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Golisano press conference


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Did anyone actually expect one?


No. Surprised anyone had the balls to ask.


Did they at least squirm a little?


In the end, these guys will remembered as the management team that broke up the most exciting hockey team since the Gretzky Oilers.


Any sign Quinn's stent is about to fail?

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Golisano on with Schopp & Bulldog at 5:25 today


Maybe they'll try to get to the bottom of the Drury situation, the one question everyone wanted answered. Did you nix the deal?


Amazing how paper tiger Bucky can become so quiet at these things. Hooray for Mike Harrington again though. And, nice softball question, John Vogl, as expected.

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Had another offer (Balsillie?) for $70 million more if they cooperated in moving it to another city. Not surprised. League/Governors probably would gave nixed it anyway.


Wouldn't the non-relocation clause LQ bragged about have prevented that?

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Golisano just admitted there was directive to at least break even.


Again, they try and say they ar martyrs that lost money......holy cow.


Tommy is riled!


Interesting that Golisano described that direction as "the only direction" he gave management.

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And that he was all about $$


I actually come away feeling better about Quinn than Golisano.


He also showed his hand when he ranted a bit about the 100k fee to the feds. OSP till the bitter end!


It's really quite sad that such a small amount of money can mean that much to someone so rich. I guess I just answered my own question there...

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i didn't listen to all of it (probably not even most of it), but, in a few months' time, i think that my only take-away will be how vindictive, petty, and thin-skinned golisano came off in his prepared statement half-baked remarks. he just worked through all of the gripes against his "reign" (his word) in slap-dash fashion. genuinely weird.

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I missed the interview(and can't decide if it is worth my time to watch it), but I was surprised to read that Golisano had not made an appearance before the Buffalo media since the 2008 training camp.


GTFO, take Quinn with you and never be heard from again. :angry:

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