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Yeah, Cody was outta gas and vulnerable. Lucic could've had his way with him.

He pretty much did. Dude grabbed hold of McCormick's jersey long before McCormick had time to get his gloves off and that basically decided the fight. It's not like they squared off on an even footing.

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Lucic is a classy fighter. Makes sure to have his gloves off and a solid grip on McCormick's jersey before McCormick even has his gloves off for the fight. Nice "win." <_<


Lucic is a p*ssy, pure and simple. When LaRoque (sp?) called him out for picking a fight against a smaller player on the Habs, Lucic just kept skating away. Didn't want ANY part of a man his size. Respect Lucic? No Fing way!



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Maybe I'll just take

That back. About the will of the rougher

Team beating our skill. I like the spirit of the sabres, some of em anyways. It'll be interesting to see how much desire

The sabres play with in the third. Will the stars play scared? Or tougher?

Is this a poem? :unsure:

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Seriously, did you listen/watch the Sabres vs Pens game. I hate when people complain about "homerism" on a teams home network. You aren't watching ESPN, NBC, or CBC.

When you have Centre Ice, you hear broadcasts from every NHL city. Boston's is the worst by far.

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I'm liking what I see but I do not want to see this turn into a mess like the two most recent Habs-Bruins matches did. We don't have the muscle beyond McCormick and maybe (maybe) Gaustad to get involved in a full scale war with Boston. One of the good guys is liable to get hurt.

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This team plays so much better when they play with a little nasty. Cody started it off. And Goose is keeping it going. They need this kind of thing in their game more often.

Really like how they are going toe to toe with a real tough Boston team. They are sending a message that they aren't gonna back down.

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Seriously, did you listen/watch the Sabres vs Pens game. I hate when people complain about "homerism" on a teams home network. You aren't watching ESPN, NBC, or CBC.


NESN takes it to a filthy level, seriously embarrassing. you're obviously not tuned in.

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I'm liking what I see but I do not want to see this turn into a mess like the two most recent Habs-Bruins matches did. We don't have the muscle beyond McCormick and maybe (maybe) Gaustad to get involved in a full scale war with Boston. One of the good guys is liable to get hurt.

Well, Weber is in the press box and all our other tough guys are in the CHL....

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Really, classy move by Lucic. He had Cody down with his head in his sweater and didn't clobber him. Mad respect.



Just said the same thing to the little woman, he could have crushed Cody and didn't. That's how you show respect to the other player.


I got jacked by the CI, the away feed is usually listed first, except tonight, for some reason. SInce I know what to expect with NESN, I watched the three goals and changed feeds to MSG just in time to see the Sabres tie it up! Nice!

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When you have Centre Ice, you hear broadcasts from every NHL city. Boston's is the worst by far.


I've had Center Ice for almost a decade and IMHO the Boston announcers are about the worst. I can't think of any that openly cry about every little play more than them... (although the Carolina radio announcer and his little girl screams is hard to handle in large doses)

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