No one stood. No one had. He made his point, his team would go on to beat Florida 7 of the next 8 years. He was in control. Granato, he wasn't. 

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53 minutes ago, inkman said:

Not liking how this sounds.  How about some self respect for the job you have? 

You can be "right" or you can be realistic. The idea that professional athletes shouldn't need someone to motivate them is an emotional argument made from a fictitious moral high ground.

I've found that most people when put under a microscope don't like what they see about their ability to 'self motivate' to do the things they're supposed to do.

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1 hour ago, inkman said:

Not liking how this sounds.  How about some self respect for the job you have? 

I think you would need to compare this to the other teams in the league. I seriously doubt that this is uncommon.

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45 minutes ago, inkman said:

I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

There is some truth in the perspective you're taking and I think there are players on this team that lack drive and that kind of self motivating character. I still hold to their being bad influences as well (eg. Skinner). There's also that whole pampered country club thing and without leaders showing them the right way some of these kids do what young rich kids do and they enjoy themselves and put minimum work in. 

So the point would be this speaks to who and how you draft (since we are relying on draft picks) and that whole reliance on analytics over character. Now some of them are fine. You take a kid like Benson and he clearly has a work ethic and a desire and idk how he was brought up or coached but he's an example of what you do want. You get enough guys like that and maybe the coach motivating them isn't as needed, but as things stand now he most definitely is needed to turn this thing around. 

The standard simply has to be raised. They have to start hating to lose. I don't think these guys know how to do that on their own. 

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1 hour ago, inkman said:

I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

I agree with your point.  However, you are getting a snippet of an interview from a 23 year old guy that does not articulate well.   

I don’t think Dahlin is the best choice for the C, but I still want him on my team because he shows up on the ice more than any of them.  

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2 hours ago, inkman said:

Not liking how this sounds.  How about some self respect for the job you have? 

Everyone needs someone or something to push them when you get to that level.  Even if you think you don't. Michael Jordan used every insult or slight, real or imagined to fuel his unquenchable fire inside of him. And his coaches tapped into that side of him and don't believe for a second they didn't.

Edited by matter2003
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Dahlin, Thompson and Tuch all mentioned the players needed to be pushed more, more accountability etc.  Those are three of the biggest “leaders” on this team now and going forward all admitting motivation and accountability wasn’t there this year. Something a lot of posters all mentioned and complained about frequently. Quite an indictment of the players and coaching staff indeed. Certainly sounds like a disciplinarian coach is incoming and is sorely needed. 

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2 hours ago, Believer said:

Would bet a bunch he would have benched the ringleaders without hesitation to send a message to the team, the fans, and the town.

Would that have made the team play better?  Honest question.

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I think the whole point of having coaching is to push folks to do more than otherwise. People need coaching just to pedal harder in a gym class. If I had a coach, I'd have written the Sabres Wars Prequel Trilogy script ages ago (once Eichel won the Cup). Do people think Belichick or Lombardi didn't push their players to greater heights and it was all internal motivation?

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54 minutes ago, Billznut said:

Dahlin, Thompson and Tuch all mentioned the players needed to be pushed more, more accountability etc.  Those are three of the biggest “leaders” on this team now and going forward all admitting motivation and accountability wasn’t there this year. Something a lot of posters all mentioned and complained about frequently. Quite an indictment of the players and coaching staff indeed. Certainly sounds like a disciplinarian coach is incoming and is sorely needed. 

This is sounding more like a team a coach like Gallant can motivate and help get to the next level.  

Edited by Pimlach
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