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Around the NHL 2016-2017


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McDavid and the Oilers losing to Philly for Philly's 7th straight win, McDavid chirping up Manning, the guy that put him into the boards last season. McDavid ain't your quite little Canadian, folks. He's kinda a dick


Oh and Price got some contact by a Devils player and stood over him and just kept punching him until other NJ players arrived. Got some good shots in too

Was a fun night.  I caught most of the EDM v PHI game.  Didn't like the outcome but was highly entertained.  McDavid post game "Manning admitted he did it on purpose, no class".  I gotta think he was trolling him, right?  

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What's been going on in Florida?

The new owner has taken a fast team and forced them to be a team they're not. He forced the GM to trade away any physicality they had left because his analytics team said so, then he forced the GM to fire the coach, demoted the GM to head coach, named two kids (who have never played professional hockey, at least one having played no hockey at all) heading the analytics department as co-GM's, the new coach who traded away all the physicality now says as coach that they need to become more physical and they're wondering why it's not working scoring 9 goals in 6 games.


The new owner is an ego driven rich man compensating for a small dick by turning his staff into a West Point boys club with no hockey experience. All while micromanaging every single aspect of the team.


It's really sad to what was a high paced, fast, successful team being turned into something they're not. Most people on this forum know more about hockey than Viola, and he's trying to run the team all by himself. He's going to ruin what took 5 years to put together.

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Yeah, Viola knows less about his team's sport than Jerry Jones does about football.  And that's saying something.  In short, he thinks Fancystats trumps Hockey Sense and he's demonstrating it (actually disproving it).


Umm, Jerry Jones co-captained a national championship Arkansas team.  He knows a thing or two about football...

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LOTS of hate from Jets' fans towards Staf this morning...he took a penalty at the end of the 3rd period last night and the Rags scored with just over a minute left to win 2-1.


Kyle Connor goes to the farm also.

Edited by Ducky
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The new owner has taken a fast team and forced them to be a team they're not. He forced the GM to trade away any physicality they had left because his analytics team said so, then he forced the GM to fire the coach, demoted the GM to head coach, named two kids (who have never played professional hockey, at least one having played no hockey at all) heading the analytics department as co-GM's, the new coach who traded away all the physicality now says as coach that they need to become more physical and they're wondering why it's not working scoring 9 goals in 6 games.


The new owner is an ego driven rich man compensating for a small dick by turning his staff into a West Point boys club with no hockey experience. All while micromanaging every single aspect of the team.


It's really sad to what was a high paced, fast, successful team being turned into something they're not. Most people on this forum know more about hockey than Viola, and he's trying to run the team all by himself. He's going to ruin what took 5 years to put together.



Yeah, Viola knows less about his team's sport than Jerry Jones does about football.  And that's saying something.  In short, he thinks Fancystats trumps Hockey Sense and he's demonstrating it (actually disproving it).



Go Viola. They are in our division after all. I hope they end up completely ruining that team


All of this sounds like a Major League crafted plan to move the Panthers to Quebec City.

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All of this sounds like a Major League crafted plan to move the Panthers to Quebec City.


The county just signed a deal that keeps the team here until 2028, in exchange for a $98,000,000 grant. There would be some serious legal ramifications I'm sure Napoleon would want no part of. 


Otherwise I would agree with you 100%. There was some serious concern that's what Viola was going to do initially. 

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The county just signed a deal that keeps the team here until 2028, in exchange for a $98,000,000 grant. There would be some serious legal ramifications I'm sure Napoleon would want no part of. 


Otherwise I would agree with you 100%. There was some serious concern that's what Viola was going to do initially. 


Hmmm.. I didn't know that.  I just researched though and found this tidbit:




The lease is for 13 years, but the team could opt out after eight years with a year’s notice and proven losses of $100 million over the next seven years, the Herald said.


1 year down... 7 more to go?


They only need to lose $14.28M per year.  Easy to do.

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Hmmm.. I didn't know that.  I just researched though and found this tidbit:





1 year down... 7 more to go?


They only need to lose $14.28M per year.  Easy to do.


Interesting, I didn't know about that. What's even easier to make that happen (if it's included) is Viola also owns the entertainment side of the arena as well. Sunrise Sports and Entertainment? So if he really wants to, he has more than just the Panthers to bring them down. 


Makes you wonder, with all the big contracts signed in the offseason. 

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Looks to me like the NJ guy was pushed into Price by the Canadien defender, no?

Kind of thought so too. Nothing deliberate. Earlier in the game Price was also run into on a NJ goal. Mtl challenged for GTInterferance but lost. I think Price was still heated from that and took it out on Palmieri.


Personally I thought it was pretty bush league to hit him in the head when he's laying on the ice, and pretty bush league for a fellow Hab to hold him down during the pummeling. But then again, I could see Lehner doing it and myself cheering along.

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Take a closer look at the replay and see how soft the D man's hands are on Palmieri. Palmieri doesn't even have to dig in his skates to resist any force from Petry.

The problem I have with this play is that it should have been 5 skaters giving him punches to the head not the goalie.

You simply do not let the other team run your goalie and it is sad that Price had to take matters into his own hands.

Petry should have been decking that guy before Price got up if you ask me.

That happens around Buff, Trouba, Chiarot, or Morrissey, he is going to know it is a mistake.

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