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The "I sometimes break a sweat" thread


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It's not too bad on my shoulders. It's my lower back that gets it. 


As a girl doing this stuff, it's drilled into your head to arch your back to get a prettier, thinner, more graceful line. And I have learned the hard way that in basing you absolutely should NOT do that. One of the instructors fiiinally gave me some tips for actually basing (usually only men do it). You have to tuck your tailbone in what we call "hollow body" where you engage all of your stomach and back muscles up to the shoulders. It's how handstands are supposed to work. Silks uses it in the higher levels, too. Silks hurt my lower back- too much arching, not enough containment. 


Well, it's weird/hard to learn- muscles I don't usually use. But it's already saving my back a little, making holding 250 pounds like that not too bad. Does kill the skinny, ribs out, sought after look though. Oh well. Vanity or a working back at 50. 


It might kill the "look" but having strong back muscles will help you later in life by preventing back problems (or so I've been told, I'm not old, lol). Things like what you do in that picture has to do wonders for your spine, flexibility, strength, stretching............ In my opinion, if you're going to focus on one part of your body to maintain, it's the back. You can live with sore shoulders, knees, etc........ But if your back gets messed up, everything changes. 

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Keeping up with National Bike Month. rode every day so far.  My 42 miles tonight brings me up to 337 for the month so far.  I've ridden every day so far.  Had a nice ride tonight; the weather was just perfect (mid-70s with a north wind that chased me home  :wub: ).  And fireflies.  Fireflies everywhere!


They got the lights working at Airfield Falls Conservation Park





The view of the falls themselves was pretty dark



On a bridge over I-30 looking toward downtown Fort Worth


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Nice! Looks crisp and cool with lots of fresh air. Except there's probably not much air up there.


Looks colder than it was; I was hiking with a light long sleeved shirt and a short sleeve shirt over top (no jacket).  Didn't think to put sunscreen on the back of my hands, though, so I have some goofy-looking burn lines.   :doh:

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It's 88 degrees and beautiful outside. I've been out back, jumping rope. 5 rounds of 2 minutes each with 45 seconds of rest in between, and I want to die! Holy ! I gotta work back up to 3 minute rounds. Gotta get back in fighting shape so I can challenge for the title.


...and I challenge 'The Motor City Cobra, Thomas 'The Hitman' Hearns...

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Amazing ride today.  Longest single ride since I started using Strava to track my rides, and my longest ride this year so far:  65.6 miles (or 105 km- a metric century).  We had storms last night and earlier in the week they were predicted to last all day today, but by the morning the rain had mostly blown past and the roads were dry.  The clouds remained though, keeping the temperature very comfortable- mid-60s at the ride start, increasing to mid-70s by the time I finished.


It started out as a club breakfast ride- that's me on the right



Then I ventured over to the east side of town for some bonus miles.  The bridge is Main Street where it goes over the Trinity River.  The county courthouse and a portion of the city's skyline visible beyond.



The trails in Gateway Park suffered some storm damage.  Here, a big chunk of tree blocked the trail.  A little further on a whole tree was snapped off beside the trail.



This is a scenic lookout over the Trinity River in Gateway Park



I found out Friday that I won't be able to ride every day this month as part of National Bike Month- I've got to take a business trip to Orlando next week.  :(  I'll probably do some miles on a stationary bike in the hotel gym, but it's just not the same.  I still hope to break my single month record of 800 miles, but it's gonna be tight.

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Nice hike today in Littleton with views of the foothills and Red Rocks. Round-trip was 6.3 miles with 1171 ft of elevation gain, and I made it up in 1:15 and back down in 1:00. Also made a little friend at the top who was enjoying the crumbs from my snacks, lol.





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Anybody with recommendations on running shoes? My current pair is Brooks Pureflow 5. I don't need anything with much support, I like the Brooks over my last pair of Asics because they are lighter. I was actually looking at On shoes last night, anybody use these? These would primarily be treadmill/road shoes, not trail. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't make my goal of riding every day in May due to a business trip last week, but with a short-ish ride tomorrow I will break my record for most miles in a month.  I rode 801 last May, I've got 789 as of the 39 miles I rode tonight on another gorgeous night.







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Anybody with recommendations on running shoes? My current pair is Brooks Pureflow 5. I don't need anything with much support, I like the Brooks over my last pair of Asics because they are lighter. I was actually looking at On shoes last night, anybody use these? These would primarily be treadmill/road shoes, not trail.


In you have a Fleet Feet near you, you might wish to check it out. In my own experience, they find you the shoe that works best with your foot, and you usually get a few options to pick from. They're pricey, but I feel you're going from ascis to brooks you're looking at the same range.


I'm not being paid for this.

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In you have a Fleet Feet near you, you might wish to check it out. In my own experience, they find you the shoe that works best with your foot, and you usually get a few options to pick from. They're pricey, but I feel you're going from ascis to brooks you're looking at the same range.


I'm not being paid for this.


Thanks for getting back. I ended up going to Fit2Run and got a pair of On Cloudflow. Well worth the extra $$ in my opinion. Very minimalist shoe but great cushioning. I could tell the difference immediately based on the sound of my foot hitting the treadmill. Far better than the Brooks I was using, and those were better than the Asics. 


Doohickie, that's a cool shot in front of the fountain. 

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Doohickie, that's a cool shot in front of the fountain.

Yeah, it's one of the favorite pictures I've taken in a while. 


That's at our downtown square.  A few years ago it was basically a couple of parking lots straddling Main Street, with a couple of decrepit buildings on the corners.  They restored the buildings, built some much larger ones to "book end" the space, closed that block of Main and made it pedestrian only.  It's a great event space and ESPN does their football College Game Day coverage from there two or three times a year.  The poles with studio lighting are there at ESPN's request.  It's also where the city sets up its Christmas tree.  When someone said "Downtown Fort Worth", you didn't necessarily know where along the 10 blocks of Main Street between the courthouse and the convention center they meant, but since Sundance* Square opened a couple years ago, it's the clear epicenter of downtown.


*Sundance Square is named for The Sundance Kid.  One of the new buildings is called the Cassidy, in a nod to Butch Cassidy.  They spent time in Fort Worth and in fact the last picture of the Hole in the Wall Gang was taken here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to riding for me. Can I say that if it's been 1 day? Do I have to make it another day in a row first? A week, maybe?


The trails were sloppy! Holy hell! I'm covered in mud on this fine, breezy, 83 degree day.


Doohickie, I found the starred segments on the strava app today. It's pretty cool. It told me I had the 75th best time, all time for this one stretch of trail. So now I have to get into the top 10 by the end of the month because of the psycho competitiveness that I have.

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Back to riding for me. Can I say that if it's been 1 day? Do I have to make it another day in a row first? A week, maybe?


The trails were sloppy! Holy hell! I'm covered in mud on this fine, breezy, 83 degree day.


Doohickie, I found the starred segments on the strava app today. It's pretty cool. It told me I had the 75th best time, all time for this one stretch of trail. So now I have to get into the top 10 by the end of the month because of the psycho competitiveness that I have.


I have one KOM.  And I know the woman who has QOM.  I can only attribute my KOM to the fact that it is not a heavily cycled route.


After the big month in May, I'll be lucky to get half that in June.  I worked 70 hours this past week, so there was just no time to ride.  I was supposed to ride Saturday morning but I was just too tired after all the late nights.  I've gotten one or two rides though.  This is from 6/2.  We have a game called Fort Worth Bicycle Picture Tag.  Whoever's "It" posts a picture of their bike in front of a piece of public art on the Facebook group for the game, then someone else becomes "It" by finding the piece of art and posting a pic of their bike in front of it.  Anyway, someone had posted this sculpture, and by taking the picture and posting it to the comments of his picture, I became "It."  It's on the campus of Texas Christian University (TCU).



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Hey any tips on couch to 100-mile one-day bike ride in a month? I have a friend that's leading a Hudson River tour in July.




I would love to go though.




BTW: the carry a toddler in one arm up a really steep trail workout is awesome!

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Hey any tips on couch to 100-mile one-day bike ride in a month? I have a friend that's leading a Hudson River tour in July.




I would love to go though.




BTW: the carry a toddler in one arm up a really steep trail workout is awesome!

Had a couple friends ride from Rome to Buffalo and back one summer. It's about 375 miles. They did it over 2 and a half days. I was unwilling to participate! Lol



Set a new PR today for that segment I mentioned the other day. 16th fastest all time and 6th fastest on the year. I'd bet that in peak condition I could probably shave another 5 or 10 seconds, but number 1 looks pretty unbeatable.

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Every time I watch one of Jo's trapeze routines, I'm in awe of how incredibly strong you both need to be to pull off those moves!  Amazing.


Meanwhile I took out my bike for the first time since last fall on Sunday and rode for about 2 hours, and all day yesterday my stupid knees hurt.  I'm turning into an old person, dammit.   :(  How is it that I can go snowboarding for 4 hours or hike 10 miles over 6 hours and be fine, but 2 hours on a bike hurts?

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