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I hear that a lot about the horn. Too intense for kids, old people, girls, even some men! People run for their lives. One more thing to add to the wish list for Pegula: drop that damned horn. If there's no sound when the Sabres score, so be it.


I have learned to like the horn. (it is has created a Pavlovian response, now when I hear a noon whistle near a factory, i get out of the car and high-five the nearest bystander)


I hated it in the 80's, when they stole the idea from Chicago.

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See now I would do it if he got it wrong so that way he would need to be perfect to avoid getting an earful.


Interesting. So the horn would be sounded whenever the Sabres shoot over the net, wide of the net, into the goalie's crest, off the post, into the 300 level... uh, never mind.

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Maybe the horn IS the problem. Next time your kid is doing his math homework and he gets an answer right, blow an air horn in his ear. It would tend to affect performance, I would think.


And that damned red light.



See now I would do it if he got it wrong so that way he would need to be perfect to avoid getting an earful.



And the sirens, firetruck lights, and car alarms. But yeah, I like the horn too!



I have learned to like the horn. (it is has created a Pavlovian response, now when I hear a noon whistle near a factory, i get out of the car and high-five the nearest bystander)


I hated it in the 80's, when they stole the idea from Chicago.



i like the horn, get rid of the crappy PP music.



Keep the horn, get rid of DARCY and LINDY.



More horn, less passing. :lol:



Interesting. So the horn would be sounded whenever the Sabres shoot over the net, wide of the net, into the goalie's crest, off the post, into the 300 level... uh, never mind.


Wow this team has reduced the posters to mainly this in a GDT.


Maybe a game day discussion will eventually break out again for this team, after they run off 5 in a row.

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Wow this team has reduced the posters to mainly this in a GDT.


Maybe a game day discussion will eventually break out again for this team, after they run off 5 in a row.

Most GDT posts are irrelevant until the game starts. :beer:


Then most people don't even post.

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Mike Harrington of TBN reports Rask is in for Thomas tonight. A little bit of good news since the Sabres are 9-3-2 against backups this year.


A little bit of bad news considering what Rask did in the playoffs last year.


Coincidentally, I ran into Thomas this morning on his way to the morning skate.

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A little bit of bad news considering what Rask did in the playoffs last year.


Coincidentally, I ran into Thomas this morning on his way to the morning skate.


Excellant and that hip check you threw him did the job as evidenced by Rask starting :beer: .


With that quality of fandom you could move to Filthahdelphia. ;)

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Its gotten to the point where I find myself wondering if I want to invest 2.5 hours of my evening watching this team. I hate feeling this apethetic.


I'm gonna watch the first, go ref a bantam game, then watch the 2nd/3rd on the DVR with 30-second skips at whistles. Won't be a 2.5 hour waste of time.


Hey Shrader - I hope I don't screw up the bantam game!

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I am really irritated with the TV coverage of the NHL. Rangers vs Pens is blacked-out for me on VS(they are showing downhill skiing), because I'm in the "Rangers local market." However, Rangers, Devils, and Islander games are blocked out for me on MSG and MSG+ because I'm in the Sabres market. I just can't figure it out.

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