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Golisano press conference


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Here's what I know now that I didn't already know before:


1) Closing will take apx. 30 days, as we wait for approval from the Feds (as well as from the NHL, but I knew that part).


2) Certain players are "off limits" as far as a trade goes. (Bucky, did you really expect them to identify those players when you asked? Would that be the smart management that you've been incompetently and impotently clamoring for now that you no longer need to kowtow to current ownership?)


3) Terry Pegula will have access to LQ, and (in my mind more importantly, because he'll know whom to listen to if he wants to keep his job) DR between now and closing.


4) As Chz noted, LQ invented shovels.


5) TG has purchased a horse ranch in Florida.


There was nothing else in that press conference that I didn't already know. Not a thing. Waste of an hour. At least I worked while I listened to it.

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Here's what I know now that I didn't already know before:


1) Closing will take apx. 30 days, as we wait for approval from the Feds (as well as from the NHL, but I knew that part).


2) Certain players are "off limits" as far as a trade goes. (Bucky, did you really expect them to identify those players when you asked? Would that be the smart management that you've been incompetently and impotently clamoring for now that you no longer need to kowtow to current ownership?)


3) Terry Pegula will have access to LQ, and (in my mind more importantly, because he'll know whom to listen to if he wants to keep his job) DR between now and closing.


4) As Chz noted, LQ invented shovels.


5) TG has purchased a horse ranch in Florida.


There was nothing else in that press conference that I didn't already know. Not a thing. Waste of an hour. At least I worked while I listened to it.


I'll add the new governmental, but non-political, venture TG will anounce in a few weeks.

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Another point.


All this hubub about how great they were for keeping the team in Buffalo....and Pegula has to....yadda yadda.....then Quinn comes out and says that the clause to keep the team in Buffalo is just child's play, and they could have worked with lawyers around that in 2 seconds.


Oh well. Good luck kids. I hope Larry has fun touring Europe. Just don't visit Sicilia in your travels.....I wouldn't want Uncle Vito to be tempted :D


Just like the other Nightmare on Elm Street, something tells me Larry will be back to terrorize the children of Buffalo at some point.

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I'm also curious as to what developments Quinn is pulling out of that he is stated to be involved in in Buffalo?


Anyone have any clues?


Or is he talking about the developments that he wanted to be part of but f'ed up?


I thought Quinn said he was going to stop doing anything in the Buffalo area for the time being... ?

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I thought Quinn said he was going to stop doing anything in the Buffalo area for the time being... ?

I didn't hear his quote but paraphrased from the WGR report. They said he was pulling out of current development projects. Don't know how accurate that was to the actual comments he made so... yea.

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He also showed his hand when he ranted a bit about the 100k fee to the feds. OSP till the bitter end!


It's really quite sad that such a small amount of money can mean that much to someone so rich. I guess I just answered my own question there...



I think that is more of a rant against government interference and bloated government taxation rather then a pure money issue.

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I didn't hear his quote but paraphrased from the WGR report. They said he was pulling out of current development projects. Don't know how accurate that was to the actual comments he made so... yea.


He did have very major health issues - maybe he realizes he wants to spend a little time relaxing.

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I didn't hear his quote but paraphrased from the WGR report. They said he was pulling out of current development projects. Don't know how accurate that was to the actual comments he made so... yea.

If this is true, it is the best news of the press conference. Quinn insisted that the ECHDC still pursue Bass Pro even after everyone jumped off the bandwagon(including Bass Pro themselves) last summer. I don't know how this guy became part of the waterfront development group, but I am just glad he is gone...FOR GOOD.


Maybe, Quinny along with Bob & Mindy Rich can continue their love of Bass Pro in some other unsuspecting city.

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What I thought was interesting (hilarious) was when someone asked Larry if Mr.Pegula asked him not remain with the team or he decided to persue other ventures. He hesitated for a split second and said that it was a mutual decision. Ya right, TP told him not to let the door hit ur ass on the way out and then Quinn 'mutually' decided he would explore other avenues such as traveling. Way to lie to the ppl until the bitter end!

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I've been reading this forums for a number of years now, just signed up to make a few comments.


First, I'd like to thank Tom Golisano for purchasing the team in it's darkest days and turning the organization around into not only a viable one, but one that will stay in Buffalo. Thank you Tom.


Second, I realize Larry Quinn was a major sore spot for many fans, and deservedly so. Him and Regier do not deserve to have jobs with this organization after the fiasco at the end of the 06-07 season. L. Quinn may be a minority partner, but Tom could have fired him from his job with the club.


Third, welcome back to Buffalo Mr. Pegula. As a fan of the team I wish you much success. A Stanley Cup would be a most welcomed celebration here in Western New York.


To the regular board members I often read posting on here, thank you for all of the laughter you have given me and my wife. We enjoy the humor greatly. Thank you.

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Another point.


All this hubub about how great they were for keeping the team in Buffalo....and Pegula has to....yadda yadda.....then Quinn comes out and says that the clause to keep the team in Buffalo is just child's play, and they could have worked with lawyers around that in 2 seconds.


Oh well. Good luck kids. I hope Larry has fun touring Europe. Just don't visit Sicilia in your travels.....I wouldn't want Uncle Vito to be tempted :D


Just like the other Nightmare on Elm Street, something tells me Larry will be back to terrorize the children of Buffalo at some point.


I think he meant when they bought the team out of BK.

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I've been reading this forums for a number of years now, just signed up to make a few comments.


To the regular board members I often read posting on here, thank you for all of the laughter you have given me and my wife. We enjoy the humor greatly. Thank you.

good post - don't be a stranger! we can use as many reasonable people as we can get around here.


and while i would never presume to be among those whose posts you're grateful, the board's members owe you a thanks for those kind words.

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I've been reading this forums for a number of years now, just signed up to make a few comments.


First, I'd like to thank Tom Golisano for purchasing the team in it's darkest days and turning the organization around into not only a viable one, but one that will stay in Buffalo. Thank you Tom.


Second, I realize Larry Quinn was a major sore spot for many fans, and deservedly so. Him and Regier do not deserve to have jobs with this organization after the fiasco at the end of the 06-07 season. L. Quinn may be a minority partner, but Tom could have fired him from his job with the club.


Third, welcome back to Buffalo Mr. Pegula. As a fan of the team I wish you much success. A Stanley Cup would be a most welcomed celebration here in Western New York.


To the regular board members I often read posting on here, thank you for all of the laughter you have given me and my wife. We enjoy the humor greatly. Thank you.


Welcome to the forum! Excellent first post.

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I think he meant when they bought the team out of BK.


I understand, but it's just a trinket. Of course Pegula wants to keep the team in Buffalo, he is connected. Now that TG is gone....he has no say. Pegula can do what he wants.


Balsillie could have purchased a bankrupt team in Phoenix yet Bettman has put the screws to him. I don't believe for a second that Golisano did some honorable thing in turning him down. I could have sold Enron stock at $100 a share at one point.


Good for Golisano for shutting up all these years, because I think the fanbase would have bailed on him. So petty to cry poor about losing money, yet make multiple references to making sure the team took in more than they spent. That is the definition of making money.

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good post - don't be a stranger! we can use as many reasonable people as we can get around here.


and while i would never presume to be among those whose posts you're grateful, the board's members owe you a thanks for those kind words.


If I had a nickel for every post of yours that made me laugh, I think I'd be up to about 10 cents by now. ;)


As for the press conference, I took absolutely nothing from it. This was the boring paint by numbers press conference. The one of true substance will be when Pegula finally speaks publicly.

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Good for Golisano for shutting up all these years, because I think the fanbase would have bailed on him. So petty to cry poor about losing money, yet make multiple references to making sure the team took in more than they spent. That is the definition of making money.


Your constant harping on this is disingenuous. What was said in the PC was that the team was bleeding money when they bought it and then lost $20M in the 1st two years. There was no claim that they were continuously losing money and Tom came right out and said it was a fabulous investment.


They weren't crying about anything. They laid out a time line of events that took the team from bankruptcy to financial stability. This is hardly something to get upset over or to take issue with.

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Golisano sounded extremely defensive and almost confrontational


But I would not expect anything else... the guy has a good heart but he has a VERY THIN SKIN.


And to think: he ran for governor. No "meanies" to deal with as a governor I'll bet....


But thank you for the work you did, Tom G, and don't let the big bad meanies get you down.

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I think TG was a little fed up with some of the pettiness of the reporters. LQ brought up something as well, player/personnel decisions arent always the team's call, players choose to leave it happens.


Guys like Bucky and the WGR clowns go off on the team but have no knowledge of the inner workings of a pro franchise. Nor do they have any experience with how to run one.


i think too many people in this town complain. They complain that the sabres dont spend enough or keep briere but god forbid if they raised ticket prices. How many people already complain now when we have one of the cheapest tickets in the NHL.


People complained about the jerseys...so they switched them back.


How long is it before we turn on pegula and incessantly rag on him for how he chooses to spend his money. Its ridiculous on many levels and most of it goes beyond being a passionate fan.

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Your constant harping on this is disingenuous. What was said in the PC was that the team was bleeding money when they bought it and then lost $20M in the 1st two years. There was no claim that they were continuously losing money and Tom came right out and said it was a fabulous investment.


They weren't crying about anything. They laid out a time line of events that took the team from bankruptcy to financial stability. This is hardly something to get upset over or to take issue with.


I'm not upset. I just think it was a bit of a self-serving strokefest at this point.


I do not begrudge anyone for taking a shot and making some dough. I think Quinn deserves every penny for his involvement. Golisano can take some credit for his involvement, but the fact is he DID take public money in the form of a debt writedown.


And we have proof that it was about $$. Golisano himself said the only directive he gave was to make scratch. People took heat for assuming that all along, but he said it.


I'm just happy that all signs are pointing to someone coming in that understands the balance between business/passion and the culture of the city and fans. It would be nice to see the fans spend their money and reward an owner for giving it his best shot over spending their money due to a clever marketing middleman and habit.


You will get extreme patience from me on Pegula assuming that Darcy is on a jet by July.

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I think TG was a little fed up with some of the pettiness of the reporters. LQ brought up something as well, player/personnel decisions arent always the team's call, players choose to leave it happens.


Guys like Bucky and the WGR clowns go off on the team but have no knowledge of the inner workings of a pro franchise. Nor do they have any experience with how to run one.


i think too many people in this town complain. They complain that the sabres dont spend enough or keep briere but god forbid if they raised ticket prices. How many people already complain now when we have one of the cheapest tickets in the NHL. People complained about the jerseys...so they switched them back.


How long is it before we turn on pegula and incessantly rag on him for how he chooses to spend his money. Its ridiculous on many levels and most of it goes beyond being a passionate fan.


I normally agree with you on most of your points Patty. However, this happens in every NHL city all the time. We need guys like Bucky calling out management when something like July 1, 2007 occurs. Even if they don't know the inner workings. Your point on how the general public likes to whine and complain, well....I'm on board with you there.

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