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Reinventing Sabres game nights (and days)


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Worst home record in franchise history. No strong home ice advantage for years now. A "losing culture." The sameness of the atmosphere, the deadly dull and predictable routine, could be a contributing factor, albeit likely a small one.


That said, why not shake things up? Let the players hear and see something different, signaling a new era of Sabres hockey.




The new anthem singer should be (or sound like):


The new PA voice should be (or sound like):


The new mascot should be:


The new goal song should be:


The new horn should sound different in this way:


Other suggestions are welcome. As has been discussed, I'd lose the rope line with the little kids and Mimas and let the players get ready for a game/period in whatever way they find natural.



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Our goal horn is one of the best. I would just add the siren at the end that used to be there. Because I associate it with good times and playoff runs.

It seems like it has always wreaked havoc on Rick's goal calls. Whether that's the horn or the otherwise very competent and wonderful people the Sabres employ, I don't know. Maybe something a little less heavy? There are tons of nautical-themed horns that would harken back to the heyday of shipping and commerce, the Canal etc. What does the current horn represent? I always think of it as a train horn.

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I think the deep base of dark would be great for PA announcer.  It would sound thunderous and probably echo for 5 minutes in that giant canyon of a hockey arena.


If any of our female members can sing, or even if they can't, they should all record the anthems and then SwampD can mix them all together in a shaker.  It should all come out like a very dry martini.  You know, shaken, not stirred.

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The new anthem singer should be (or sound like):  There shouldn't be anthems before domestic sporting events.  It's silly and weird.  Still, if they're going to do it, nothing wrong with the current singer.


The new PA voice should be (or sound like):  Should sound like Milt Ellis.  Composed and classy.  Cf. the long-time Yankees PA announcer (I forget his name).  An announcement for a doctor to call his (they were all men back then) answering service once in a while, too.


The new mascot should be:  None.  F that noise.


The new goal song should be:  Sabredance.


The new horn should sound different in this way:  I like the horn.  But a good old-fashioned buzzer might be fun, too.  Would be kind of extra humiliating for the opponent.

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Of all those things, I think the goal song is the one that absolutely must change. "Let Me Clear My Throat" has become the soundtrack to failure, although with the current offense at least we don't have to hear it that often. 

I disagree. I love Let Me Clear My Throat. If you want to associate it with failure that's your problem, but I can't help but want to party when it comes on after a goal. 

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I disagree. I love Let Me Clear My Throat. If you want to associate it with failure that's your problem, but I can't help but want to party when it comes on after a goal. 


I like it too. That being said, it was the only decent option when they held that fan voting contest. The rest of the options were turrrrible.

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Doug Allen and Sabretooth are two of the most entertaining aspects of a Sabres game. I’d like to have less recorded music and more live organ music.

Do people really like Doug? I've always found the catcalls to be sort of mocking in tone.

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Worst home record in franchise history. No strong home ice advantage for years now. A "losing culture." The sameness of the atmosphere, the deadly dull and predictable routine, could be a contributing factor, albeit likely a small one.


That said, why not shake things up? Let the players hear and see something different, signaling a new era of Sabres hockey.




The new anthem singer should be (or sound like):


The new PA voice should be (or sound like):


The new mascot should be:


The new goal song should be:


The new horn should sound different in this way:


Other suggestions are welcome. As has been discussed, I'd lose the rope line with the little kids and Mimas and let the players get ready for a game/period in whatever way they find natural.

If you think that boring list of changes moves the needle, you're clearly not watching what Vegas or other teams are doing.
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The horn is the only thing I like about sabres games.


The arena seems like it was built to be as quiet as possible. Atmosphere is like Sunday mass at a Catholic Church. Fans act like theyre at church as well. Dead silent and get mad if you cheer.


National anthem shouldnt be at sporting events.


Sabretooth trip sat for us so he can stay. Good man.


Goal songs should be picked by player that scored(can take a bit to figure out who scored) or voted on by the team.


Pa announcer is fine.

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