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The "I sometimes break a sweat" thread


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Aw, you guys, big spiders are great. You can see big spiders coming.


It's the little ones you gotta worry about. Like when you bump into a whole sack of em in your attic, and then you're jumping around screaming while you hit your head on the rafters. Not to mention you spend the next week waking up in a cold sweat, feeling like you've got little spiders crawling all over you...

No. You're wrong.


Also, us short folk don't have to worry about concussing ourselves in the attic while diving away from spiders :)

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Monday was a solo ride on the fixed gear bike



I made a new friend


Aww! Tarantulas are great and mostly harmless.


The girl who sits next to me at work has a pet tarantula. She lives in a little terrarium thing on our desk, eats crickets, keeps to herself, and occasionally enjoys being allowed to walk around on our arms or whatever. She'll perch on our shoulders like a parrot and just hang out.  Her name is Queen Gohma. Zelda fans, anyone? 


Aw, you guys, big spiders are great. You can see big spiders coming. 


It's the little ones you gotta worry about. Like when you bump into a whole sack of em in your attic, and then you're jumping around screaming while you hit your head on the rafters. Not to mention you spend the next week waking up in a cold sweat, feeling like you've got little spiders crawling all over you...

Oh, like the time I lived in an old house/apt downtown and woke up covered in baby spiders one night... Now THAT sucked. Little tikka tikka legs everywhere.... . Never again. 



You guys want terrifying spiders? Check out the harmless Huntsman of Australia. Or the bird eating Goliath Birdeater of Brazil. Now those are big boys. 

It's those little tiny brown recluses I'm terrified of. 

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The girl who sits next to me at work has a pet tarantula. She lives in a little terrarium thing on our desk, eats crickets, keeps to herself, and occasionally enjoys being allowed to walk around on our arms or whatever. She'll perch on our shoulders like a parrot and just hang out.  Her name is Queen Gohma. Zelda fans, anyone?

What about the tarantula?

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Aww! Tarantulas are great and mostly harmless.


The girl who sits next to me at work has a pet tarantula. She lives in a little terrarium thing on our desk, eats crickets, keeps to herself, and occasionally enjoys being allowed to walk around on our arms or whatever. She'll perch on our shoulders like a parrot and just hang out.  Her name is Queen Gohma. Zelda fans, anyone? 


Props for the name, but otherwise....nononononononono.

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Where'd the Mogilny artwork come from?


Well, this isn't really the thread, but I guess you could say I broke a sweat workin' on it. Here it is a bit bigger. 





as far as workouts go, hey, I finally got an aerial split tonight! I was starting to lose it by the time this horribly flattering photo was taken. Woof. Right foot still doesn't point fully, but it's come a long way in a few months. 


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What if you miss and it jumps on you? Think you could knock it out of the air with the stick? I love Zelda, but that's not a risk I'm willing to take.

Man, now I'm looking for my frickin memory card for my n64. By the way, all these wires coming out of these new fangled TVs looks strange. N64 should have really made wireless controllers.



On the topic of breaking a sweat.


What kind of bike locks do the cycling community here use? I don't need anything heavy duty, as my bike is always kept in my garage. Just for something to lock it up quick if I stop to grab food, or something quick. Lightweight is preferable. Retractable cable lock for inside my seat bag, maybe?

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Good news for Nexus 5X and 6P owners without a Fitbit: apparently the newer app will use the phone to track some metrics without the actual Fitbit wrist tracker! From the update notes:


*New onboarding tiles that explain how active minutes, distance, and floors work

*Introducing MobileTrack on Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P. You can now use the Fitbit app without a Fitbit tracker by using your phone's sensors to track basic activity data including steps, distance, and calories burned

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It rained tonight so I only got 23 miles in. Naturally the hardest rain happened when I was farthest from home and had to slog through it.  I kept thinking of people I could call to come take me home but I kept not calling them.  When I got closer to home the rain let up.


This mural is at the Cowgirl Hall of Fame here in Ft Worth.  It's hard to tell where the brickwork ends and the mural begins.


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Good news for Nexus 5X and 6P owners without a Fitbit: apparently the newer app will use the phone to track some metrics without the actual Fitbit wrist tracker! From the update notes:


*New onboarding tiles that explain how active minutes, distance, and floors work

*Introducing MobileTrack on Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P. You can now use the Fitbit app without a Fitbit tracker by using your phone's sensors to track basic activity data including steps, distance, and calories burned


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My Nexus 6 did something like that but with some Google App. Eventually it got turned off as I wasn't being active enough. Also, I sometimes don't carry my phone with me when I doing stuff in the yard; it made me mad that it was missing what physical activity I do.


On a related note, work sent me a fancy-pants pedometer (syncs over BT, eInk display, etc.). For whatever reason, it's working. I'll go out for a walk at night if I haven't gotten to 7000 steps that day so I can see the little congratulation notice. I crave validation.


What kind of bike locks do the cycling community here use? I don't need anything heavy duty, as my bike is always kept in my garage. Just for something to lock it up quick if I stop to grab food, or something quick. Lightweight is preferable. Retractable cable lock for inside my seat bag, maybe?


I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but a friend of mine had a retractable lock he used for snowboards. Long story short, we found out a Leatherman was sufficient to cut the cable with no fuss. It'll stop someone from randomly taking your bike, but won't pose an obstacle to someone who wants to steal a bike.

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I did 13 miles today. 6 with the wife on the bike path and then 7 with the boy through the woods. The river is super low right now. It has to be 3 feet below where it was 3 weeks ago. I'll post pics in the morning.

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Well, no so much down here in Texas.... but I do know a guy in Buffalo that rides year round.  He's lost over a hundred pounds riding his bike.  He has a fat tire bike for winter.  (He rides with Niagara Frontier Bicycle Club.)

Here's his winter bike.



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That is one awesome bike. I hit the 100 mile mark again this month in my power walking/running routine. Also hit the 38 pound loss mark as of yesterday. I'm now up to 470 miles since Christmas, new goal is to hit 1000 by Thanksgiving.

Having to change we weekday hours though from the afternoon to night.

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Awesome! Feels good to lose the weight, eh?

It's an energy boost, not doubt. What I noticed the last time I did something similar and now is the addictive nature of working out. The more you do, the more you need it.


Only downfall is the new clothing bills.

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Well, no so much down here in Texas.... but I do know a guy in Buffalo that rides year round.  He's lost over a hundred pounds riding his bike.  He has a fat tire bike for winter.  (He rides with Niagara Frontier Bicycle Club.)

Here's his winter bike.




That's pretty cool. I see a bunch of those on the beach, I guess the setup doesn't differ that much. I supposed living up north you'd have one bike for the winter and another for the summer. 

That is one awesome bike. I hit the 100 mile mark again this month in my power walking/running routine. Also hit the 38 pound loss mark as of yesterday. I'm now up to 470 miles since Christmas, new goal is to hit 1000 by Thanksgiving.

Having to change we weekday hours though from the afternoon to night.


Nice! Keep it up! 

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