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  1. It would be nice to have players that love nd appreciate this area and bring a winning culture back here. Of course it has to start with a winning commitment at the top. My buddy went to Dudley's house in Lewiston, NY (near the Falls) to see the Cup. He loves the area.
  2. This is happening way to often. I do not have any accounts for FaceBook, X, Instagram, or Tik Tok. Yet my PC and my iPad and my iPhone all to seem to know what I am doing, what I am looking at, and even what I was talking about. It seems to be an invasion of privacy and incriminating too.
  3. Buffalo's looked pretty good. There were actually many non-badass ones. Just make the Buffalo Angry (show teeth) and yielding a sword, or two, and you get badass.
  4. Certainly can agree that nothing is guaranteed at this point.
  5. I voted for #1. Yes. But I want to caveat this There appears to be a clear #1, a great prospect who can possibly play right now, and a reasonably solid veteran stopgap. This is the best goalie situation we have seen going into a season in quite some time. Their is talent in goal that is maturing, and this should be the year we turn a corner and can feel good about the goaltending. If Lindy can put a better team structure in front of these guys than we have seen in the past, then we will be much better in the net.
  6. Good pedigree for sure, and he may someday be better, but I don't care about pedigree right now. Pedigree means something on draft day, or if you are looking to trade, but we are now past that. Now you earn your keep at the NHL level. If your rating pedigree, don't forget that UPL was a 2nd rounder and Levi fell to round 7, so maybe not all the scouts felt the same way about him as you do? As I recall, according to many "experts" Josh Rosen, Baker Mayfield and Sam Darnold all had better pedigree than Josh Allen. Late bloomers sometimes catch up, especially goalies. Last season UPL matched Husso's best season ever, and Husso was on a very stout Blues team at the time while UPL played on a below average team. If you think UPL compares to Cal Petersen then no wonder your worried. I just don't like the thought process that Levi is automatically going to be the #1 goalie because he is better in the AHL, or has better pedigree. Right now, based on last season, UPL is the #1. Levi is 2 or 3. UPL is big, he moves well, and is proto-typical of todays NHL goalies, he is at the perfect age to emerge, and the players seem to rise up and play for him. If Levi is better than UPL at the end of this season, and maybe that happens, then we have a good problem in Sabreland. If Levi emerges in the next 2-3 years, as long as UPL is still solid he is easily tradable at $4.75M.
  7. You complain about all the contracts, ok some of that is fair, but then you say "hand the reins to Levi"? What a giant leap of faith for Levi. What has he done to earn such faith? Shouldn't you wait to see more before making such statements?
  8. I did not like the long term contract for Power, still don't. Not sure the long term deal for Cozens was warranted either. But this one is not even close to being in that league.
  9. He has already proven to be better than the younger and less experienced UPL that we saw prior to last season. He will return as the #1, with the same goalie coach (Bales) as last season, and with Lindy as head coach and who has publicly stated his confidence in him. I feel pretty good about it. I hope Reimer can handle the #2 so that Levi gets lots of games in the AHL.
  10. Depends on what “doesn’t pan out” means. If he plays good, but Levi becomes the #1, he is tradable. If he plays ok, and we need cap space, he is still tradable. If he is very good, he is a steal at $4.75M and easily tradable. If he falls apart and busts then it’s a problem, no different than any other contract of this length. He looks like a real NHL goalie right now. The years 4 and 5 might be medium risk, but not high risk, unless you think last season was a mirage. Besides, they need to win now. They are counting on him. You have to take some risk and you should reward your own.
  11. I like it. Not gonna worry about the 5 years at this point, there are ways to manage that risk. This could be a steal if he plays like he can, which we saw the second half of last season. I think this kid could be very good.
  12. Hard to believe he gets an NHL job
  13. Zegras is not Eichel. Not even the injured Eichel. I offer them Krebs, a protected 1, and a lower tier prospect. Nothing more, and certainly not Benson.
  14. Skinner simply does not fit Lindy's vision for this team and he makes too much money for what he brings. That is why he is gone. If DG was still here I think he would have been ok with keeping Skinner. I think Pegula is listening to both Adams and Lindy right now. The Zegras rumors show there may be intent to spend to cap, but they won't force it either. I think the Malenstyn contract was fine, and now he comes in happy and ready to prove himself. Lets get working on UPL next.
  15. I know that area well. Been to Hughes hundreds of times. The weekend newspaper had 20 pages of job ads for aerospace back then too. McDonnell Douglas in Long Beach, Northrop in Hawthorn, Lockheed, General Dynamics, Ford Aerospace, Loral, Rockwell, etc. Lots of greats jobs in So Cal in the 80’s. Not to mention the chip industry in Silicon Valley.
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